Hi, I registered because I've noticed a few familiar usernames who have helped me in the past on another forum.
Quick stats - 27, 5'8, 165lb, low teens bf%
I've gone just over 2 years trying to find a doctor willing to put me on TRT, one finally did but I'm yet to start. I wanted to try to find a cause first but no luck and I'm tired of searching. In about 12 hours or so I'll probably have my first injection of Test E unless something jumps out at someone from my results and I'm convinced otherwise. Here are all my results since the start of this journey.
T.Testosterone - 9.7L nmol/L (range 12.0-32.0)
SHBG - 12 nmol/L (10-73)
Free Androgen Index - 81 (35-85)
TSH - 3.5 mU/L (0.40-3.50)
Haemogloblin - 160 (130-180)
RCC - 5.5 (4.3-6.0)
Haematocrit - 0.47 (0.37-0.53)
MCV - 85 (80-100)
MCH - 29 (27-33)
MCHC - 341 (310-360)
RDW - 12 (10-16)
WCC - 7.3 (4.0-11.0)
Neutrophils - 4.6 (2.0-7.5)
Lymphocytes - 2.0 (1.0-4.0)
Monocytes - 0.6 (<1.1)
Eosinophils - 0.1 (<0.6)
Basophils - <0.1 (<0.3)
Platelets - 214 (150-450)
ESR - 2 (1-15)
Random Glucose - 5.5 (3.6-7.8
Sodium - 140 (135-146)
Potassium - 5.3 (3.6-5.5)
Chloride - 99 (98-110)
Bicarbonate - 33 (22-32)
Urea - 5.7 (2.2-8.3)
Creat. - 107 (60-120)
eGFR - 74 (>89)
Total Protein - 77 (63-80)
Albumin - 52 (37-50)
Globulin - 25 (20-36)
ALP - 87 (25-110)
GGT - 26 (10-49)
ALT - 43 (5-40)
AST - 31 (5-40)
LDH - 163 (100-310)
T Bilirubin - 29 (1-20)
T.Testosterone - 9.5 (12-32)
FSH - 1.8 (1-10)
LH - 3.9 (2-12)
TSH - 3.9 (0.4-3.5)
Free T4 - 14.7 (10-23)
T.Testosterone - 12 (12-32)
FSH - 1.9 (1-10)
LH - 5.2 (2-12)
Prolactin - 297 (<380)
Growth Hormone - <0.5 (no range)
IGF-1 - 42nmol/L (15-43)
TSH - 3.8 (0.4-3.5)
Free T4 - 13.9 (10-23)
Microsomal Ab - 10 (0-35)
Thyroglobulin Ab - 10 (0-115)
Iron - 13.9 (9.5-29.9)
Transferin - 2.4 (2-3.6)
Trans Sat - 29% (18-46)
Ferritin - 108 (30-400)
T.Testosterone - 8.08 (5.6-23.6)
FSH - 2.2 (0-9)
LH - 2.5 (1-7)
Prolactin - 246 (0-372)
GH - <0.2 (0-10)
IGF-1 - 39 (13-47)
25 OH Vit D - 72 (31-107)
Sodium - 139 (135-145)
Potassium - 4.1 (3.6-5.1)
Chloride - 99 (95-107)
Hco3 - 30 (22-32)
Urea - 7.4 (2.9-7.1)
Creatinine - 93 (60-110)
GFR - 86 (no range specified)
Protein - 73 (61-79)
Albumin - 45 (33-38
Bili Total - 21 (0-25)
ALP - 75 (38-126)
ALT - 46 (<45)
AST - 34 (<45)
GGT - 31 (0-50)
Calcium - 2.41 (2.25-2.58)
Ca Corr - 2.31 (2.25-2.58)
Magnesium - 0.7 (0.74-1.03)
T.Testosterone - 9.3 (12-32)
SHBG - 13 (10-73)
TSH - 6.4 (0.4-3.5)
Free T4 - 15.3 (10-23)
TSH - 3.2 (0.4 - 3.5)
FreeT4 - 15.4 (10-23)
Free T3 - 4.9 (3.9-6.8
Testosterone - 8.5 (8.3-29)
Free Testosterone - 29.1 (25-120)
FSH - 2 (<7)
LH - 1.6 (<7)
OEST2 - 71 (<150)
TSH - 5.5 (0.5-4.5)
FT4 - 16 (10-20)
FT3 - 4.4 (3.5-6)
Prolactin - 214 (40-450)
Serum CRP - <4 (<6)
Sodium - 137 (135-145)
Potassium - 4.2 (3.6-5.4)
Chloride - 99 (97-110)
Bicarbonate - 24 (21-30)
Anion Gap - 18 (10-20)
Urea - 10.9 (2.5-7.5)
Creatinine - 100 (40-120)
eGFR - >90
Bilirubin - 28 (<20)
AST - 32 (<35)
ALT - 38 (<40)
GGT - 12 (<40)
Alkaline Phosphatase - 69 (35-110)
Protein - 76 (65-85)
Albumin - 51 (35-49)
Globulin - 25 (22-38)
HB - 151 (130-180)
RCC - 5.1 (4.5-6.5)
HCT - 0.45 (0.4-0.54)
MCV - 87 (79.99)
MCH - 29 (27-34)
MCHC - 337 (320-360)
RDW - 13.8 (10-17)
PLAT - 200 (150-400)
WBC - 6.8 (4-11)
NEUT - 3.7 (2-7.5)
LYMP - 2.3 (1-4)
MONO - 0.6 (0.2-1)
EOS - 0.1 (<0.7)
BASO - 0.0 (<0.2)
Fast. Glucose - 5 (3.6-6.0)
Total Protein - 77 (66-83)
Albumin - 47 (37-50)
Globulin - 30 (23-39)
ALP - 65 (35-110)
GGT - 15 (5-50)
ALT - 39 (5-40)
AST - 27 (10-40)
LDH - 178 (120-250)
T Bilirubin - 32 (4-20)
Haemoglobin - 146 (130-180)
RCC - 5.2 (4.5-6.5)
Haematocrit - 0.45 (0.39-0.54)
MCV - 86 (80-100)
MCH - 28 (27-32)
MCHC - 327 (310-360)
RDW - 13 (10-15)
WCC - 5.9 (4-11)
Neutrophils - 3.7 (2-7.5)
Lymphocytes - 1.7 (1-4)
Monocytes - 0.5 (0-1)
Eosinophils - <0.1 (0-0.5)
Basophils - <0.1 - (0-0.3)
Platelets - 204 (150-450)
Vitamin B12 - 604 (>144)
RBC Folate - 2136 (>776)
Cholesterol - 5.33 (2.3-5.5
Triglyceride - 0.43 (0-2)
HDL - 1.98 (1-3)
LDL - 3.2 (0.5-3.5)
Chol/HDL Ratio - 2.7 (0-4.5)
P-Zinc - 16 (9-19)
R-U-Creatinine - 5.4 nmol/L (no range given)
Urine Iodine - 88 (>100 not deficient, 50-100 mild deficiency)
TSH - 3.9 (0.4-3.5)
Free T4 - 14.6 (10-23)
TSH - 3.5 (0.4-3.5)
Free T4 - 15.8 (10-23)
Microsomal Ab - 5 (0-35)
Thyroglobulin Ab - <30 (0-115)
Sodium - 140 (135-145)
Potassium - 4.5 (3.5-4.5)
Chloride - 101 (95-110)
Bicarbonate - 27 (20-32)
Urea - 10 (3.0-7.5) High
Creat. - 93 (60-110)
eGFR - >90 (>89)
Total Protein - 73 (66-83)
Albumin - 45 (36-47)
Globulin - 28 (26-41)
ALP - 58 (35-110)
GGT - 14 (5-50)
ALT - 33 (5-40)
AST - 25 (10-40)
LDH - 145 (120-250)
T Bilirubin - 20 (4-20)
Haemoglobin - 148 (130-180
RCC - 5.1 (4.5-6.5)
Haemotocrit - 0.44 (0.39-0.54)
MCV - 88 (80-100)
MCH - 29 (27-32)
MCHC - 333 (310-360)
RDW - 12 (10-15)
WCC - 6 (4-11)
Neutrophils - 3.6 (2.0-7.5)
Lymphocytes - 1.8 (1-4)
Monocytes - 0.5 (0-1)
Eosinphils - 0.1 (0-0.5)
Basophils - <0.1 (0-0.3)
Platelets - 183 (150-450)
ESR - 2 (1-10)
C Reactive Protein - 0 (0-5)
EBV VCA IgG - Detected
EBVNA - Detected
EBV IgM - Not Detected
Evidence of past, not present EBV infection
Total Protein - 68 (6-83)
Albumin - 44 (36-47)
Alpha 1 - 2 (1-3)
Alpha 2 - 6 (4-10)
Beta - 6 (5-11)
Gamma - 10 (7-16)
Cortisol - 433 (100-690) 9am reading
IgG - 11.3 (6.2-14.4)
IgA - 1.02 (1.24-4.16)
IgM - 0.64 (0.48-3.1)
RF Latex - 2 (0-13)
Cortisol 8am - 644nmol/L (135-600)
12pm - 616 (100-400)
4pm - 568 (100-400)
ACTH - 4.9 (1.6-14)
Testosterone - 11.5 (11.5-32)
Free Test - 274 (260-740)
SHBG - 23 (10-73)
DHEAS - 8.1 (2-11)
FSH - 1.8 (1-10)
LH - 2.3 (2-12)
Androsterone Glucuronide - 144 (108-158)
TSH - 6.8 (0.4-3.5) (I started taking iodine a few days before this test and from what I've read a spike in TSH is normal at first. I have stopped taking it for about a week now as I've noticed I get really tired after consumption)
I also had a semen analysis done and I'm fertile.
My LH/FSH readings point towards me being secondary. But the doctor who prescribed me TRT said my LH and FSH are high for my total T indicating my testicles aren't working properly and therefore primary hypogonadism. Thoughts on this? Any input is appreciated.
Quick stats - 27, 5'8, 165lb, low teens bf%
I've gone just over 2 years trying to find a doctor willing to put me on TRT, one finally did but I'm yet to start. I wanted to try to find a cause first but no luck and I'm tired of searching. In about 12 hours or so I'll probably have my first injection of Test E unless something jumps out at someone from my results and I'm convinced otherwise. Here are all my results since the start of this journey.
T.Testosterone - 9.7L nmol/L (range 12.0-32.0)
SHBG - 12 nmol/L (10-73)
Free Androgen Index - 81 (35-85)
TSH - 3.5 mU/L (0.40-3.50)
Haemogloblin - 160 (130-180)
RCC - 5.5 (4.3-6.0)
Haematocrit - 0.47 (0.37-0.53)
MCV - 85 (80-100)
MCH - 29 (27-33)
MCHC - 341 (310-360)
RDW - 12 (10-16)
WCC - 7.3 (4.0-11.0)
Neutrophils - 4.6 (2.0-7.5)
Lymphocytes - 2.0 (1.0-4.0)
Monocytes - 0.6 (<1.1)
Eosinophils - 0.1 (<0.6)
Basophils - <0.1 (<0.3)
Platelets - 214 (150-450)
ESR - 2 (1-15)
Random Glucose - 5.5 (3.6-7.8
Sodium - 140 (135-146)
Potassium - 5.3 (3.6-5.5)
Chloride - 99 (98-110)
Bicarbonate - 33 (22-32)
Urea - 5.7 (2.2-8.3)
Creat. - 107 (60-120)
eGFR - 74 (>89)
Total Protein - 77 (63-80)
Albumin - 52 (37-50)
Globulin - 25 (20-36)
ALP - 87 (25-110)
GGT - 26 (10-49)
ALT - 43 (5-40)
AST - 31 (5-40)
LDH - 163 (100-310)
T Bilirubin - 29 (1-20)
T.Testosterone - 9.5 (12-32)
FSH - 1.8 (1-10)
LH - 3.9 (2-12)
TSH - 3.9 (0.4-3.5)
Free T4 - 14.7 (10-23)
T.Testosterone - 12 (12-32)
FSH - 1.9 (1-10)
LH - 5.2 (2-12)
Prolactin - 297 (<380)
Growth Hormone - <0.5 (no range)
IGF-1 - 42nmol/L (15-43)
TSH - 3.8 (0.4-3.5)
Free T4 - 13.9 (10-23)
Microsomal Ab - 10 (0-35)
Thyroglobulin Ab - 10 (0-115)
Iron - 13.9 (9.5-29.9)
Transferin - 2.4 (2-3.6)
Trans Sat - 29% (18-46)
Ferritin - 108 (30-400)
T.Testosterone - 8.08 (5.6-23.6)
FSH - 2.2 (0-9)
LH - 2.5 (1-7)
Prolactin - 246 (0-372)
GH - <0.2 (0-10)
IGF-1 - 39 (13-47)
25 OH Vit D - 72 (31-107)
Sodium - 139 (135-145)
Potassium - 4.1 (3.6-5.1)
Chloride - 99 (95-107)
Hco3 - 30 (22-32)
Urea - 7.4 (2.9-7.1)
Creatinine - 93 (60-110)
GFR - 86 (no range specified)
Protein - 73 (61-79)
Albumin - 45 (33-38
Bili Total - 21 (0-25)
ALP - 75 (38-126)
ALT - 46 (<45)
AST - 34 (<45)
GGT - 31 (0-50)
Calcium - 2.41 (2.25-2.58)
Ca Corr - 2.31 (2.25-2.58)
Magnesium - 0.7 (0.74-1.03)
T.Testosterone - 9.3 (12-32)
SHBG - 13 (10-73)
TSH - 6.4 (0.4-3.5)
Free T4 - 15.3 (10-23)
TSH - 3.2 (0.4 - 3.5)
FreeT4 - 15.4 (10-23)
Free T3 - 4.9 (3.9-6.8
Testosterone - 8.5 (8.3-29)
Free Testosterone - 29.1 (25-120)
FSH - 2 (<7)
LH - 1.6 (<7)
OEST2 - 71 (<150)
TSH - 5.5 (0.5-4.5)
FT4 - 16 (10-20)
FT3 - 4.4 (3.5-6)
Prolactin - 214 (40-450)
Serum CRP - <4 (<6)
Sodium - 137 (135-145)
Potassium - 4.2 (3.6-5.4)
Chloride - 99 (97-110)
Bicarbonate - 24 (21-30)
Anion Gap - 18 (10-20)
Urea - 10.9 (2.5-7.5)
Creatinine - 100 (40-120)
eGFR - >90
Bilirubin - 28 (<20)
AST - 32 (<35)
ALT - 38 (<40)
GGT - 12 (<40)
Alkaline Phosphatase - 69 (35-110)
Protein - 76 (65-85)
Albumin - 51 (35-49)
Globulin - 25 (22-38)
HB - 151 (130-180)
RCC - 5.1 (4.5-6.5)
HCT - 0.45 (0.4-0.54)
MCV - 87 (79.99)
MCH - 29 (27-34)
MCHC - 337 (320-360)
RDW - 13.8 (10-17)
PLAT - 200 (150-400)
WBC - 6.8 (4-11)
NEUT - 3.7 (2-7.5)
LYMP - 2.3 (1-4)
MONO - 0.6 (0.2-1)
EOS - 0.1 (<0.7)
BASO - 0.0 (<0.2)
Fast. Glucose - 5 (3.6-6.0)
Total Protein - 77 (66-83)
Albumin - 47 (37-50)
Globulin - 30 (23-39)
ALP - 65 (35-110)
GGT - 15 (5-50)
ALT - 39 (5-40)
AST - 27 (10-40)
LDH - 178 (120-250)
T Bilirubin - 32 (4-20)
Haemoglobin - 146 (130-180)
RCC - 5.2 (4.5-6.5)
Haematocrit - 0.45 (0.39-0.54)
MCV - 86 (80-100)
MCH - 28 (27-32)
MCHC - 327 (310-360)
RDW - 13 (10-15)
WCC - 5.9 (4-11)
Neutrophils - 3.7 (2-7.5)
Lymphocytes - 1.7 (1-4)
Monocytes - 0.5 (0-1)
Eosinophils - <0.1 (0-0.5)
Basophils - <0.1 - (0-0.3)
Platelets - 204 (150-450)
Vitamin B12 - 604 (>144)
RBC Folate - 2136 (>776)
Cholesterol - 5.33 (2.3-5.5
Triglyceride - 0.43 (0-2)
HDL - 1.98 (1-3)
LDL - 3.2 (0.5-3.5)
Chol/HDL Ratio - 2.7 (0-4.5)
P-Zinc - 16 (9-19)
R-U-Creatinine - 5.4 nmol/L (no range given)
Urine Iodine - 88 (>100 not deficient, 50-100 mild deficiency)
TSH - 3.9 (0.4-3.5)
Free T4 - 14.6 (10-23)
TSH - 3.5 (0.4-3.5)
Free T4 - 15.8 (10-23)
Microsomal Ab - 5 (0-35)
Thyroglobulin Ab - <30 (0-115)
Sodium - 140 (135-145)
Potassium - 4.5 (3.5-4.5)
Chloride - 101 (95-110)
Bicarbonate - 27 (20-32)
Urea - 10 (3.0-7.5) High
Creat. - 93 (60-110)
eGFR - >90 (>89)
Total Protein - 73 (66-83)
Albumin - 45 (36-47)
Globulin - 28 (26-41)
ALP - 58 (35-110)
GGT - 14 (5-50)
ALT - 33 (5-40)
AST - 25 (10-40)
LDH - 145 (120-250)
T Bilirubin - 20 (4-20)
Haemoglobin - 148 (130-180
RCC - 5.1 (4.5-6.5)
Haemotocrit - 0.44 (0.39-0.54)
MCV - 88 (80-100)
MCH - 29 (27-32)
MCHC - 333 (310-360)
RDW - 12 (10-15)
WCC - 6 (4-11)
Neutrophils - 3.6 (2.0-7.5)
Lymphocytes - 1.8 (1-4)
Monocytes - 0.5 (0-1)
Eosinphils - 0.1 (0-0.5)
Basophils - <0.1 (0-0.3)
Platelets - 183 (150-450)
ESR - 2 (1-10)
C Reactive Protein - 0 (0-5)
EBV VCA IgG - Detected
EBVNA - Detected
EBV IgM - Not Detected
Evidence of past, not present EBV infection
Total Protein - 68 (6-83)
Albumin - 44 (36-47)
Alpha 1 - 2 (1-3)
Alpha 2 - 6 (4-10)
Beta - 6 (5-11)
Gamma - 10 (7-16)
Cortisol - 433 (100-690) 9am reading
IgG - 11.3 (6.2-14.4)
IgA - 1.02 (1.24-4.16)
IgM - 0.64 (0.48-3.1)
RF Latex - 2 (0-13)
Cortisol 8am - 644nmol/L (135-600)
12pm - 616 (100-400)
4pm - 568 (100-400)
ACTH - 4.9 (1.6-14)
Testosterone - 11.5 (11.5-32)
Free Test - 274 (260-740)
SHBG - 23 (10-73)
DHEAS - 8.1 (2-11)
FSH - 1.8 (1-10)
LH - 2.3 (2-12)
Androsterone Glucuronide - 144 (108-158)
TSH - 6.8 (0.4-3.5) (I started taking iodine a few days before this test and from what I've read a spike in TSH is normal at first. I have stopped taking it for about a week now as I've noticed I get really tired after consumption)
I also had a semen analysis done and I'm fertile.
My LH/FSH readings point towards me being secondary. But the doctor who prescribed me TRT said my LH and FSH are high for my total T indicating my testicles aren't working properly and therefore primary hypogonadism. Thoughts on this? Any input is appreciated.