Background:36 years old male... For the past 3 years I have felt run down, poor concentration, no sex drive, anxious....pretty much have felt like crap. I have been tested for everything.... finally found out my testosterone is low and could be the reason I feel like I do. Doctor has prescribed me Cypionate testosterone injections every 2 weeks at 200 mg/ML per injection. I was injected for the first time yesterday and notice minor improvement.
My question is, from my blood results, do you think the above treatment is the best program for me? Is there any addition medication I should look into? Any additional tests that should be performed?
Thanks for looking at my blood tests and look forward to your thoughts.
Endocrine Results:
Testosterone, Total: 193.2 ng/dL (180-780 ng/dL)
Testosterone, Free -LOW-: 8.06 pg/ML (8.69-54.69 pg/mL)
Cortisol, am: 12.5 ug/dL (6.2-19.4 ug/dL)
Estradiol Assay (not sensitive): 30 pg/mL (<48 pg/mL)
PSA, Total: 0.4 ng/mL (0-2.7 ng/mL)
Prolactin: 8.9 ng/mL
TSH Sensitive: 1.07 uIU.mL (0.34-5.60 uIU/mL)
Thyroperox. Abs: <5IU/mL (<9 IU/mL)
Follicle - Stimulating Hormone: 4.3 IU/L
Luteinizing Hormone: 2.8 IU/L
WBC: 7.3 K/uL (3.6-10.0 K/Ul)
RBC: 5.20 M/uL (3.96-5.5 M/uL)
HGB: 15.2 g/dL (14.0-16.4 g/dL)
HTC: 45.4% (42.0-47.2%)
MCV: 87 fL (80-100fL)
MCHC: 33.5% (32.0-36.0%)
RDW: 13.4% (11.9-15.2%)
Platelet Count: 158 K/uL (150-400 K/uL)
Neutrophil: 3.8 K/uL (1.8-6.0 K/uL)
Neutrophil %: 58.0%
Lymphocytes: 2.2 K/uL (1.0-3.2 K/uL)
Lymphocytes %: 34%
Monocytes: 0.4 K/uL (0.2-0.9 K/uL)
Eosinophils: 0.1 K/uL (0.0-0.5 K/uL)
Eosinophils %: 1.8%
Basophils: 0.0 K/uL (0.0-0.2 K/uL)
Basophils %: 0.2%
Sed Rate: 4 mm/hr (0-20 mm/hr)
Sodium: 141 mmil/L (136-144 mmil/L)
Potassium: 3.9 mmil/L (3.4-5.0 mmil/L)
Chloride: 103 mmil/L (96-110 mmil/L)
Bicarbonate Level: 29 mmil/L (22-32 mmil/L)
General Chemistry
BUN: 12 mg/dL (10-23 mg/dL)
Creatinine, Serum: 1.2 mg/dL (0.7-1.3 mg/dL)
GFR non African American, Calc: 69 mL/min/1.73m2 (>60 mL/min/1.73m2)
GFR African American: 83 mL/min/1.73m2 (>60 mL/min/1.73m2)
Calcium: 9.6 mg/dL (8.5-10.1 mg.dL)
Magnesium 1.8 mEq/L (1.5-2.1 mEq/L)
Alkaline Phos: 65 U/L (38-126 U/L)
Bilirubin Total -HIGH-: 1.5 mg/dL (0.2-1.1 mg/dL)
Bilirubin Direct: 0.2 mg/dL (0.0-0.5 mg/dL)
AST/SGOT: 20 U/L (8-36 U/L)
ALT/SGPT: 18 U/L (7-55 U/L)
Total Protein: 7.5 g/dL (6.4-8.3 g/dL)
Albumin Assay: 4.5 g/dL (3.5-5.0 g/dL)
Cholesterol: 180 mg/dL
Triglyceride -HIGH-: 157 mg/dL (10-150 mg/dL)
HDL Cholesterol: 41 mg/dL
LDL Cholesterol: 108 mg/dL
25(OH) Vitamin D Deficiency Assessment: 41 ng/mL
HbA1C: 5.1% (4.2-5.8%)
Estimated Ave Glucose: 100 mg/dL
Glucose Fasting: 92 mg/dL (70-99 mg/dL)
Glucose Assay: 90 mg/dL (70-99 mg/dL)
Immunology Results
Anti Nuclear Antibody - Negative
Rheumatoid Factor Screen - Negative
IGG: 1090 mg/dL (670-1450 mg/dL)
IGA: 184 mg/dL (66-436 mg/dL)
IGM: 104 mg/dL (57-285 mg/dL)
Inf. Mono Screen - Negative
My question is, from my blood results, do you think the above treatment is the best program for me? Is there any addition medication I should look into? Any additional tests that should be performed?
Thanks for looking at my blood tests and look forward to your thoughts.
Endocrine Results:
Testosterone, Total: 193.2 ng/dL (180-780 ng/dL)
Testosterone, Free -LOW-: 8.06 pg/ML (8.69-54.69 pg/mL)
Cortisol, am: 12.5 ug/dL (6.2-19.4 ug/dL)
Estradiol Assay (not sensitive): 30 pg/mL (<48 pg/mL)
PSA, Total: 0.4 ng/mL (0-2.7 ng/mL)
Prolactin: 8.9 ng/mL
TSH Sensitive: 1.07 uIU.mL (0.34-5.60 uIU/mL)
Thyroperox. Abs: <5IU/mL (<9 IU/mL)
Follicle - Stimulating Hormone: 4.3 IU/L
Luteinizing Hormone: 2.8 IU/L
WBC: 7.3 K/uL (3.6-10.0 K/Ul)
RBC: 5.20 M/uL (3.96-5.5 M/uL)
HGB: 15.2 g/dL (14.0-16.4 g/dL)
HTC: 45.4% (42.0-47.2%)
MCV: 87 fL (80-100fL)
MCHC: 33.5% (32.0-36.0%)
RDW: 13.4% (11.9-15.2%)
Platelet Count: 158 K/uL (150-400 K/uL)
Neutrophil: 3.8 K/uL (1.8-6.0 K/uL)
Neutrophil %: 58.0%
Lymphocytes: 2.2 K/uL (1.0-3.2 K/uL)
Lymphocytes %: 34%
Monocytes: 0.4 K/uL (0.2-0.9 K/uL)
Eosinophils: 0.1 K/uL (0.0-0.5 K/uL)
Eosinophils %: 1.8%
Basophils: 0.0 K/uL (0.0-0.2 K/uL)
Basophils %: 0.2%
Sed Rate: 4 mm/hr (0-20 mm/hr)
Sodium: 141 mmil/L (136-144 mmil/L)
Potassium: 3.9 mmil/L (3.4-5.0 mmil/L)
Chloride: 103 mmil/L (96-110 mmil/L)
Bicarbonate Level: 29 mmil/L (22-32 mmil/L)
General Chemistry
BUN: 12 mg/dL (10-23 mg/dL)
Creatinine, Serum: 1.2 mg/dL (0.7-1.3 mg/dL)
GFR non African American, Calc: 69 mL/min/1.73m2 (>60 mL/min/1.73m2)
GFR African American: 83 mL/min/1.73m2 (>60 mL/min/1.73m2)
Calcium: 9.6 mg/dL (8.5-10.1 mg.dL)
Magnesium 1.8 mEq/L (1.5-2.1 mEq/L)
Alkaline Phos: 65 U/L (38-126 U/L)
Bilirubin Total -HIGH-: 1.5 mg/dL (0.2-1.1 mg/dL)
Bilirubin Direct: 0.2 mg/dL (0.0-0.5 mg/dL)
AST/SGOT: 20 U/L (8-36 U/L)
ALT/SGPT: 18 U/L (7-55 U/L)
Total Protein: 7.5 g/dL (6.4-8.3 g/dL)
Albumin Assay: 4.5 g/dL (3.5-5.0 g/dL)
Cholesterol: 180 mg/dL
Triglyceride -HIGH-: 157 mg/dL (10-150 mg/dL)
HDL Cholesterol: 41 mg/dL
LDL Cholesterol: 108 mg/dL
25(OH) Vitamin D Deficiency Assessment: 41 ng/mL
HbA1C: 5.1% (4.2-5.8%)
Estimated Ave Glucose: 100 mg/dL
Glucose Fasting: 92 mg/dL (70-99 mg/dL)
Glucose Assay: 90 mg/dL (70-99 mg/dL)
Immunology Results
Anti Nuclear Antibody - Negative
Rheumatoid Factor Screen - Negative
IGG: 1090 mg/dL (670-1450 mg/dL)
IGA: 184 mg/dL (66-436 mg/dL)
IGM: 104 mg/dL (57-285 mg/dL)
Inf. Mono Screen - Negative