I tried Sustanon in the past on the promise that it would last a month and I found that it didn't last more than the one week I was getting with cypionate. I just recently found out that I can purchase Sustanon 300 for the same price that I am paying for Cypionate 250. Currently I am injecting 1ml of cypionate every 7 days. Yes, I do have a dip after 4 or 5 days but the once a week schedule just works out for me. I hate injections, so once a week is enough. After 4 days my T is generally in the low 800 range. Does anyone have experience with using Sustanon weekly? I'm wondering if staying at 1ml and going to 300 mg/ml will put me over the top or maybe I should reduce the dose. So far TRT isn't a huge life changer for me as far as energy or sex drive go so maybe higher wouldn't be a bad thing. Should I notice a difference between Sustanon and Cypionate on a weekly schedule? Any ideas or advice highly welcomed. Thanks.
Currently I am injecting 1ml of cypionate every 7 days. Yes, I do have a dip after 4 or 5 days but the once a week schedule just works out for me. I hate injections, so once a week is enough. After 4 days my T is generally in the low 800 range.
You are injecting once weekly and blood work should be done at the true trough (7 days post-injection) as we want to see where your levels sit at the lowest point before your next injection to make sure levels are not too low or too high.
The goal is to maintain healthy T levels throughout the week in order to provide relief/improvement of low-t symptoms while at the same time keeping blood markers healthy and preventing/minimizing any potential side-effects long-term.
Although some men may do well injecting larger doses of T once weekly the downfall is that there will be a big difference in the peak--->trough as T levels are absurdly high post-injection (8-12 hr/during the first few days) only to be followed by much lower levels come weeks end let alone blood levels will not be as stable throughout the week which can have a negative impact (roller-coaster effect) on one's energy/mood/libido/erections.
You are on a whopping dose of 250mg T/week which would surely have one's TT, FT and estradiol levels through the roof.
Most men on trt are injecting 100-200 mg T/week.
Even then most men can easily achieve a high let alone absurdly high FT on 100-150mg T/week when split into twice-weekly (every 3.5 days), M/W/F, EOD let alone daily injections.
Post labs?
You are missing critical blood markers such as FT, estradiol, SHBG let alone RBCs/hemoglobin/hematocrit?
You only posted your TT 800-900 ng/dL (4 or 5 days post-injection).
Big mistake getting caught up on just TT as although important to know FT is what truly matters as it is the active unbound fraction of testosterone responsible for the positive effects.
Top it all of that SHBG is critical to know as it will have a significant impact on TT/FT let alone can dictate what injection frequency may suit you best.
You are hitting a TT 800-900 ng/dL 4-5 days post-injection which would most likely have your FT mid--->high-end depending on where your SHBG sits.
Keep in mind peak levels 8-12 hr post-injection/during the first few days will be much higher.
I understand you hate injecting but it would be wise to know where your SHBG truly sits as it can make or break a protocol.
Seeing as you are injecting a whopping dose of 250 mg T/week there is a good chance that you have driven down your SHBG.
Men with low/lowish SHBG tend to do better injecting lower doses of T more frequently (EOD or daily).
Comes down to the individual and what is best for you.
Does anyone have experience with using Sustanon weekly? I'm wondering if staying at 1ml and going to 300 mg/ml will put me over the top or maybe I should reduce the dose. So far TRT isn't a huge life changer for me as far as energy or sex drive go so maybe higher wouldn't be a bad thing. Should I notice a difference between Sustanon and Cypionate on a weekly schedule?
Looking over your previous threads from 2019 you seem to be caught up on that more T is better mentality!
You need a more thorough set of labs (FT, estradiol, SHBG, CBC) before manipulating your protocol (dose of T/injection frequency) let alone highly doubtful any man on trt would need to be banging
300 mg T/week to hit a healthy, high let alone absurdly high trough FT.
Far and few men on trt would need 200+ mg T/week.
Sustanon has a longer half-life due to the decanoate ester but even then one would still want to inject at least once weekly and many may choose to inject more frequently.
Injecting more frequently clips the peak--->trough and results in more stable blood levels throughout the week.
Sustanon will drive up your peak levels further due to the propionate ester.
Again you need more thorough labs let alone need to know where your SHBG level sits before fretting over cypionate vs Sustanon.