Extremely low T's what dosage cream needed

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Greetings I am a 50 year old male whose total T level are 17!!! Yes its 17 due to primary Hypogonadism. What dosage should I start compounded cream per day to bring it back to normal levels. I would appreciate for any help
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
What dosage should I start compounded cream per day to bring it back to normal levels.
The highest I got my levels on creams (50mg/200ml at 20) is 87 ng/dL and at this level increasing the dosage is pointless. Some men just don't absorb topicals very well.

So it's difficult to give you a definitive answer. Welcome to the world of TRT.
Thank you for your response. so it seems everyone is different one just has to start and see what works. You said 50mg applied once a day?
Creams and gels my not absorb well for you. Didn’t for me.. switched to pellets 3 years later after maxing out the gel dosage.
Used pellets for a couple years ..now on SQ injection 2x week.
This seems to be the optimal route so far! Levels 600-800 now.
Creams and gels my not absorb well for you. Didn’t for me.. switched to pellets 3 years later after maxing out the gel dosage.
Used pellets for a couple years ..now on SQ injection 2x week.
This seems to be the optimal route so far! Levels 600-800 now.
Thanks for the reply. What type of testosterone is used and how much dose for you SQ injections 2x week and if you don't mind me asking what was your before and after numbers Total T's
Testosterone cypionate and enanthate are interchangeable, body builders have stated enanthate causes less fluid retention than cypionate. The half-life is slightly shorter on enanthate.
Testosterone cypionate and enanthate are interchangeable, body builders have stated enanthate causes less fluid retention than cypionate. The half-life is slightly shorter on enanthate.
Can enanthate be used for subcutaneous injection? What should be a starting dose for someone like myself who has never been on trt?. I have read in some forums to always start of with least amount possible and work your way up. Would 100mg 2xweek sub shots a good start?
Currently at .30 2x per week of Enanthate in Grape seed oil.
Original #s were 149 Total back in 2009 , couldn’t ever get much past 300 with the gels at max dose. Did pellets, now on sub Q at 600-700 total T.
Thanks for the reply currently Nebido is not available in the country i am living in now. only enanthate is available. So 50mg 2x weekly when should I get the blood test from the initial start to see how well it is working?
So 50mg 2x weekly when should I get the blood test from the initial start to see how well it is working?
I would test at 6-8 weeks, but remember getting hormone levels elevated is one thing, symptom improvement can take longer. By longer I mean 3-6 months to “start” seeing significant changes, improvements.
Also is ok to do Subq 50 mg 2 x week with insulin needle without a lump forming on the injection spot? I hear ppl say to do small amount daily to avoid irritation and lumps forming.
Also is ok to do Subq 50 mg 2 x week with insulin needle without a lump forming on the injection spot?
I got lumps from time to time injecting low volume peptides SQ into the love handles. Some guys gets lumps regardless of the volume.

There’s always IM if you have problems with SQ.

You don’t get any guarantees in the TRT world.
Hi Haze,
I think this is a good answer to your question & it's based on my personal experience. I'm 57. I'm an MD physician/surgeon. I'm happily married & I like to workout appropriately for my age. We all know that in this age range we need TRT. I used cypionate for a year or so, but I didn't feel that I could tightly control my levels (less predictable, long half-life, slow absorption...). I also developed some mild injection site irritation. I tried topical compounded cream & I love it. I would never change to any other form. The pharmacy charges the same $ for a low concentration cream as a high concentration, so I have them mix the maximal concentration possible, which is 300mg/Gm cream. I then write the script for the maximal dose, which is 4 clicks per day, which I would NEVER need or choose to use, but at 1 or 2 clicks/day a tube then lasts me 3-4 months. I order a 3 month supply, which is 3 tubes, so one prescription basically lasts for a year, & mixed/dispensed this way it's CHEAP. Keep the tubes you're storing/not using in the refrigerator- the shelf life is much longer than a year, so it's no problem to order it this way. At 1-2 clicks/day I keep my T level around 250-300, which is fine for me. T is best administered for 'effect' rather than level, & after a while you'll know how you feel. Get your level checked so you know how you feel at what level, & remember that you're trying to be functional, but you don't want to be a raging bull. Administration is important for topicals- apply & rub in well on thin skin- inside of forearms/elbows, back of calf/knee, lower neck down to collar bone, front of lower abdomen/groin. Application is best when clean & still warm/damp after a shower. Add a little warm water to hands to thin/dilute the cream as it's rubbing in. It'll absorb very effectively this way.
Good luck & I'm VERY confident that this'll work for you.
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