New Member
I started TRT 3 months ago after 2yrs of deal with hell from my levels being low. In that time I lost a good bit of muscle mass and gain alot of fat. I'm 5ft 8 and at one point i was nearly 280 lbs. 3 months ago when I started TRT I was 222lbs I changed my diet and joined a gym. I eat very good using mostly info learned from Nelsons book,videos and this site. My goal was to put muscle on and loss the fat but it seems that I am putting muscle back on but the fat remains and may even gotten slightly worse. I am now 236lbs. Could I have put on 14lbs of muscle in that time? what can I do to loss the fat? I am HIV+ and on antiretrovirals and about 8 other meds. Before starting TRT my T serum was 175ng/dL and Free t 3.3 pg/mL and was 899 and 16.9 at last blood draw also my CD4 is only 250 and viral load is 240 so Im kind of cautious when it comes to doing any kind of weight loss supplements or diets that may lower my CD4. So what I'm lookin for is some ideas of what I could do to loss this fat.Fat lo