Do My Labs Show TRT a Possibility?


Active Member
I'm 39 years old. I recently had some labs taken to see where my testosterone is.

Test 477 ref 348-1197
LH 5.1 ref 1.7-8.6
FSH 2.0 ref 1.5-12.4
Estrdial 22.1 ref 7.6-42.6

I didn't get free test but last year when I checked it my total test was 535 and my free test I don't remember the number but it was on the very low end of the reference range and I assume now would be similar.

Wondering if anyone can give me some ideas of where I stand as far as seeking testosterone therapy. I am lean and have been so my entire life. I am extremely active and simply feel like I have slowed down some. My ability to recover from workouts has fallen off quite a bit in the last couple years, and I imagine it started earlier than that without me totally recognizing it. Feel like I'm still pretty high energy for the most part but just run out of it quicker. Where I used to get en evening workout in after a long day without thinking about it, now I'm usually too tired to even think about it. Still have morning erections almost daily and have sex 3-5 days a week, but often times if it doesn't happen early in the day I'm tired enough to just go to sleep once evening comes around.

Any ideas? I have been thinking about it for a while now and will be going to Defy if it sounds like its a possibility. Decided to get some simple labs first and see where I stand and I didn't want to do a full work up and be told that trt ins't for me.
I'm 39 years old. I recently had some labs taken to see where my testosterone is.

Test 477 ref 348-1197
LH 5.1 ref 1.7-8.6
FSH 2.0 ref 1.5-12.4
Estrdial 22.1 ref 7.6-42.6

I didn't get free test but last year when I checked it my total test was 535 and my free test I don't remember the number but it was on the very low end of the reference range and I assume now would be similar.

Wondering if anyone can give me some ideas of where I stand as far as seeking testosterone therapy. I am lean and have been so my entire life. I am extremely active and simply feel like I have slowed down some. My ability to recover from workouts has fallen off quite a bit in the last couple years, and I imagine it started earlier than that without me totally recognizing it. Feel like I'm still pretty high energy for the most part but just run out of it quicker. Where I used to get en evening workout in after a long day without thinking about it, now I'm usually too tired to even think about it. Still have morning erections almost daily and have sex 3-5 days a week, but often times if it doesn't happen early in the day I'm tired enough to just go to sleep once evening comes around.

Any ideas? I have been thinking about it for a while now and will be going to Defy if it sounds like its a possibility. Decided to get some simple labs first and see where I stand and I didn't want to do a full work up and be told that trt ins't for me.

Based he'd on the limited testing you did, and it's understood you wanted to get some idea of what was going on, it would seem that TRT may well be an option for you. Defy would be an excellent choice to help you manage your care - I hope you'll contact them.

It would appear, based on the range, that you had the incorrect estradiol test run; the standard rather than the sensitive. But all of that can be worked out. Please let us know how things unfold for you. We're glad you joined EM.
You're very young for TRT. You need to find a really good TRT doctor, so they can help you make the right decisions, also educate yourself. You need to be a advocate of your health.
Looks like it could go either way, but getting a consult is the first step. I recall a similar feeling at the same age, but was able to correct things like diet, caffeine, and stress management and did ok for the next 15 years. When I got on TRT in 2016' I had turned 62, my numbers were barely "in range," but my symptoms warranted TRT, so I sTarted.

You are also pushing 40 and a lot of guys over react to that milestone. I think you get a consult, make an informed decision and go from there. It's inevitable to age and slow down, but it's also a good time for you to assess your whole situation. Take a look at job satisfaction, marriage/relationship, stress management, spirituality, and mental health issues, medications etc.

Get info, make a informed decision . Whether you do this now or later, you will eventually be doing it. It may be a question if you want to begin now.
Tanks for the responses guys.

Vince Carter, your'e correct in that I should have got free test checked. My thinking going in was that if total test is under 500 I would probably go to defy and at that point they would test everything before making a decision. What I am wondering, is if it were a free test issue, is there another course of treatment or is it testosterone that would help with that as well?

Another thing that I am curious about since I would be starting fairly young if I were to start is what are the consequences of starting young other than have to keep at it? I really don't have a problem doing it forever but would obviously not want to start if it were something that 20 years from now I would be wishing I would not have.
Decided to go through Defy. Submitted everything and labs are drawn. Does anyone know if Defy emails lab results before the consult as it sounds like a bit of a wait and I would be interested to see what my labs are in the meantime?
Decided to go through Defy. Submitted everything and labs are drawn. Does anyone know if Defy emails lab results before the consult as it sounds like a bit of a wait and I would be interested to see what my labs are in the meantime?
Yes, they will email them to you, about a week after your blood draw.
Judging by how you say you are feeling overall, still having daily erections, sex often, no ed issues, good energy overall, no negative mood issues, symptoms you mainly mention are only recovery and some what less energy. How is your diet/sleep? Your total is not too bad around 500 but if your free t is truly low than worth looking into deeper. I would think very deeply about jumping in as your symptoms seem minimal and it seems from your post you are mainly looking at recovery/workouts with slightly less energy. Jumping on trt you could be opening up a can of worms especially if overall you are not experiencing too many symptoms of low t. I am not trying to deter you as trt has worked wonders for many but there are also a lot of others that feel worse and are always struggling. If your sex drive/function is good naturally it could possibly end up worse. Make sure you think this through as many simply jump on trt for recovery/strength/muscle gains in the gym!
Judging by how you say you are feeling overall, still having daily erections, sex often, no ed issues, good energy overall, no negative mood issues, symptoms you mainly mention are only recovery and some what less energy. How is your diet/sleep? Your total is not too bad around 500 but if your free t is truly low than worth looking into deeper. I would think very deeply about jumping in as your symptoms seem minimal and it seems from your post you are mainly looking at recovery/workouts with slightly less energy. Jumping on trt you could be opening up a can of worms especially if overall you are not experiencing too many symptoms of low t. I am not trying to deter you as trt has worked wonders for many but there are also a lot of others that feel worse and are always struggling. If your sex drive/function is good naturally it could possibly end up worse. Make sure you think this through as many simply jump on trt for recovery/strength/muscle gains in the gym!

Yeah, it's something I have been thinking about for the last year or so. I feel pretty good in general which is what makes it a difficult decision. But the reality is that I simply don't feel as good as I used to. The more I think about it the more obvious it is that I have had minor symptoms for a while now. Even with sex, I have it regularly but less than before and sometimes just run down a little. Recovery from activity is way down in the last couple years. Its definitely not something that I am taking lightly. As far as gains in the gym go that's not really my thing. I have been the same weight for 20 years and would be happy to keep it that way.
Decided to go through Defy. Submitted everything and labs are drawn. Does anyone know if Defy emails lab results before the consult as it sounds like a bit of a wait and I would be interested to see what my labs are in the meantime?

They do. You can also call and check if the results are back as sometimes they can get a little busy.
I have a slightly different take RLW. I like you started to feel the symptoms of low testosterone at around 39. The only difference is that I had a few more symptoms than you including ED and less libido as well as less energy. I was still lifting weights 3x a week and biking or hiking another 2-3 days a week as well as participating in some sports. I got tested and was at 475, right where you are. Primary doc told me I was in range and "fine regardless of symptoms". I am 44 now and became a Defy patient over the last month or so and am beginning testosterone treatment this coming Wednesday. In those 6 years I am down to lifting 2x/wk hiking once (maybe)/wk, not participating in any sports as well as having joint pain now, borderline high glucose and other symptoms. First thing I have been thinking is that I wished that I had pursued treatment earlier and had not deteriorated as much. I agree with mountain man that you should be going through all the aspects of life that might be lowering your level. Since your symptoms aren't as bad yet, improving sleep, diet , and stress could help significantly. Clomid is also a possible place to start before going to TRT. I wish you the best of luck, you are in good hands at Defy.
I have a slightly different take RLW. I like you started to feel the symptoms of low testosterone at around 39. The only difference is that I had a few more symptoms than you including ED and less libido as well as less energy. I was still lifting weights 3x a week and biking or hiking another 2-3 days a week as well as participating in some sports. I got tested and was at 475, right where you are. Primary doc told me I was in range and "fine regardless of symptoms". I am 44 now and became a Defy patient over the last month or so and am beginning testosterone treatment this coming Wednesday. In those 6 years I am down to lifting 2x/wk hiking once (maybe)/wk, not participating in any sports as well as having joint pain now, borderline high glucose and other symptoms. First thing I have been thinking is that I wished that I had pursued treatment earlier and had not deteriorated as much. I agree with mountain man that you should be going through all the aspects of life that might be lowering your level. Since your symptoms aren't as bad yet, improving sleep, diet , and stress could help significantly. Clomid is also a possible place to start before going to TRT. I wish you the best of luck, you are in good hands at Defy.

This is basically what I am trying to avoid. If I wasn't starting to see myself starting to fall off, I wouldn't even consider it. Lifestyle wise I have always tried to stay on top of that. I have always gotten really good sleep but I feel like in the last year or so it's not been quite as good. Still good but not like before. Could be stress I suppose but ultimately I cant say I'm that stressed. I generally only work a couple days a week and the other 5 I go surfing and work out. Not a whole lot of stress there. The surfing actually probably contributes to my situation however as it's basically 3 hours of paddling everyday so basically overtraining. But I have been pretty passionate about it over the last 30 years so it's not something I'm going to take time off of.

Thanks for sharing your situation.
OK, I received my lab results from Defy. CBC, CMP, lipids, PSA all normal. Test about the same, but free test low. Here is what I have.

Test 490 Ref 348-1197
Free Test 6.2 Ref 8.7-25.1
Estradial Senstive 20.2 Ref 8-35
SHGB 37.9 Ref 16-55
DHEA 279.3 Ref 102-416

Anyway, I have a consult with Defy for a month from now.
OK, I received my lab results from Defy. CBC, CMP, lipids, PSA all normal. Test about the same, but free test low. Here is what I have.

Test 490 Ref 348-1197
Free Test 6.2 Ref 8.7-25.1
Estradial Senstive 20.2 Ref 8-35
SHGB 37.9 Ref 16-55
DHEA 279.3 Ref 102-416

Anyway, I have a consult with Defy for a month from now.
After your consultation, please update us.
Had my consultation today with Dr Calkins. Plan is 50mg test cyp M,W,F. Hcg 300iu M,W,F. Dr writing for Anastrazole 0.125 mg M,W,F as well but we discussed not taking it right away and going on symptoms. I will have my estradiol checked on my own a couple times to see where I'm at between start and first follow up.

One thing I'm not sure about is he mentioned DHEA and that I would be better around 400 instead of 279 where I'm at now. Wondering if anyone can give me reports on their own experience with it. Was thinking of maybe waiting and starting it down the road but I would be willing to start now depending on what kind of feedback I can get.

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