Hello all,
Below are my recent lab results. I have an appointment with Rand McClain this week and looking forward to starting TRT. Any and all feedback regarding my labs will be greatly appreciated.
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin 15-----11 ‐ 80 nmol/L
Testosterone,Total 233 ﴾L﴿----300 ‐ 1080 ng/dL
Testosterone,Bioavailable 162.7---130.0 ‐ 680.0 ng/dL
Testosterone, Free 55.9---47.0 ‐ 244.0 pg/mL
WBC 6.5 3.8 ‐ 11.0 K/mcL
RBC 5.61 4.5 ‐ 5.9 M/mcL
Hgb 16.0 13.5 ‐ 17.5 g/dL
HCT 49.9 41 ‐ 53 %
MCV 89 80 ‐ 100 fL
MCH 29 26 ‐ 34 pg
MCHC 32 31 ‐ 36 g/dL
RDW 12.5 10.5 ‐ 13.5 %
PLT 272 150 ‐ 450 K/mcL
Prelim Abs Neut Ct 3.33 1.8 ‐ 7.7 K/mcL
Diff Type Auto
Neutrophils 51.3 44 ‐ 70 %
Lymphocytes 36.2 25 ‐ 46 %
Monocytes 9.3 1 ‐ 12 %
Eosinophils 2.5 0 ‐ 8 %
Basophils 0.7 0 ‐ 2 %
Abs. Neut Ct. 3.33 1.8 ‐ 7.7 K/mcL
Abs. Lymph Ct. 2.35 1.0 ‐ 5.0 K/mcL
Abs. Mono Ct. 0.60 0 ‐ 0.8 K/mcL
Abs. Eos Ct. 0.16 0 ‐ 0.5 K/mcL
Abs. Baso Ct. 0.05 0 ‐ 0.2 K/mcL
Hemoglobin A1C 5.1---0 ‐ 5.6 %
Luteinizing Hormone 1.5
LH Reference Range:
Normally Menstruating
Follicular phase 1.9-12.5 mIU/mL
Midcycle peak 8.7-76.3 mIU/mL
Luteal phase 0.5-16.9 mIU/mL
Pregnant <0.1-1.5 mIU/mL
Postmenopausal 15.9-54.0 mIU/mL
Contraceptives 0.7-5.6 mIU/mL
20-70 yrs 1.5-9.3 mIU/mL
>70 yrs 3.1-34.6 mIU/mL
Children: <0.1-6.0 mIU/mL
Cholesterol 198
Desirable <200 mg/dL
Borderline high 200-239 mg/dL
High >239 mg/dL
<200 mg/dL
Triglyceride 137
Normal <150 mg/dL
Borderline high 150-199 mg/dL
High 200-499 mg/dL
Very high >499 mg/dL
<150 mg/dL
HDL Cholesterol 65
Low <40 mg/dL
High >59 mg/dL
30 ‐ 70 mg/dL
LDL Calc 106
Optimal <100 mg/dL
Above optimal 100-129 mg/dL
Borderline high 130-159 mg/dL
High 160-189 mg/dL
Very high >189 mg/dL
<130 mg/dL
Patient Health Summary of (page 4 of 7)
Sample Status FASTING
Sodium 138 136 ‐ 146 mmol/L
Potassium 3.7 3.5 ‐ 5.1 mmol/L
Chloride 101 98 ‐ 107 mmol/L
CO2 Content 27 22 ‐ 32 mmol/L
Glucose 83
For FASTING GLUCOSE samples, the ADA recommended decision limits are
shown below:
70-99 mg/dL: Normal
100-125 mg/dL: Impaired Fasting Glucose
>125 mg/dL: Diabetes*
*In the absence of symptoms of unequivocal hyperglycemia, result
should be confirmed by repeat testing.
70 ‐ 125 mg/dL
Urea Nitrogen,Blood 17 7 ‐ 21 mg/dL
Creatinine, Serum 1.0 0.7 ‐ 1.3 mg/dL
Osmo Calc 287 280 ‐ 305 mOs/Kg H2O
Albumin 4.3 3.3 ‐ 5.0 g/dL
Protein, Total 8.4 ﴾H﴿ 6.3 ‐ 8.2 g/dL
Calcium 9.3 8.4 ‐ 10.3 mg/dL
Alk Phos 77 38 ‐ 126 Units/L
AST 27 15 ‐ 37 Units/L
Bilirubin, Total 0.6 0.1 ‐ 1.2 mg/dL
Anion Gap 10 6 ‐ 14 mmol/L
ALT 45 16 ‐ 63 Units/L
GFR Calc,Non‐African >60 >60 mL/mn/1.73m2
GFRA Calc,African >60 >60 mL/mn/1.73m2
Prostate-Specific Ag, Serum Prostate Specific Ag, Serum 0.9 ng/mL 0.0-----4.0 01 21.5 pg/mL 8.0 - 35.0 02
Estradiol, Sensitive 21.5 pg/mL----8.0 - 35.0 02
Dihydrotestosterone 19 Low ng/dL 01 Reference Range: Adult Male: 30 - 85
Thyroxine (T4) Free, Direct, S T4,Free(Direct) 1.56 ng/dL 0.82 - 1.77 02
DHEA-Sulfate 271.8 ug/dL 102.6 - 416.3 02
DHEA, Serum Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) 99 ng/dL 31 - 701 03 Age 1 - 5 years 0 - 67 6 - 7 years 0 - 110 8 - 10 years 0 - 185 11 - 12 years 0 - 201 13 - 14 years 0 - 318 15 - 16 years 39 - 481 17 - 19 years 40 - 491 >19 years 31 - 701
IGF-1 Insulin-Like Growth Factor I 171 ng/mL 83 - 233 03 GGT 38 IU/L 0 - 65 02
Magnesium, Serum 2.1 mg/dL 1.6 - 2.3 02
Triiodothyronine,Free,Serum 3.6 pg/mL 2.0 - 4.4 02
Below are my recent lab results. I have an appointment with Rand McClain this week and looking forward to starting TRT. Any and all feedback regarding my labs will be greatly appreciated.
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin 15-----11 ‐ 80 nmol/L
Testosterone,Total 233 ﴾L﴿----300 ‐ 1080 ng/dL
Testosterone,Bioavailable 162.7---130.0 ‐ 680.0 ng/dL
Testosterone, Free 55.9---47.0 ‐ 244.0 pg/mL
WBC 6.5 3.8 ‐ 11.0 K/mcL
RBC 5.61 4.5 ‐ 5.9 M/mcL
Hgb 16.0 13.5 ‐ 17.5 g/dL
HCT 49.9 41 ‐ 53 %
MCV 89 80 ‐ 100 fL
MCH 29 26 ‐ 34 pg
MCHC 32 31 ‐ 36 g/dL
RDW 12.5 10.5 ‐ 13.5 %
PLT 272 150 ‐ 450 K/mcL
Prelim Abs Neut Ct 3.33 1.8 ‐ 7.7 K/mcL
Diff Type Auto
Neutrophils 51.3 44 ‐ 70 %
Lymphocytes 36.2 25 ‐ 46 %
Monocytes 9.3 1 ‐ 12 %
Eosinophils 2.5 0 ‐ 8 %
Basophils 0.7 0 ‐ 2 %
Abs. Neut Ct. 3.33 1.8 ‐ 7.7 K/mcL
Abs. Lymph Ct. 2.35 1.0 ‐ 5.0 K/mcL
Abs. Mono Ct. 0.60 0 ‐ 0.8 K/mcL
Abs. Eos Ct. 0.16 0 ‐ 0.5 K/mcL
Abs. Baso Ct. 0.05 0 ‐ 0.2 K/mcL
Hemoglobin A1C 5.1---0 ‐ 5.6 %
Luteinizing Hormone 1.5
LH Reference Range:
Normally Menstruating
Follicular phase 1.9-12.5 mIU/mL
Midcycle peak 8.7-76.3 mIU/mL
Luteal phase 0.5-16.9 mIU/mL
Pregnant <0.1-1.5 mIU/mL
Postmenopausal 15.9-54.0 mIU/mL
Contraceptives 0.7-5.6 mIU/mL
20-70 yrs 1.5-9.3 mIU/mL
>70 yrs 3.1-34.6 mIU/mL
Children: <0.1-6.0 mIU/mL
Cholesterol 198
Desirable <200 mg/dL
Borderline high 200-239 mg/dL
High >239 mg/dL
<200 mg/dL
Triglyceride 137
Normal <150 mg/dL
Borderline high 150-199 mg/dL
High 200-499 mg/dL
Very high >499 mg/dL
<150 mg/dL
HDL Cholesterol 65
Low <40 mg/dL
High >59 mg/dL
30 ‐ 70 mg/dL
LDL Calc 106
Optimal <100 mg/dL
Above optimal 100-129 mg/dL
Borderline high 130-159 mg/dL
High 160-189 mg/dL
Very high >189 mg/dL
<130 mg/dL
Patient Health Summary of (page 4 of 7)
Sample Status FASTING
Sodium 138 136 ‐ 146 mmol/L
Potassium 3.7 3.5 ‐ 5.1 mmol/L
Chloride 101 98 ‐ 107 mmol/L
CO2 Content 27 22 ‐ 32 mmol/L
Glucose 83
For FASTING GLUCOSE samples, the ADA recommended decision limits are
shown below:
70-99 mg/dL: Normal
100-125 mg/dL: Impaired Fasting Glucose
>125 mg/dL: Diabetes*
*In the absence of symptoms of unequivocal hyperglycemia, result
should be confirmed by repeat testing.
70 ‐ 125 mg/dL
Urea Nitrogen,Blood 17 7 ‐ 21 mg/dL
Creatinine, Serum 1.0 0.7 ‐ 1.3 mg/dL
Osmo Calc 287 280 ‐ 305 mOs/Kg H2O
Albumin 4.3 3.3 ‐ 5.0 g/dL
Protein, Total 8.4 ﴾H﴿ 6.3 ‐ 8.2 g/dL
Calcium 9.3 8.4 ‐ 10.3 mg/dL
Alk Phos 77 38 ‐ 126 Units/L
AST 27 15 ‐ 37 Units/L
Bilirubin, Total 0.6 0.1 ‐ 1.2 mg/dL
Anion Gap 10 6 ‐ 14 mmol/L
ALT 45 16 ‐ 63 Units/L
GFR Calc,Non‐African >60 >60 mL/mn/1.73m2
GFRA Calc,African >60 >60 mL/mn/1.73m2
Prostate-Specific Ag, Serum Prostate Specific Ag, Serum 0.9 ng/mL 0.0-----4.0 01 21.5 pg/mL 8.0 - 35.0 02
Estradiol, Sensitive 21.5 pg/mL----8.0 - 35.0 02
Dihydrotestosterone 19 Low ng/dL 01 Reference Range: Adult Male: 30 - 85
Thyroxine (T4) Free, Direct, S T4,Free(Direct) 1.56 ng/dL 0.82 - 1.77 02
DHEA-Sulfate 271.8 ug/dL 102.6 - 416.3 02
DHEA, Serum Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) 99 ng/dL 31 - 701 03 Age 1 - 5 years 0 - 67 6 - 7 years 0 - 110 8 - 10 years 0 - 185 11 - 12 years 0 - 201 13 - 14 years 0 - 318 15 - 16 years 39 - 481 17 - 19 years 40 - 491 >19 years 31 - 701
IGF-1 Insulin-Like Growth Factor I 171 ng/mL 83 - 233 03 GGT 38 IU/L 0 - 65 02
Magnesium, Serum 2.1 mg/dL 1.6 - 2.3 02
Triiodothyronine,Free,Serum 3.6 pg/mL 2.0 - 4.4 02
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