How would one know if he is a candidate for clomid? Does LOW LH make you a candidate? Once you are on it and your T Levels are normal can you quit snd the T Levels stay up? I was on TRT (test CYP and hcg) for 3 months but my very low Ferratin values after phlebotomy and hig prolactin probably due to HCG made me quit in last Decmber. I somehow feel that my prostate was better on TRT even the PSA dropped from a 2.5 to 1.
How would one know if he is a candidate for clomid? Does LOW LH make you a candidate? Once you are on it and your T Levels are normal can you quit snd the T Levels stay up? I was on TRT (test CYP and hcg) for 3 months but my very low Ferratin values after phlebotomy and hig prolactin probably due to HCG made me quit in last Decmber. I somehow feel that my prostate was better on TRT even the PSA dropped from a 2.5 to 1.