AI time frame

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How long does it t.ake for an AI to bring your E2 level down or basically how long after you begin an AI can you have a lab taken to see the level.

Thank you
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
AIs work pretty quickly, should be a reduction within a day or 2. I imagine the physical symptoms will resolve quicker than the mental symptoms.

Regarding testing, I think it's best to wait at least 2 weeks of consistent dosing. I'm not positive on this though and hopefully someone else will answer it.
Appreciate your replies always. This has been 9 days off AI started getting all the good stuff back but today started losing the hardness. I'm assuming I'm going up past the sweet spot and probably need to start again but much lower dose.

Im going for labs Tuesday and may get a text anyway then another in a couple weeks. You all take your AI in the morning or evening ?

I would wait at least six weeks, when changing protocol. From previous post, I know AI has a 50 hour half life. So most take an AI 24 hours after injecting T. T has a 72 hour half life.
I do pellets and have been on these for almost 8 weeks. i posted this before.

I was on AI .5 eod and my E2 was 17 on the regular E2 test. So I'm assuming it would be much lower wt the ultra. I was getting every symptom of low E2 that's why I stopped.

What would you guys recommend as a good starting dose. I was thinking as I quoted before .5 twice a week. What do you all think. Thanks guys
It is not advisable to even try and dose or control E based on symptoms, that's a recipe for failure. As you see, told to take AI, you may not have even needed, crashed your E. Now you're back to wanting to take Anastrozole...still we're here at the foundation...WHY are you taking Anastrozole? An AI is NOT a given with any protocol.
I would test in 14 more days, you already have 9 days off the AI. How all this play in to idea, this isn't a pellet site so the feedback you're going to get may be completely questionable coming from (nearly) everyone that is on Cyp inj.
I was originally put on the AI because my E2 was 140 after my second cycle with the pellets. So I was dosed based on a lab test, but not the right one, not on symptoms but it definitely did crash my E2 was on too much. And the only thing I can say about the pellets versus the injections is that the pellets keep my T levels very consistent for 16 weeks.
Appreciate your replies always. This has been 9 days off AI started getting all the good stuff back but today started losing the hardness. I'm assuming I'm going up past the sweet spot and probably need to start again but much lower dose.

Im going for labs Tuesday and may get a text anyway then another in a couple weeks. You all take your AI in the morning or evening ?


Yeah, I think you might be addicted to AI. I believe we've talked in depth about the hell that low E2 is, yet you're running right back to it. Not being as hard anymore as the only symptom isn't really a good reason to start AI. Some days it just doesn't work as well.

It's extremely unadvisable to take AI without labs. I have a feeling you're going to anyway, so if you must, start out small. At least wait to get the results from your labs.

I don't take any AI at all. I hope never to need it. As vince carter said, it is NOT a must with TRT.

I would wait at least six weeks, when changing protocol. From previous post, I know AI has a 50 hour half life. So most take an AI 24 hours after injecting T. T has a 72 hour half life.

Testosterone in it's free form has a half life of around 10-100 minutes or so. Test cyp has a half life of closer to a week. Also, if by "AI" you mean arimidex, then you'd be correct. With suicidal aromatase inhibitors half life is irrelevant as it kills the enzyme.
This is what I need for you guys to kick me in the ass.

I'll just suck it up and stay off and get my labs done Tuesday. I don't want to take anything I don't have too, believe me. I'm an an anti medication guy always have been. I keep telling my self that I know a few guys who take pellets and more than I do and they dont take any AI.

Thanks i need that support
This is what I need for you guys to kick me in the ass.

I'll just suck it up and stay off and get my labs done Tuesday. I don't want to take anything I don't have too, believe me. I'm an an anti medication guy always have been. I keep telling my self that I know a few guys who take pellets and more than I do and they dont take any AI.

Thanks i need that support

Pellets is irrelevant to this discussion honestly. I remember your test levels are around 1200 or so, that's a higher level than is needed, and it's entirely possible it's just too high for you.

That's the negative to pellets, you're stuck with 'em for 4 months.

Anyway, you're gonna drive yourself nuts by looking for slightest sign of high E2. You will "find" one after a while.
I'm ON 1200 mgs pellets but yes my levels are always a little over the top and it IS too high for me, I agree. You would think the doctors would pick this up but no. IM GOING IN FEBRUARY for my new pellets and I'm going to get 1000 mgs.

it will be interesting to see what the E2 level comes back being off AI. Not getting decent sleep I'm sure affects the functioning

Again sincerely thank you.
I'm ON 1200 mgs pellets but yes my levels are always a little over the top and it IS too high for me, I agree. You would think the doctors would pick this up but no. IM GOING IN FEBRUARY for my new pellets and I'm going to get 1000 mgs.

it will be interesting to see what the E2 level comes back being off AI. Not getting decent sleep I'm sure affects the functioning

Again sincerely thank you.

Hopefully 1000mg is better.

As much as you like pellets it's a huge negative to them. No titration.

Decent sleep or not has no bearing on hormone levels when they're exogenously sourced.
Happy holidays. I stayed off the AI as you suggested. Went for labs this morning and they assured me that they use the ultra sensitive E2 test which was good.

Its been 14 days off AI. I figure at least10 days before results get back. I can get them on line from labcorp. I am extremely anxious to see what's up. Unfortunately have to wait till the 16th to see the doc. Have a great holiday leaving the warmth of vegas to the cold of the east coast.

thanks for the support
As much as you like pellets it's a huge negative to them. No titration.


Read the above quoted text until it sinks in to your head. You can't titrate down with pellets. Whatever the doctor implants into your glute, you're stuck with it, and there's nothing you can do. Does this sound like a good protocol to you?

I would highly advise you to join the 21st Century, and get on a protocol where you can control the dosage, and fine tune it to your exacting needs. It's really not rocket's Test Cyp, and a syringe, twice a week. Simple and painless...unlike your pellets.

Regarding your AI usage, get a sensitive E2 blood test, and use that as your benchmark...not "I kinda think I have high E2, so I think I'll take .5mg of Adex EOD."
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  • #1

    [h=3]SinginHawkJunior Member[/b]

    I had labs scheduled and stopped taking anastrozol for two weeks. The new doc I got was smart enough to do an ultra sensitive E2 test.

    The ultra sensitive came back with the other following test.
    Estradiol, Lcms, Endo Sci

    Test Low Normal High Reference Range Units
    Estradiol, Serum, Ms 24 pg/mL

    there were no specific numerical references ranges just low normal high
    24 was within normal

    Test Low Normal High Reference Range Units
    testosterone, Serum (Total) 964 ng/dL NORMAL

    Test Low Normal High Reference Range Units
    Dhea-Sulfate, Lcms 78 ug/dL NORMAL FOR MY AGE 71
    I know I should be higher. I take 7 keto which doesn't give a good test result.

    Test Low Normal High Reference Range Units
    Estrone, Serum, Ms 18 pg/mL NORMAL

    Test Low Normal High Reference Range Units
    Sex Hormone Binding Globulin 40.7 nmol/L NORMAL

    My question is being off anastrozol for two weeks long enough to get an accurate test result?

    Will the body stabilize after that period of time ?

    I am still waiting to get free T
    And DHT

    Thanks I always appreciate the help from you all.
    SinginHawk, 22 minutes agoReportBookmark
    #1+ QuoteReply

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  • #1

    SinginHawkJunior Member

    I had labs scheduled and stopped taking anastrozol for two weeks. The new doc I got was smart enough to do an ultra sensitive E2 test.

    The ultra sensitive came back with the other following test.
    Estradiol, Lcms, Endo Sci

    Test Low Normal High Reference Range Units
    Estradiol, Serum, Ms 24 pg/mL

    there were no specific numerical references ranges just low normal high
    24 was within normal

    Test Low Normal High Reference Range Units
    testosterone, Serum (Total) 964 ng/dL NORMAL

    Test Low Normal High Reference Range Units
    Dhea-Sulfate, Lcms 78 ug/dL NORMAL FOR MY AGE 71
    I know I should be higher. I take 7 keto which doesn't give a good test result.

    Test Low Normal High Reference Range Units
    Estrone, Serum, Ms 18 pg/mL NORMAL

    Test Low Normal High Reference Range Units
    Sex Hormone Binding Globulin 40.7 nmol/L NORMAL

    My question is being off anastrozol for two weeks long enough to get an accurate test result?

    Will the body stabilize after that period of time ?

    I am still waiting to get free T
    And DHT

    Thanks I always appreciate the help from you all.
    SinginHawk, 22 minutes agoReportBookmark
    #1+ QuoteReply

Where is the ultrasensitive result?

When was this taken relative to injection?
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