I am a patient of Defy and currently my status is on hold as I am working with a local endocrinologist to get to the bottom of a suspected thyroid issue. Right now I am having difficulty getting the endo to prescribe thyroid antibody tests (TRAb, TPOAb, and TgAb). I also cannot request my own blood tests based on my location.
Would Defy prescribe the thyroid antibody tests if I asked?
Dr. Calkins originally suggested that I seek a local endocrinologist for my thyroid, which has been a good thing since I was then diagnosed with diffuse multi-nodular goiter w/ suspicious nodules.
Would Defy prescribe the thyroid antibody tests if I asked?
Dr. Calkins originally suggested that I seek a local endocrinologist for my thyroid, which has been a good thing since I was then diagnosed with diffuse multi-nodular goiter w/ suspicious nodules.