Fire ants sensation all over my body!

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Hi all,
I have been on a low dose of cyp for 2.5 years as I had low as a 40 year old.
In the last 3-4 months or so, Every time I start to warm up, either due to weather or exercise, I have to go through a phase or extreme pins and needles/fire ants attacking all over body. Image of the a Niacin flush x100!
The other time it happens is when I am anxious or nervous.
The only way to actually mitigate the torment is to take a cold shower or go out in the winter cold.
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
I would try a shorter half-life formulation of TRT, like the newer oral testosterone undecanoate, Jatenzo, Orlando or Kyzatrex.

Your hormone levels will spike faster (within 2 hours) and decline faster (5-7 days) than when on cypionate.

How often do you inject?
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Hi all,
I have been on a low dose of cyp for 2.5 years as I had low as a 40 year old.
In the last 3-4 months or so, Every time I start to warm up, either due to weather or exercise, I have to go through a phase or extreme pins and needles/fire ants attacking all over body. Image of the a Niacin flush x100!
The other time it happens is when I am anxious or nervous.
The only way to actually mitigate the torment is to take a cold shower or go out in the winter cold.
I did a quick search and found no references to this as a side effect from taking T. And to me, if you've been on the same dose and doing well for years, it seems an unlikely cause. That is not to say that it can't happen, but I would not draw the conclusion that it is related. There are multiple etiologies, It may be entirely benign, but if it's that bad I'd see a doctor.

(I had it happen possibly from cancer drugs, possibly from severe iron overload)
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A simple test would be to jump off your teat injections for a week and expose yoirself to the trigger situation. Simple quick elimination test
Even if his symptoms went away after stopping TRT for a time, that doesn’t mean that TRT is the cause, TRT may be triggering another underlining condition.
I had the same pinning/needle effect when I would start doing my warmup cardio before a training session. Now off TRT and don't get that. But I don't remember good if it persisted all the time when I was on or not. I def will pay attention going forward if I decide to give TRT one more try.
Hi, it's called Cholinergic urticaria. I started getting it right after i got a vaccine. Exact same symptoms. Here are 2 things that helped.

1. Sweat therapy. Sit in the sauna a few times a week. Eventually the sensation of pins and needles significatnly decreases / goes away with conistent sweat therapy. Just gotta break the sweat consistently.

2. Didn't get my flue vaccine this year and suprisingly no re-emergence which has been great!

I'm on T as well and was on it for a few years before this suddenly popped up right after my covid vaccine and flu shot. It may have been dormant and all of this activity activated it.

Feel free to shoot me a message with more questions. Happy to help. I know how much it sucks!!
Thank you so much for your help and reply!
The interesting thing is, I don't get bumps or lesions as defined by
Cholinergic urticaria (CholU) is a type of hives that occurs when the body temperature increases, such as during exercise, sweating, or exposure to heat. It's also known as exercise-induced urticaria or heat hives. CholU is characterized by itching, stinging pain, redness, and papular whealing. The wheals appear after sweating induced by an increase in body temperature, which can be caused by: Hot bathing, Physical exercise, Emotional stress, and Eating hot or spicy foods.
Beyond Testosterone Book by Nelson Vergel
oh man, dont take gabapentin if this is what i think...

I have this same feeling also actually happened on T. I think it has something to do with oil glands. my arms typically had red bumps that have gone away slowly while on T and while getting that fire burning feeling during sweat or when hairs would contract from cold etc. and yes the full on burning feeling.. I changed detergents(to scent free) and most of all i cut out scented fabric sheets and disappeared..

while yes vaccines and viruss cause inflammation (viruss of course more so) and its possible to push your immune system into over active state and precipitate a autoimmune condition like kids getting diabetes from covid etc. i believe neuropathic pain is also a symptom of viral infections.

but also remember T has a shit tonne of roles from immune function to oil production to stress response etc aswell as likely increasing estrogen and ladies can tell you about skin changes from high Estrogen.. also hormones can shift sensitivities (think pregnant ladies getting allergies etc). so possible a type of indirect connection that your hairs are growing faster or oil glands are open and more susceptible etc.

I would suggest not taking the gabapentin esp if spells are only 10-40 min as wont even kick in. I would say look to any change in soap or lotion or detergent or static sheets. if no change, move over to free and clear type stuff with no scent or allergens. give that a few weeks and make sure wash all your bedding and towels.. its an easy fix if thats what it is and i bet you thats what it is.. your better off with less irritating chemicals anyway.

because i was in the same boat I didnt think it was laundry so changed detergent (i usually dont use dryer sheets but the lady does) so would come and go randomly seemingly who did laundry and i was like WTF, then we realized its prob teh drier sheets... couple weeks later after things made it through the wash has gone away... and yes it wasnt just a mild irritating like when your cold and sweat a little and its itchy, like full on burn stinging nettle on both arms or legs.

Its weird to me that i had more pimply arms off T then on it, esp as always had oily skin. like 24 hrs after a shower my hair is greasy from root to tip and my finger oils eat through plastic chords.

im super surprised the dermatologist RX gabapentin withough saying try differnt soap lotion and detergent first... but people pay money so they gotta RX i guess.

remember gaba drugs are physically addictive and may cause lowering of seizure threshold, anxiety, arythmia, insomnia etc
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