Hi All,
Can low SHBG guys comment on what is your protocol? and Whether it works successfully for libido and energy? -
From what I have read and in my personal case, when E2 is low, mirroring SHBG values, it is like the sweet spot, and rationale is that the low SHBG makes too much of free E2 in the body, so that is why we don't need as much as most other people.
However, I think I have seen a few cases of guys reporting they feel good at 25-30 E2 even with low SHBG. Wondering what could be the cause.
Also, have Test Cream worked in your case if you gave tried?
Can low SHBG guys comment on what is your protocol? and Whether it works successfully for libido and energy? -
From what I have read and in my personal case, when E2 is low, mirroring SHBG values, it is like the sweet spot, and rationale is that the low SHBG makes too much of free E2 in the body, so that is why we don't need as much as most other people.
However, I think I have seen a few cases of guys reporting they feel good at 25-30 E2 even with low SHBG. Wondering what could be the cause.
Also, have Test Cream worked in your case if you gave tried?