Eric's Labs

I have been putting things sporadically in other threads so I figured I would start a blood thread here to keep things consolidated. Also plan to update as I go along.

These labs on just Clomid and nolva but have gone back to t injections

TT 364 (348-1197)
FT 9.9 (6.8-21.5)
DHEA-s 419 (102.6-416) HIGH. Note - it always seems to run high and was even over 2,000 at one point????
Estradiol 17.4 (7.6-42.6) yes regular not ultrasensitive
PSA 1.3 (0-4)
LH 3.5 (1.5-)
FSH 2.4
TSH 4.3 High this just came in and I have always been steady at about 1.9
DHT 19 (16-79) been dropping since came off TRT
Prolactin 17.94 (2-18) getting up there
MTHFR A1298c heterozygous mutation - this can play into many of my symptoms but supplementation doesn't seem to do anything.
Cortisol levels, 4 panel from a few months ago were in range

Been back on t injections for a few weeks and will update those labs when received.

Anomalies from the recent bout of testing at the hospital listed below. As a note my doctor has recently started me on 16.25 mcg (1/4 grain) Naturethroid.

FT3 3.0 (2.5-4.3)
FT4 1.7 (0.9-1.7) (borderline )
Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies 6 (0-34)
TSHReflex 4.29H (0.27-4.0)
Alkaline Phosphatase 34L (40-129) I included this because wikipedia says hypothyroidism can cause decreased levels in men.
Lymphocytes 43.9H (17.2-41.6) Not a biopsy but unsure if lymphocytes in general are indicative of an issue
So these are old numbers? You are back on TRT and now on thyroid replacement.
What is your total white cell count and your regular TSH now?
Would have to find labs but my white cell count was right in the middle of normal if I recall correctly.

I have only been on naturethroid at 1/4 grain for two weeks. I have followup labs in two more weeks. I have noticed a nodule and general pain in thyroid and maybe an increase in palpitations but nothing else from the thyroid meds.

Thyroid labs are from Christmas. The others from mid December.

Some others that may be pertinent

MTHFR A1298c - Heterozygous
WBC 6.4 (3.5-9.5)
MCH 33.4 H (27.5-33.0) Have always been just over the range and no idea why
Cholesterol 181
Triglycerides 103
HDL 45
Potassium 3.6 (3.5-5.1)
Eric, can you clarify, were these labs before or after starting the NDT medications. Any iron/ferritin issues being MTHFR positive. Presuming "c" is compound, right?

You mentioned the Cortisol tests being "normal". Were they saliva? Any chance that you can post them and/or the circadian profile? Having such high DHEA without exogenous supplements sort of raises the concern on the adrenals, and where cortisol sits.

Lastly, everything you are providing, including the potassium assay, raises at least my suspicion with how well your T3 is working at the cellular level. NDT won't be a good thing if your house isn't in order with the transport agents at the cellular level. Has your physician addressed the negative feedback loop with your thyroid isn't function correctly? TSH responds to both T4 & T3, your free T3 ref range value is 28%, but your FT4 is 100%. One of a couple things or call it theories IMO (permitting this without any thyroid meds) ... 1) You have a conversion issue, could be as easy as some Kelp and Selenium. This would mean your pituitary is responding more favorable with the T3 (should be both T4 & T3, but OK), therefore causing the TSH to demand more thyroid production, even though the storage hormone supply (T4) is full. or 2) ... Possibly hyperpituitary, caused by an existing adenoma or disorder.

It's all speculation on this part, but hoping you are in alignment with a good doctor. There could be a hundred other possibilities and pathways with this, so hoping others will comment and hopefully shed some additional light.
Chris thank you for the in depth response and I will get back with more labs. In the meantime

These were pre NDT.
I dont know about iron issues but will have it checked.
Cortisol was saliva and I will hunt the labs down.
I have often wondered about my DHEAs but never gotten a good answer.
My doc simply received these results and started me on NDT saying we would do more in depth testing in a few weeks.

All this info really points to me needing to do more homework!! I currently supplement selenium but not kelp.

Thanks again
Tried to edit to add more from the saliva test but it wouldn't let me.

The DHEA Average is DHEA + DHEAs

Cortisol load 37 (22-48)
Insulin - Saliva <3 (5-20) depressed
P17-oH 43 (22-100)
Total Salivary SigA 10 (25-60) Depressed
I will have a followup in a few weeks with my doctor and I am trying to piece together labs that I need to really isolate anything that is going on. Knowing my thyroid is a little weird, trying to dial in my TRT, and figure out what else might be contributing. If anyone has recommendations for some comprehensive tests please throw it out, but I am looking at

Thyroid - comprehensive workup (any supplemental tests to help isolate?)
iron and ferritin
Possibly repeat Cortisol

Please see above and if you can recommend any labs in particular that I should request to further evaluate thyroid, goofy lab results listed above, or anything else for a comprehensive work up that would be great.
Eric, have you checked out the Labs section at That will cover pretty much everything you need. On top of everything, Magnesium, D3 & B12 should be highlighted IMO.

As far as iodine goes, try Angel's advise at

Dip a cotton ball into USP Tincture of Iodine.

Paint a 2 inch circle of iodine on your soft skin, like the inner part of your thigh or upper arm.
Wait. -- If the yellowish stain disappears in less than an hour; it means your body is lacking crucial iodine and has soaked it up. If the stain remains for more than four hours, you iodine levels are fine.

I'm not suggesting this test as the "be all, end all" to confirm or refute iodine deficiency, but it's maybe a good starting point.
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Well the doctor has ordered the following labs and I will update when received

TT and FT, DHT, estradiol, prolactin, Vit b12, folate rbc, magnesium rbc, iron panel, cmp with Gfr, Vit D, 24 hour urine Iodine, DHEAs, potassium, aldosterone.

He wants to wait a few more weeks before doing the thyroid labs.
Looks good, Eric! Good move on your physician's part to wait a few more weeks with the thyroid panel. He should get a very accurate profile at that time.

Keep us posted!!
The only odd thing was he said go ahead and stop the thyroid meds for now since my levels weren't real bad and we can get some more good baselines and also see if it is the thyroid meds making me literally crawl out of my skin.
Eric, again, I agree even more with his thinking. I think you were complaining about some lumps or inflammation issues once you started the NDT. Like I said, look at your FT4, which was 100% of range. It's basically bottlenecked, and by adding NDT (this is just my little theory) you are promoting the opportunity for self induced 'Thyroid Storming'. That's a pheonomena where too much thyroid hormone gets built up too fast (review it to see if your symptoms fall inline). It's usually more associated in Graves or other hyperthyroid conditions, but I would imagine the reactions could be similar when thyroxine is already peaked and not moving (as it should), and you administer NDT, which is naturally approx. 4:1 with T4 to T3. Just food for thought ...
I received results from most of the tests (awaiting cortisol tests result and then thyroid in a few weeks). For anyone's commenting pleasure if you see anything that stands out ....

Glucose 66 mg/dl (odd this low as I was not fasting...)
Potassium 4.5 (3.6-5.1) (has moved up since being low in December)
SHBG 21 (10-50)
Aldosterone 3 ng/dl (<=28)
E2 23 (<39)
Vitamin B12 844 (181-1500)
Prolactin 20.41 (2-18) HIGH
DHEA-Sulfate 350 (45-345) HIGH (why is this always high??)

Magnesium, RBC 4.5 (4-6.4)
Folate, RBC 341 (>280)
TT 709 (250-1100)
FT 140.2 (35-155)
BioT 312.7 (110-575)
DHT 33 (16-79)
Iron Saturation 34.79 (15-55)
Iron, Total 121 (28-182)
Ferritin 108.7 (8-160)
Iron Binding Capacity 347.75 (261-478)
Transferrin 248 (180-390)
Vitamin D 25OH 62 (30-100)
Iodine, 24 hr Urine 778 (75-500) HIGH (odd it is high when I don't supplement except a small amount in Green Vibrance???)

&#8203;As always thanks for any input folks have!!
For some reason I can't edit the post, but Aldosterone is low even though in range. Found this on STTM

If you are mid-or-below in the range, which is often 4.0 &#8211; 31.0 ng/dl , there is reason to be suspicious that your adrenals aren't producing enough, since healthy adrenals will generally put you in the upper range.

I can't find info on why it might be low or how to correct it.
How's your BP and body temp? Do you notice any changes with it throughout certain periods of the day?
Has anything about Addison's disease come up? What does your physician say? Let's see where your cortisol and thyroid comes out before we get too far into it.

Again, as discussed in my earlier posts, there's speculation in my mind of autoimmune, possibly Graves, which can also contribute to the issue of excess iodine production. When you have a moment, Google and read a little on the Wolff&#8211;Chaikoff effect. I'm no expert by any means on this phenomena, but have come across it in some studies/reading. The iodine in your body doesn't appear to be getting utilized, which should point the physician to underlying condition in the thyroid. With your T4 at 100% of its range, and now this lab, your physician (IMO) should be all over this with antibody labs.
My body temp is pretty good. n the upper 97 when wake up and rght around 98.6 throughout the day. can't tolerate the cold well and my hands and feet get cold but otherwise t s good.

Not sure when I will be getting the other labs but I will update then. Thanks again for the help

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