345 Men Share Their Testosterone Experiences

Nelson Vergel

Founder, ExcelMale.com

Here are the results of a survey I performed a few months ago. 345 men answered and shared their experiences:

If you want to participate, you still have time: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/testosterone

Download PDF attached (registered members only)


Here you are:

Q12 If you have used testosterone or are currently using it, please share with us your experience and product used. Thank you
for participating!

Answered: 262 Skipped: 116

I have been on it for 12 years. I have tried it all and am currently injecting @ 160 to 175 total a week injecting subq method EOD around 50mg. I do not need E2 blocker because E2 stays around 30 or so. I feel the best ever with this protocol and I have used Arimidex in the past but it drove E2 way too low and had severe joint pain. Morning wood for the most part is very good if not excellent and no impotence at all in the bedroom. Energy is great and body fat is low with added muscle gains. My T levels stay around a constant 850 with occasional dips but steady for the most part. I have had some small nodules after an injection with subq but I am finding out that you really have to let an area rest for a while before injecting again. I am 55 years young by the way.
11/20/2016 2:38 PM
I gained weight. Good weight, Muscles and loss of belly fat. I started getting morning hardons again. I felt confident. My nutritional regimen was enhanced. I slept better. My little aches and pains disapppeared. My depression decreased. I was more productive. I was a new man. My Triglycerides were in normal range. it is difficult to list the positive outcomes of my experience.
9/30/2016 4:24 AM
injecting 42 mg of cyp E3D shallow im. positive change in body comp, mood, and brain fog. positive change in libido but not a great change in ED
9/27/2016 6:52 AM
Love subcutaneous testosterone twice/wk with HCG and tiny dose of Arimidex. Why is it so hard to find a doctor that knows what they are doing with testosterone therapy, and who doesn't seem to be reaching for my wallet with dubious proprietary supplements.
9/25/2016 10:33 PM
I started using gels but they were too expensive so my GP prescribed injections (cypionate). I have been on TRT for
10 years. Thanks to ExcelMale I can now look back at how I felt and understand many of the symptoms were related to TRT and can now talk with my GP about them. Testicle shrinkage, aching testicles and worsening ability to gain erection even using prescription ED drugs. Again, thanks to ExcelMale I went to my GP and asked for the full battery of blood work that ExcelMale recommends and she was all for it but could only get approval from the insurance company for half of the things I wanted tested. I was told I would have to go to a Hormone Replacement Therapist to have that done. We are trying to find a solution to that. TRT has been great overall but now that I am 60 years old and having been on TRT for so long I need to be more aware and unfortunately it means educating my GP along away. Will keep you informed on how that goes.
9/16/2016 3:48 PM
Good but confused by estradiol.
9/13/2016 1:24 PM
Used testosterone several years ago and stopped due to no noticeable benefits but later learned the dosing amount and scheduling was not optimal (1 200MG injection every 3 weeks). Started recently with Defy to try a more ideal protocol with the option of using HCG and anastrozole if required. Still in the stages of getting tuned up. Have noticed improvements to libido and better physical recovery from workouts, but still hoping to have a better mood, sense of well-being, and libido if possible.
9/10/2016 3:21 PM
I'm currently using testosterone cypionate 100mgml the doctors advice was to inject 1ml once a week and 0.25ml of HCG twice a week . Based on the advice from some members of your website I decided to inject 0.50 ml of testosterone every 3.5 days combined with the HCG in one injection. I just completed my 2nd month of the treatment and I have seen a lot of improvement with some of the major issues like the lack of concentration, memory improvement, libido,and general well being feeling, however Im still feeling some of the tiredness, I must said however that I have some surges of energy especially after a good night of sleep(now that it has improved too) and it makes me feel like I want to hit the gym. Overall I can say that so far I'm very satisfied with the results perhaps my protocol needs to be adjusted a little bit to get it 100% right
9/4/2016 10:43 AM
I've used sustanon 250. 250 mg e7d. I noticed water retention and changed to test cyp. It's still early on with the test cyp, but the sustanon made me feel like a new man
9/2/2016 2:44 AM
Increased sex drive. Improved motivation and a little increase in energy. Gyno from HCG under right nipple. Increased muscle mass.
9/1/2016 10:21 PM
Feeling negative side effects. Heart palpitations and anxiety.
9/1/2016 5:21 PM
TRT for 10yrs, great experience.
9/1/2016 10:00 AM

It's great as long as you can get HCG for libido and energy.
8/31/2016 7:58 PM
Test cyprionate injections. Fabulous. More strength, more stamina, more muscle mass, less fat, better appearance and physique, higher libido. Doctor prescribed it mainly for osteoporsis that was not responding adequately to Fosamax.
8/31/2016 3:36 PM
Have used both Test Cyp @ 100mg/ml and test Enanthate @ 200mg/ml. PROS: Improved; drive, response to training, positive outlook, energy level, libido, erections CONS: modest increase in blood pressure increased Hematocrit to the
50 - 51% range from 47 before treatment
8/31/2016 11:59 AM
I started pellets in December of 2015. The results were wonderful--increased energy, speedy recovery from workouts, clearer thinking, frequent morning erections, and heightened libido. I got my second pellet insertion in May 2016. I maintained positive results in almost all areas, but I took a hit in my sex life. I started to experience ED and loss of penis sensitivity. My orgasms are also not as strong. Since then, I have started using tadalafil and it has helped. I am able to have erections without tadalafil, but my orgasms are still not as strong as they used to be.
8/31/2016 10:19 AM
Test Enanthate, Cyp caused bounces in my protocol. Test E works great for me and I also have added Nandrolone to deal with bad pain issues
8/31/2016 8:51 AM
Testosterone Cypionate 2000 Novarel What triggered the protocol was the 372 testosterone level. After shrinking of testicules, hcg was added. As of Aug 17 2016 my level has risen to 814 the day before the next injection is due and hcg has been very effective. After a discussion with Dr. I also have the option to use Nelson's protocol of mixing hcg and Testosterone in same shot. Note: I inject intermuscular
8/30/2016 11:52 PM
Test Cyp- enjoy the energy and mood enhancement- quality of life is great!
8/30/2016 10:42 PM
I am currently struggling with my sleep apnea, so I can't get dialed in properly having nasal surgery to help with the problem on the 9th of September 2016 I at 840 on testosteron hematocrit is running at 50 estrodol I can't remember. But feel exhausted all the time due to sleep apnea.
8/30/2016 9:57 PM
Testosterone Cypionate twice a week, 100mg. Easy to inject IM and has greatly improved my life!
8/30/2016 9:45 PM
I love it. Feel much better, sex is great!
8/30/2016 9:00 PM
Best thing ever for my overall quality of life, no depression,anxiety,fogginess, much more energy, skin looks better, clarity of thought, I am more calm and i sleep much better, I have been on for 3 years and it is fantastic when my levels are aroun 1000, I have dipped below 500 and felt minor symptoms again.
8/30/2016 7:06 PM
I have been on TRT for a little more than 2 years. Beginning T level was 167ng/dl. now I hove around 750 average total T. I move every couple of years and find it difficult to get good Drs. I went through 3 before I found Wellness
Clinic that I liked. They were the first to ask "how to do you feel?", and looking into side effects. since then I moved and have been having problems with Drs again. I am starting on Dr #2 and new location. The first was a female who had
no concern for Male well being. Her answer to Testicular atrophy was to get implants. She only looked at Bioavailable Test and not total. which you know is not accurate enough to make absolute decisions from. it is thrown off many a number of things. She also believes men don't have problems with estrogen and will not prescribe an AI. Needless to say, I reported her.
3/1/2015 11:08 AM
1/29/2015 8:16 PM
TRT is great! Life changer!!!
1/29/2015 6:23 AM
I used AndroGel for a couple of years, but my Express Scripts told me that the Defense Dept. would no longer approve it. I switched to Fortesta and am happy with it's results.
1/28/2015 7:30 PM
started with nebid 2 weeks ago , brain fog gone , better sleep
1/27/2015 12:49 PM
Started on Androgen 1.6. 40mg increased to 81mg. Daily. Subtle changes, all positive but could not get level but to
500. Concerns with second hand exposure and low t levels. Gel was stable daily use. Test cyp. 100mg 1every 3 weeks. 100mg every 2 week. 100mg 1 per week. Up to 200mg per week. i inject 2 time a week. Ive injected both subq and I.M. with no negitive reactions. I noticed no differences subq vers I.M. currenty inject shallow I.M small guage primarly in glutes. Over all well being. Anxiety depression relief. Better positive mental drive. muscle and body aches pains relieved.(pains were thought as normal) Increase energy and mood. Increase in muscle/defined and stamina all are returning loss in belly fat. increase sex drive. confidence and mental outlook greatly improved Drive emotionally more stable
1/18/2015 9:59 PM
Life changing
1/18/2015 7:46 AM
Test Cyp 100/week - love 200/week more but then HCT goes too high.
1/18/2015 7:45 AM
Testosterone enanthate
1/18/2015 7:29 AM
Axiron has given my sex drive back along with a bit more energy and slight strength gains.
1/18/2015 1:48 AM

I am in a much better place both physically and mentally since I began test cyp and hcg. I have more energy and a better sense of well being. Through diet and exercise, I've lost a significant amount of weight. I didn't have had the motivation to do that before trt.
1/18/2015 1:31 AM
Tried everything. Like twice per week injections best with HCG.
1/18/2015 12:11 AM
Changed my life.
1/17/2015 10:02 PM
The combination of testosterone and HCG has been a godsend. I've never felt better. Have done testosterone only and it never felt as good as when done with HCG. I'm not concerned about testicle size I'm mainly concerned about fertility.
1/17/2015 9:15 PM
Androgel packets. Ok. Pain to use daily smells
1/17/2015 9:01 PM
Increased sex drive and energy. Weight gain.
1/17/2015 8:35 PM
Would not go without. Life time commitment. Improved my libido and have more muscle mass.
1/17/2015 6:24 PM
Sex drive has been up and down, I use Arimidex typically 1/2 mg 2-3 times per week, but not sure if that is helping sex drive or hurting it. Estradiol levels are in the low 30's, free test hovers around 1000-1100. no acne, no gyno, no other notable changes for the negative. I have seen more muscle gains and better control of blood sugar levels as well as body fat loss.
1/17/2015 6:02 PM
confident, happy, healthier. Best thing i ever did it saved my life
1/17/2015 5:56 PM
Been on test cypionate 100mg/wk over 20 years. Doc discovered due to symptoms of e.d. & depression way back then (Shannon Schrader MD, Houston). Have dosed 200mg every two weeks and 100 mg every week. Have dosed 100mg every week for past 9 years due to decreased mood swings and improved sexual drive and performance day to day.
1/17/2015 5:30 PM
Frustrating, ups and downs... This group have helped me a lot in learning more than the docs tell/ do..
1/17/2015 5:22 PM
I use cypionate to 8 years have hypogonadism, I always say that testosoerna is life. Thanks for the forum
1/17/2015 4:18 PM
I love it. It has done remarkable things for my health, particularly my sexual performance.
1/17/2015 4:10 PM
Game changer, life saver
1/17/2015 3:43 PM
Love it
1/17/2015 3:38 PM
Just switched to Testopel pellets from Fortesta after the Fortesta exhausted my payable prescription benefit for the year.
1/17/2015 3:27 PM
Injection problems Possible abcess Injection into sciatic nerve by nurse Nebido every 10wks
1/17/2015 3:26 PM
I currently use Fortesta and am happy with it. I used Androgel previously but Express Scripts advised me it was no longer authorized by Dept of Defense.
1/17/2015 3:21 PM
Test Cyp.. Satisfied Patient ....
1/17/2015 3:10 PM
Testosterone Lipo creme (MapQuest). I have been using it for more than 3 years and I am satisfied with it.
1/17/2015 3:10 PM
I use Testosterone Cypionate compounded in grapeseed oil. I have been on TRT since 2007 and have titrated from
100mg per week to 175mg per week to maintain between 700-900ng total T.
1/22/2014 2:09 PM
I liked the even dosing of the patches, but I developed skin irritation at the sites of the patches. Androgel sweated off in hot weather, so absorption was not regular. The doctor prescribed shots every two weeks, but the up and down energy swings were too dramatic for me. Now I give myself a weekly shot of 0.6 cc. Sometimes I forget for a day or two, so I would prefer less frequent shots.
6/9/2011 10:10 PM
I used Androgel first. Then my insurance decided to stop paying for Androgel (Blue Cross, Blue Shield of MA) and I switched to Testim. I prefered Androgel because it came in a convenient pump (I was pumping 4x/day). By switching to Testim, the daily dose actually dropped. Even so my Test was already too low even with Androgel. So I went to APS pharmacy because I had read about it on PozHealth. So now I use a compounded cream (200mg/ml) applied via
TopiClick device so I don't end up with cream all over my hands, and instead goes to where it should be. Only problem is that APS messes up my prescription almost every time. (I've been with them about a year and a half and have only had one proper delivery of the proper form in the right delivery system). I would actually prefer a multi-day cream or
gel that I can apply once a week or so. But due to the nature of the product, I doubt that this will come to pass.
4/19/2011 2:48 PM
I've been using Androgel for many years. I'm happy with the results. I enjoy plenty of energy, good erection levels, and good disposition in general. No side effects have been noticed. I also workout regularly and hav e a good nutritional balance.
4/18/2011 10:11 AM
Itchy skin on my shoulders. Sometimes have to use less than the full tube because of the itch.
4/15/2011 11:04 PM
It has helped tremendously with my energy level. Without it I wasn't able to get out of bed.
4/13/2011 6:04 PM
I was feeling consistently fatigued, my doc did some blood tests and found, among other things, that I had low testosterone. We addressed the other stuff and I used Testim for a month. I didn't really notice anything except that my libido went off the charts, to an unpleasant degree! So I stopped using the Testim, and was tested again about two months later. That test showed my testosterone to be within the normal range.
4/13/2011 2:16 PM
Medi-Cal and Medicare will no longer cover gels. So I'm back to what I did before. A shot every two weeks. I often times have trouble getting the correct syringe and additional needle needed to draw the dose and the other to inject it. Rx's need to listen. My partner always says he can feel a lacking when he's "on the tail end" of the second week when injecting. We've both used androgel and found our selves skipping daily doses sometimes.
4/12/2011 1:59 AM
I tried Testim and Androgel. Androgel is far better, in my opinion, because it dries fast and isn't sticky. It also gives a boost to my feeling of well being
4/11/2011 7:39 PM
Even is not practical, Testosterone shots are still the most affordable testosterone. Today, cost is very important.
4/11/2011 6:34 PM
I've gone off and on Testo Cypionate injections several times over the past 7 years, not be choice, by circumstance (insurance lapses, change of doctors, etc.) Each time I noticed a huge improved difference in my general stamina, sense of self worth, energy, vitality and mental well being. Without the testo I was down, depressive, listless and felt hopeless, inept, much less of a worthy person.
4/11/2011 4:01 PM
Am now using the gel, after using the patch, for about 10 years,total, now. It really changed my life when I first started using it, with an increase in energy, allowing me to go to the gym, etc. Only negative, if it can be called negative at my age, is being constantly horny.
4/11/2011 3:07 PM
I checked gel above because there was no "other" option. In fact, I use a compounded oil, which is an emulsion of T in jojoba oil. It is the most effective delivery method I have found so far. It was prescribed to me by Dr. Eugene Shippen and is made by The Medicine Shoppe in Reading, PA.
4/11/2011 12:51 PM
Previously used injectable T but didn't care for the ebb and flow of the benefit and having to self administer. Partner complained about my mood during the few days after injection, energy and sex drive waned near the end of the two week period before another shot. Also used nandrolone until problems with pulmonary hypertension and enlarged left ventricle, which my pulmonologist linked to its usage. After stopping nandrolone, hypertension problem solved but not sure of cause and effect. Switched to Testim about 6 years ago and then my ADAP changed to Androgel which I like so much better - none of the problems I had with Testim, such as difficulty drying, stickiness & mess. Goes on easily, dries rapidly and effect seems to be steady, day in and day out.
4/11/2011 12:35 PM
4/11/2011 12:24 PM
I have been taking is so long I wonder if it is doing any good. My ability to have sex with another person rarely succeeds. I have ED and difficulty reaching a orgasm. Masterbation can take up to 45 to reach an climax. I have little or no feeling rectually. The sideeffects from the ED drugs and recovery time hardly makes them worth taking them.
4/11/2011 11:50 AM
I am currently using Androgel. I have no problems with it except the excess film on the hands that occur during application. This is readily washed off. I do wish that it would increase my energy level and sexual desire though.
4/11/2011 11:40 AM
Testosterone shots saved me from depression, so severe I didn't get out of bed for days.
4/11/2011 10:56 AM
I have used the injectable kind, both kinds for over 10 years. I give myself the shots weekly as this seems to work the best and I don't notice a high or low period when given this frequently. I take .5 weekly. My hematocrit usually runs a little high, but I get my blood tested for everything every 3 months and they take enough blood to control that. My voice got deeper and I started to grow more body hair when I started. One of the 2 types I took seem to cause me to grow more body hair than the other. I been on it so long I don't remember which type. I am not a very hairy person and the one type seem to cause a little chest hair, but the type I am on now doesn't. It did fill out my beard. My PSA never
went up and I think everything about taking the shots is positive except having to give them in my butt myself which is not easy. I tried the gel for a few days, but that is too messy and you have to do it every day. I prefer the shots.
4/11/2011 10:46 AM
Just started 3 week ago to early to tell much other then my energy level have increased I do have happier moods and I can see my body is changing more muscle and less fat, but I am also working out twice a day and I am on a low calories diet, so the body changes are due to a combination of factors.
4/11/2011 9:40 AM
I use Androgel. am satisfied with the effects.
4/11/2011 9:19 AM
Nipples got strangely sensitive. Not unpleasant, but I really don't want to screw around with my hormone system. It's more complex than we realize and I'm likely to cause more problems.
4/11/2011 9:12 AM
I use Androgel and would prefer something with less frequent dosing (perhaps something that I would only have to use once every few months rather than daily. I also worry about the effects of androgel on my blood pressure. It seems that one possible side effect is an increase in blood pressure.
4/11/2011 8:33 AM
I feel it helps me with HIV-related fatigue - a long-term problem I have had. And I have been applying some of it each day to a small developing buffalo hump and it has reversed it.
4/11/2011 7:58 AM

The only experience I have had is an (very slight) increase of energy, and a little hair growth
4/11/2011 7:51 AM
love it.
4/11/2011 6:47 AM
I inject it into my shoulder once a week. Tend to feel grogy mid week so if I could afford it I think I'd feel better w the gel!
4/11/2011 6:22 AM
I currently use Androgel, and have been for about one year now, perhaps 8 months. Before starting Androgel, my testosterone was in the 170-215 ng/dl range, and three to four months after it was up in the 510-620 range. It was obvious the gel worked. However, other than feeling a bit more aggressive and very, very slightly more energetic for the first week or two after starting, I did not feel as different or get the results that I had hoped. After those first two weeks, I didn't feel much different than I had before: fatigue and erectile dysfunction were my main complaints I was hoping testosterone therapy would address. I chose to apply the Androgel to both my abdomen and upper arms and shoulders, according to the manufacturer's instructions. I figured the more surface area of my body that was exposed to the gel, the greater the absorption. Recently, I learned that the fattier areas of the body (i.e. abdomen) don't absorb and utilize the testosterone from the gel as well as areas less fatty (the shins, for example). For the past week I have been applying it to my upper arms, shoulders, back of the shoulders, shins, and abdomen. However, I do not know yet whether changing the application sites has improved my lab results.
4/11/2011 6:03 AM
I feel more invigorated and my muscle mass has greatly improved.
4/11/2011 5:17 AM
generic testosterone cypionate would not change that for the world except of course for the darned needle
4/11/2011 12:44 AM
It seemed to maintain energy and muscle mass. I appreciated that. My wife said it made me more lecherous, and actually I appreciate that too, though I didn't notice it myself.
4/10/2011 9:45 PM
Have not felt any benefit in terms of energy or libido!
4/10/2011 8:32 PM
helps with osteoporosis. helps with energy and attitude.
4/10/2011 8:11 PM
Used the patch and it raised welts on my skin due to the adhesive, I think. Tried the gel, but found it to be cold and messy and way too much trouble. Can't be bothered. I prefer the shot once a week and it's done. I do a smaller dose but more often. More convenient.
4/10/2011 7:24 PM
4/10/2011 6:08 PM
I am using shots due to cost and preformance for me.
4/10/2011 4:14 PM
i inject testosterone cypionate twice per week, that schedule provides me with the steadiest levels. moving from gels to injections greatly improved my response to treatment. i'm interested in the pellets but only if i could maintain similar blood levels...and if the pellets weren't externally detectable.
4/10/2011 3:08 PM
I used an oral testosterone medication made in Thailand. The recommended dose on product was too high. It caused dangerously high LFTs. I had to stop all medications including anti-viral medicating. It took six months for my liver enzymes to return to normal. I have been told by my doctors not to use it again.
4/10/2011 2:08 PM
Used Androgel for several years what would be equivalent to pumps today. Changed to 8 pumps per day about a year ago due to low testosterone level even with the 4 pumps.
4/10/2011 2:00 PM
The Androgel seems to work, but I would prefer a method that doesn't require daily administration of the med. I peviously used the skin patches. These irritated my skin, left big red circles on my skin, and were generally not convenient. Androgel has allowed me to achieve erections (using a **** ring) and ejaculations. Without the Androgel these are not possible.
4/10/2011 1:43 PM
The patch worked very well for me... But I still monitor my levels, today....
4/10/2011 1:36 PM
I've been injecting testosterone cypionate for about 7 yrs, and consistently weekly injections for about 3 yrs. When I used to cycle with deca, I would use 1cc weekly for 6 wks and then cycle off for about 2 months. I began and continue between 1/2 - 3/4 cc's IM weekly maintenance of only the tes. To counteract testicular atrophy, I also take 25ml's of HCG sub-q twice weekly, 2 days away from tes injection. What I have noticed is that I have consistent weight management (tendancy to lose when not on it), strong libido and high energy, though I still have trouble with ED. The only side effect that could possibly be attributed to the therapy is an aggravation to my already benign prostate enlargement. So far, it's not been problematic to the point of seeking prostate treatment. I do take heart meds, altace
& toprol, but it's not been attributed to the testosterone supplementation.
4/10/2011 12:03 PM
Test Cypionate, anavar, nolvadex to prevent gyno , HCG, when drawing down a cycle
4/10/2011 11:52 AM
it is wonderful med. mood ,sex,and the whole body is much better with it
4/10/2011 11:52 AM

The testosterone gel did not seem to do the trick. Perhaps my hiv specialist did not prescribe it the right way. Although apparently my levels went up my erectile dysfunction did not improve. Then moved on to penile injections to no avail. Finally had a penile implant done in 2010.
4/10/2011 11:49 AM
Currently receiving injection of 100 mg or ml? every 2 weeks. Was referred to an endo specialist after Dexa scan revealed osteopenia and osteoporosis in spine and hips. Further lab tests showed low t in 2 of 3 relevant categories and over 800 units of calcium in 24 hour urine collection. Endo doc suggested T replacement to see if it would minimize bone loss and indapimide for calcium. Going with injections for this 3 month trial period. It seemed like it would be the least expensive and least complicated option -- there seems to be mounting difficulty of people being able to have doctor-written scrips filled by compounding pharmacies As for delivery method, I might prefer the sublingual over an injection. It would depend on taste or lack of. Not crazy about the idea of patches, gels, or pellets under my skin.
4/10/2011 11:44 AM
More than anything, using the gel has improved my mood.
4/10/2011 11:13 AM
Increase in muscle mass, libido increased but also high hematocrit and cholesterol up. Working on the latter with increased cardio at gym. Seeing MD every couple months for new labs
1/24/2011 11:35 AM
I use a triblend of testostorone, injected twice a week, hcg and an anti-estrogen pill, all monitored by a knowledgeable physician
10/15/2010 6:30 AM
6/8/2010 1:49 AM
I liked the patch a lot, but developed skin irritation after a few months. The gel worked well in a cool climate, but when I moved to a hot climate I seemed to sweat it off before it was absorbed completely. I started taking shots every two weeks, but the mood swings were too strong. Now I give myself weekly shots and am happy with the results. I don't like the inconvenience of carrying needles around, and would prefer a long term, slow release, method of delivery.
5/31/2010 8:20 PM
Testosterone Cypionate. Hard reach to self inject but would never dream of going to a nurse for it--barely make it in for my 3-month bloodwork! If there was only a shot for patience! For muscle building, feel better about injections--only use
.5ML per week--I'm a small (145 lb) guy.
5/30/2010 1:34 PM
At first it made me feel great and gave me some more energy at the gym I used Androgel 5gm. Ultimately it made me anxious so I stopped it.
5/27/2010 9:25 PM
My weight and mood has stabilized. I am no longer depressed. My sex drive has also improved. My muscle/fat ratio has improved.
5/27/2010 1:17 AM
It has been of great help. Of course, I notice the most positive effects, when I am also working out hard.
5/27/2010 1:08 AM
Applying Androgel to my shoulders and upper arms can cause them to noticeably itch the next day. I try to spread it rather thinly over a wider area but then I don't use the entire packet of Androgel.
5/26/2010 10:58 PM
Was on the injection for several years and moved to the patch. My body would not absorb the cream so I moved back to the injection.
5/26/2010 9:40 PM
Using Delatestryl 200mg/ml - 1 1/2cc every two weeks. No problems with it and preferred it over gel. Gel takes more time and effort than the shots and didn't notice any better effects. Was not aware of a sublingual daily product but that sounds as though it would be my preference. I self inject and my injections are more like acupuncture than a needle. Just can't stab myself so I slowly push the needle in. Not pleasant but bearable.
5/26/2010 8:28 PM
5/26/2010 7:10 PM
I was on Androgel for one year, and I loved it...my gym workouts were so much better and I gained muscle, also my aches and pains from weight training went away so quickly. But I am on a 4-month holiday off it under the counsel of my urologist...Partly because of 7.31 PSA, I had a biopsy of my enlarged prostate in Dec 2009 and all 12 "pokes" were found to be completely benign, but my followup PSA in April 2010 showed PSA rising to 7.51...so urologist said
he wanted me off testosterone for four months, to see if my rising PSA is a direct result of Androgel use or whether the prostate is possibly pre-cancerous. I will have next PSA test at end of August 2010, and if the PSA does go down, my urologist says I can resume my daily Androgel. I am hopeful of a lower PSA!
5/26/2010 3:05 PM
It gave me a lot more energy and got rid of my fatigue. It also helped me from starving to death and helps keep my appetite up. The only thing I dont like (as a female) is that it makes your hair on your face grow a bit more...not sexy!
5/26/2010 2:39 PM
I'm surprised so many people are able to use it for so long. I had every side effect possible. When I found myself in a mammogram machine after PSA spikes and high Hct. I just said enough. Incidentally you didn't mention testicular atrophy as another reason for stopping the drug. I went from healthy walnuts to grapes.
5/26/2010 1:58 PM
I give myself the shots every week in the butt. I have to push the needle in very slow so that I can get it in straight. By taking it every week instead of every 3 weeks, I don't have as much medication to put in my butt, so the site is not get sore. I also inject it very slowly. It also even outs the mood swings and sexual urges. I've been doing this for 15 years or more. There are 2 kinds of injectable tertosterone. I use Testosterone Enanthate 200 mg. The other kind of
injectable caused hair to grown on my chest. This one does not. I have tried the gel after it came out, but it is too sticky and messy, plus you have to do it every day. If I am going on vacation for several weeks, then I give myself a does
that will cover the time I am gone instead of traveling with it. I use one needle ( a bigger one ) to draw it out of the bottle, then I change the needle to a smaller one (around). That way the needle is sharper than reusing the needle after going thru the rubber top of the bottle. It is really very easy to do and I look at a magazine to distract me while I am doing it. I stand up at the kitchen counter and turn my head to see if the needle is going in straight or not..
5/26/2010 1:29 PM
Androgel----makes me horney and gives me energy--sense of well being.
5/26/2010 1:16 PM
I use Androgel daily but the copayments are exorbitant. I have also found the gel, which I don't mind applying may be releasing inconsistent amounts of testosterone into my system and this is a concern about the product. However, even though I have been giving myself shots for years, most of them have been sub-Q and the IM testosterone shots have not been a ride in the park.
5/26/2010 12:21 PM
The problem I had with using testosterone replacement therapy was its sporadic effect. I would feel the difference for a short while after treatment but it would fall off rapidly. It also caused body fat issues.
5/26/2010 12:14 PM
Question #2 is a problem. The doctor was careful not to say my test was low, only saying, that it may be low for me, as for anyone, but, I still fell above the average for men my age, not taking into account my HIV status or having access to any previous test. Since going on test gel, I have made significant improvement in the firs two weeks.
5/26/2010 10:07 AM
No problem w/ weekly self administered shots
5/26/2010 9:37 AM
I inject 200mg IM weekly. I use an oil base that will mix with DECA when I use it also.
5/26/2010 9:11 AM
I used the androgel patch at one time but it burned my skin. Then I went on Testim Gel and it worked fine. I had great energy and vitality...felt like a 16 year old. I have stopped using it now that my DR. says my test is in the normal range.
5/26/2010 9:05 AM
It has helped me maintain my body mass/muscle. It has increased my libido. It has reduced my moodiness. It has increased my stamina.
5/26/2010 8:58 AM
Testosterone Cypionate 1 ml per weekly injected for five or six years. Until recently. I'm in "donut hole" (Medicare) insurance gap now (annual personal deductible is $7000), so I returned to the VA medical system (no co-pay given my service-related, hearing-loss disability). Working hard to convince them that I need hormone therapy. I've lost 15#, no libido. My work outs and stamina are much lower. Self-esteem suffering. Feeling like old depression creeping in. I was a competition bodybuilder, now I'm just slogging along.
5/26/2010 8:24 AM
I believe it has helped with energy level and also lean muscle mass gains ... I have used the therapy for several years now ...
5/26/2010 7:49 AM
I was diagnosed with Hypogonadism back in the late 90's. No Dr. gave me any hormone replacement until I begged for it and referenced my hormone levels and the studies I had researched where replacement in HIV+ men had seemed to help in all the studies. I began using Androgel 1% packs for 5 years, starting with 1 per day, ending at 2
per day. It had little effect on my free Testosterone serum levels and did not raise my total Testosterone reading hardly at all and I stayed in the low normal range. My waist girth was 47". My weight was 280 when starting, and never dropped below about 260. I begged my new Dr. at the county hospital HIV health clinic for the injections last
September 2009. I had to be refered to the Endocrinology Dept. and got into it in less than 4 weeks. The Endocrinologist was a leading researcher at the connected research center. He was shocked that none of my 3 leading HIV Drs. had ever offered or tried the injectable Testosterone. He was more than happy to try it, saying I
should find incredible positive results! He was quite right! . I found that in the first month of starting off at 1 ml injection, it was too strong for me (causing shakes, unsteadiness, moodiness and agitation and sleeplessness) , so I cut back to
1/2 for 3 months, and went up to a full 1 ml dose per week in December without the ill side effects. My Testosterone blood levels are now high normal where before I was never EVEN low normal. My energy and sleep are great, and my moods are wonderful. 5 other hormone levels have now normalized as well. After 9 months on the injections, my waist is now 35" and my weight is down to 208. I am aiming for 180, my good normal weight by Fall/Winter 2010. I use my biceps for the injection site, switching to the opposite arm every week. I found that using my upper quad hurt way too much and made it hard to walk for 4 days afterward. I have no pain at the site now using my biceps.... I use "1ml. U-
100 25 gauge (25G1) Insulin Syringes." It does take a bit long -3 x's as long!- to draw the viscous liquid into the syringe, but I am patient knowing that I will have less pain than with a 20 or 22 gauge needle. 23 gauge needles work well too if you don't have the patience for the slow draw in the 25G size syringe. -Matt Stevens, Dallas TX [email][email protected][/EMAIL]
5/26/2010 7:34 AM

My doctor started me on testosterone cyprionate shots back in the bad old days, when men were dropping like flies. I don't think there was much concern about long-term issues. I've been on replacement for more than a decade, now, and assume I will be for life. It has improved my fitness. I don't like being dependent on it, and if I'd known I would live, I might have approached this differently.
5/26/2010 6:26 AM
currently use androgel. had to cut useage in half because of blood getting too thick. I like the results I get with the product....increased libido and energy.
5/26/2010 5:52 AM
I'm using a low dose combination of testosterone and nanadrolone, 1/2 cc each weekly. I also practcie power yoga 4x weekly and work with a trainer 2x weekly. I have seemnincreased energy and gains in muscle mass. I look great and feel much better now on therapy. I plan on staying on it indefinitely.
5/26/2010 5:11 AM
i find it helps with a bunch of things, from having an agressive attitude to deal with a government that would prefer i was dead, all the way to helping with bone density, to maintaining weight gain & more. my liver seems to be in pretty good shap because i've always used injectable test. medicine by checkbook only (burp)
5/26/2010 12:17 AM
I've been using AndroGel patches (5 mg) for 8 or 9 years now...elevates my mood, my 'sense-of-well-being' and helps me keep some weight on. I could probably look really 'ripped' if I put a little more effort in at the gym, but I'm just not that motivated. I'm not too thrilled with having such prominent veins, so I don't wear shorts anymore. The 'every morning hard-as-a-rock **** is a nice benefit as well...
5/25/2010 10:06 PM
I take depo testosterone shots I have for the last 20 years. It keeps my mood light and I am pretty normal. Before using it I had low energy levels and no interest in sex. That has changed. I make sure I take my shots every 2 weeks like clockwork. You have to be vigilant and take it as directed to get the ultimate response.
5/25/2010 8:38 PM
Like Testim the best except for the smell. It takes me twice as much Androgel to get the same result as Testim. Patch will not stay on in the Florida heat.
5/25/2010 8:19 PM
I have used testosterone for well over 10 years and I find the main benefit for me is that it helps keep me out of major depression. I've experimented with not using it and I can definitely tell the difference in my mood.
5/25/2010 7:47 PM
i have used it for about a year for wasting my legs look like chicken legs have seen some improvement with continued exercise
5/25/2010 5:12 PM
When first diagnosed, the doctor told me the reason for the weight loss and no libido was due to the HIV recking
havoc with my testosterone levels..then it was shots, then patch..(too difficult to use) and then the gel... I am in a state with a waiting list for adap..so probably will do the shots myself..I don't mind it..1 /2cc weekly...that way there are no highs and lows... TD
5/25/2010 4:14 PM
it is not my doctor, but I who requested a testosterone test. I was very tired all the time and had mood swings. The therapy has given much energy and i feel like a 30 y o again
5/25/2010 3:39 PM
The daily skin patch worked for me and increased my levels... I may have used the patch for about a year...
5/25/2010 3:31 PM
I've been using Androgel for several years, possibly 8 or 10. Previously to Androgel I used the daily skin patche for a short period of time and totally hated it for many reasons. I also used a shot every two weeks and also disliked it because of the time/labor involved. The ups and downs of the testosterone cycle between shots was also a major area of discontent. I'm very happy with the Androgel results, as my testosterone level is normal. It gives me energy and good mood. I haven't suffered any adverse effects from its use. The alleged possible effect of testosterone on prostate has not incurred in my case.
5/25/2010 3:29 PM
Felt more energetic.
5/25/2010 2:32 PM
I had several infections at injection sites. I believe from contamination of multi-use vials. I got testosterone pills in Thailand and recommended dose was way too high. I ended up with major liver inflammation which required my not only having to stop the testosterone, but all the medication that I was taking. This included all antivirus and mood stabilizers. My mood crashed and I developed resistance to the only two antiviral drugs that I had not taken, which resulted in my having no active agents in my regimen. All that was in 2007. Now in 2010 my liver enzymes are normal, but I have been advised not to use any form of testosterone or nandralone. We have been recycling old antivirus and my t-cells are inching up and my VL is 48.
5/25/2010 2:19 PM
I prefer the shot because it's easier than dealing with messy gels every day. The patch was cumbersome, unsightly, and it made my skin break out.
5/25/2010 2:18 PM
I am using Androgel in the pump which I like much better than the foil packets. Its a bit messy at 1st (and dont put it where it doesnt belong) but I sure do feel better. In fact if I run out and dont get it refilled for 2 days I really notice a difference...sure made a postive difference in my lief
5/25/2010 2:15 PM
In the 1990th I used patch which irritated my skin later I switched to Androgel which was much better but I had to stop it due to my enlarged prosate.
5/25/2010 2:11 PM

I have had a much improved energy level whereas before using Androgel I could barely get out of bed. The side effects have been a gain in fatty tissue in the chest and underarm areas. I tried to discontinue use of the gel but soon returned to the fatigue I had before. So I'm still on the gel even though I don't like what happened with the side effects.
5/25/2010 2:11 PM
I used testosterone and now have normal levels of testosterone so I don't need it anymore.
5/25/2010 2:08 PM
The shots eventually changed my mood. I got aggressive, angry and unable to control my mood swings. My prstate got enlarged and painful, and it didn't do anything for me anymore,...no results.
5/25/2010 2:00 PM
I like it but the opnly problem with androget is to remember to put it on, thinking about the patch
5/25/2010 1:50 PM
I have used testosterone therapy for the last five years and it has worked extremely well for me. I use testosterone cypionale 200mg/ml.
5/25/2010 1:49 PM
I currently use 100mg/week of Testosterone Cypionate injected IM. Since starting therapy 4 years ago, I have noticed huge positive benefits such as; alleviation of depression, better libido, more energy, and reversed type-2 diabetes! At first, my doctor was against it so I went to another physician and did not tell my GP. Once my GP saw me 3 months after starting he couldnt believe how healthy I had become. He is now a supporter of TRT in men. Its sad how we spend so much money on synthetic drugs like Prozac, which have terrible side effects, yet we have something like testosterone which doctors know nothing about (yet its more natural and has less side effects...and cheaper!!).
5/25/2010 1:42 PM
Easy to use and does the job.
5/25/2010 1:36 PM
it's irritating, time consuming, stinks, sticky but a total life saver. over night it cured my depression, lack of libido, hair loss, dry skin, dandruff, fuzzy headedness, indecision, weight loss, muscle atrophy, appalling energy levels and excrutiating and debilitating diarrhoea!
5/21/2010 8:55 AM
Use Androgel twice weekly as I show normal range on labs. It has improved libido, energy, and mood in many ways. I am 58 work out 5x per week and have a great sense of well being, despite being poz for almost 30 years. I think of it as a supplement that really adds quality to my life.
5/19/2010 4:04 PM
Had used Androgel for years until loss of subcutaneous fat resulted in gels no longer being absorbed. Had already been doing Nandrolone Decanoate shots every 2 weeks so merely switched to Testosterone cyp. and included both the Testosterone and Nandrolone in the same injection. (was put on Nandrolone when loss of nearly all my muscle mass occured while being on Sustiva 4.5 months.) I do both my partner's injection and my own every 2 weeks and have no problems with this method at all. Yes, there were MONTHS where the Nandrolone DEA fiasco made it impossible to get ... but we have NO PROBLEM getting it now. In fact, our compunder is only 20 mins away from our home and now has more raw materials to compound it than he has orders for! THRILLED once again!
5/19/2010 12:07 PM
The gel is easy to use, but it is very expensive. It does seem to have helped with my energy level and libido, but I can't really quantify this.
5/19/2010 10:03 AM
I have used patches; didn't like the feel or the crinkling noise during use. Used gel but didn't like the sticky mess and daily use requirement on both arms/torso (was using 4 pumps each side, each day. For now I prefer the shots (self- administered) every 2 weeks.
5/19/2010 9:00 AM
Several years ago, I started on Androderm 5G patches, then switched to Testoderm 5G patches for a few months as the Androderm continued to cause my skin to become discolored (hyperpigmentation) and would break out in welt-like rashes due to an allergy with the adhesive :-( Unfortunately, at the time, Testoderm's adhesive was pretty weak and would *always* fall off after I'd exercise... so I went back to Androderm, and just tried best to deal with the derm side effects. About a year later, I read that Alza Pharmaceuticals (the makers of Testoderm) modified their adhesive, but I already switched to the super, easy-to-apply AndroGel 5G. Then, after a couple of years on AndroGel 5G, I bumped up my dosage to 10G, but felt way too aggressive, irritable, and crazy horny! My endocrinologist then had me try Testim 5G, which I *really* liked, because more testosterone was being absorbed into my body from a lower dosing tube. I think this had to do with the fact that Testim was made with sesame oil vs. AndroGel's ethanol composition. Unfortunately, after a couple months on Testim 5G, I had to stop because my skin was breaking out again :-( ... and switched to AndroGel 7.5G. Now, depending on what I'm doing or is planned in my calendar, I vary my daily dose
between 5G and 7.5G applications. I think my body best responds to 6G, but my private PPO health insurance doesn't cover compounded medications :-( In terms of how I felt, the very first time I applied testosterone was *so* mind blowing! All of a sudden, I felt this surge in energy levels, a heightened libido, an increased appetite, and noticed how quickly lean muscle mass was developing! Also, according to my DEXA scans, the testosterone is also helping to increase the bone mineral density, but only at small percentage points.
5/19/2010 5:32 AM
I apply the gel 3 or 4 times per week. It helps with libido and hopefilly muscle mass. However, I can't really say definitively that testosterone itself has made any change in my appearance in and of iteslf. I usually combine with an anabolic steroid like Nadnrolone or Anadrol. I don't want to use it every single day for fear of becoming "dependent" and my own system shutting down its own testosterone production. My levels have never been clinically low. I think of it more as a boost or enhancement to my overall mental and physical health.
8/31/2009 8:08 AM
I developed a rash after a few months with a patch, though the levels felt good. The gel didn't work when I moved to a warmer climate -- I sweated it off too soon. Now I give myself a shot every week of .6 ml. It works well, without the ups and downs of bi-weekly shots.
8/31/2009 12:46 AM
It has made a difference. Used Androgel before but didn't feel it was doing the job. Am taking 200mg of Testosterone
Cypionate a week. This plus the Vitamin b12 does the trick
8/26/2009 4:39 AM
I started on halotestin pills in 2000, went to gels and now doing shots for the past year. Keeping on a strict diet is a problem for the shots.
8/25/2009 3:35 AM
I use Depo-testosterone injection every ten days. It helps with energy and lean body maintenance.
8/24/2009 3:45 PM
used to us Androgel. Had to switch to Testim becasue insurance stopped covering it (due to cost). Although Testim seems to work as well, Androgel was more conveneient as it dired very quickly. Testim stays stickly for a long time and I have to wait a while before i can but my shirt on. I don't understand why Angrogel is so much more expensive than Testim. I think over time, insurance companies will come to the conclusion that Testim is a better alternative (although I think Androgel is). This is yet another case where insurance companies dictate what is best for patients, rather than doctors or patients themselves. What would be best would be a "steady - release" long-term delivery system where the testosterone is absorbed at a relatively constant rate over a long (months) period of time. I understand that the pellets get absorbed faster at the beginning and slowly at the end, resulting in fluctuations in testosterone levels.
8/24/2009 10:22 AM
I would prefer a less messy option and plan on discussing it with my doctor at my next followup visit.
8/24/2009 8:43 AM
testosterone cypionate 140mg every week
8/24/2009 8:14 AM
It helps me with my energy levels during the day. I use Testim and like it, however the pellet would be better I think.
8/23/2009 11:43 PM
Androgel works well for me as far as raising my levels but I do find it a chore to have to apply it. Not that it's hard to do but I guess psychologically it's a reminder of my less than optimal level of T. I'm grateful for the product and don't want to complain but something that was time released and lasted longer with fewer applications would definitely be better.
8/23/2009 1:10 PM
Not only was my sexual drive in the basement, I had no energy and was really depressed. The testosterone really helped with all three! I can't imagine my life without it. Wait, I KNOW what my life was like without it, and I won't go back. I was amazed at how quickly the testosterone changed my mental outlook. I am now able to socialize, both in desire and ability. I don't sit home watching TV, but get out and ride my bike, meet friends, and go out for walks.
8/23/2009 10:52 AM
testical shrinking, more body hair, faster hair groth, shorter temper
8/23/2009 10:07 AM
I now the use the Androgel pump and my only concern is the variation in dose when it is pumped out.
8/23/2009 10:00 AM
I use two packs of androgel daily I think that is 10g. Its easier than the shots and not as many spikes
8/23/2009 9:17 AM
I have used testosterone for some 13 years. When I was first diagnosed in 1995 with AIDS; my doctor said nothing but, I was probably going to die. I switched doctors when moving back the SF bay area and the first thing he said was "do you have any sexual drive"?..I said no and he said I was practically a eunech. We started on the injections and have now switched to the gel. I might add: I am in Texas now, and the gel was not on the formulary. It now is. Pryor to the gel in Texas, I injected the perscription myself into my quadracept which is the thickest muscle on my body. I did it weekly 1/2 cc as the usual is 1cc every two weeks. I am very healthy now and in good physical shape.
8/23/2009 7:38 AM
It keeps my weight normal and energy levels high
8/23/2009 2:43 AM
I have a lot of peaks and troughs since I get the shot every month.
8/23/2009 1:47 AM
painful shot site for days after too long for preparation gathering instrumentation drawing oil from vial is too difficult fear of infection if not using sterile procedures fear of hitting a vein anger issues
8/23/2009 12:23 AM
Started in mid 90's, natural test levels flat-lined. Went from gel to inject-able because of higher does requirements. Have phased off a few times because of cost, not covered by insurance. But current plan is covering again. Current doctor see's no need for HGC therapy in conjunction with long term testosterone replacement therapy. So have lost the ability to do a cycle of it every 3-4 months to counter testicular apathy. Without testosterone replacement therapy,
I become fatigued, depressed, loose any sex drive and natural muscle tone/mass. With, I maintain a much happier and healthier life. Seems to help maintain metabolic rates higher also.
8/22/2009 10:49 PM
Shots gave me too much of an initial boost. Gels keep me at a constant level.
8/22/2009 10:27 PM
I started out with the daily gel but my HMO wouldn't pay for it after a while. So I started the shot every other week. My testo levels are about normal but my doc realizes that after my not having any sexual desires for over 6 months that what has been realized by some/most doc that people with HIV can show normal levels but have problems.
8/22/2009 9:24 PM
Androgel is good for my mood and bones...but, I still done have erections.
8/22/2009 9:11 PM
I have been using testosterone cypionate for several years now. I find it helps my mood and libido.
8/22/2009 7:49 PM

I am currently on a testosterone/nandrolone injection therapy, 1 cc each, every two weeks as I am recovering from chemo and radiation therapy. The anabolic steroids are in addition to diet and exercise to put back the lean mass I lost as a result of the cancer treatments. This course of therapy will last for 20 weeks, a total of 10 injections. I will return to daily Andogrogel gel after that to help with energy levels.
8/22/2009 7:34 PM
I got NO raised blood levels after 8 years on 2 packets daily of Androgel 1%. I am now just recently on the twice monthly injections. I'm on week 4 & have had 2 injections. No blood tested yet, but I feel SO much less tired, less hungry, have lost 8 lbs. & sleep more soundly.
8/22/2009 6:40 PM
Better mood, energy and sexual desire
8/22/2009 6:25 PM
I feel an improvement-more so w/ the shot than the gel. Best for me.
2/15/2008 9:15 PM
haven't had much of a difference but glad to use testim... mitchell
2/3/2008 8:47 PM
Never had a problem using AndroGel. I find that it dramatically improves my mood and controls depression. Feel much better when using it. I stopped for a period of time and didn not seem to feel as well when I was using it. Went back
on it and found immediate improvement in managing my tiredness and outlook.
2/1/2008 9:15 PM
LOATHE androgel, the alcohol knocks me on my ass every morning. And Testim is slimey. And the results are negligable to non-existant.
1/31/2008 2:15 PM
The gel helped with libido and mood. I recommend it.
1/31/2008 10:00 AM
Started with the shot, then moved to the patch and the gel. The patch was ok, but the gel didn't do squat! Now I'm back to the shot and love it. The shot has greatly helped with my depression associated with the loss of my partner in
2006. However, my all time favorite was Andriod, a pill version that isn't made anymore. It was the best!
1/31/2008 9:22 AM
I think I really had to adjust the dose to my individual needs. Daily use was producing side effects, acne, thinning hair on my head, hematocrit increase. I staggered Androgel to about 4x weekly and my level is fine, infrequent side-effects. Of course I wasn't looking for bulking up or anything (though that's a pleasant added benefit), just to keep my levels in the high-normal range. It's really helped my overall quality of life.
1/31/2008 1:11 AM
1/30/2008 3:03 PM
in addition to helping add and keep weight up, it helps me be more aggressive and deal with issues of aids-related fatigue.
1/30/2008 2:43 PM
I've used Androderm patches and I have to keep switching sites to avoid irritation.
1/30/2008 2:36 PM
Androgel has increased my sense of well being, and restored my libido. Thanks, Tom
1/28/2008 4:37 PM
I have used all methods of delivering Testosterone to my system. Am currently using Testim and have been on that for the last two years. Before that it was androgel for at least 6 years.
1/20/2008 7:43 AM
I had some gain in muscle mass. I want to use it again, after I have been exercising faithfully again for one month. Returning to New Orleans upset my exercise routing.
1/15/2008 9:42 PM
I got shots every other week until Androgel came out. I used it for a long period when I was on private health insurance. Then when I went on Medicare part D it wasn't covered and I went back to shots. Last year I went back on my ex- partners insurance and returned to using Androgel. My doctor just switched me to Testim to see if I would get better levels of testosterone. I have only been on it less than a week and I am using twice the normal prescription as I did with Androgel. Again I am back on Medicare part D and the doctor is trying to get it to cover Testim which of course is not on their formulary. Hopefully my next blood test will show improved levels of testosterone.
1/15/2008 8:44 PM
There are small areas on my arm and shoulder that itches, I suspect, from the use of androgel. I now avoid applying androgel to these small areas
1/15/2008 8:43 PM
I use Androgel. It seems to work fine for me -- I use the pump. I also have the packets for when I travel. The problem is that I sometimes forget to apply the gel, and it just get's to be a drag to have to do this every morning. A shot would be better, but I like the "regularity" of the daily gel to keep my T level more stable. My understanding is that the shots have a rise/peak/fall response. It would be good to have something that you do less regularly than once/day but keeps your T level fairly constant over a long period of time.
1/15/2008 4:34 PM
I am a female, I don't think that I have to use testosterone.
1/15/2008 10:53 AM
I have only just started using testosterone in the past 3 weeks, and I haven't had a follow-up with my doctor yet, so it is still too early I think to give any meaningful insight; I am taking the Androgel Gel twice per day-
1/15/2008 10:05 AM

I have been using Androgel consistently for over a year now. I am satisfied with the results so much I am afraid to stop using it. Muscle tone and energy is excellent. Frankly, I've always have been a big gym rat so it's difficult to say how much improvement is the result of the testosterone or my own efforts and/or the benefits of the antivirals.
1/14/2008 11:29 PM
I have been self-injecting testosterone weekly for about 8 years. I believe it has helped me with depression, energy and restored some lost libido (which makes me feel 'alive' again). The shots are a bit of a pain but I found I like the results best from that delivery method.
1/12/2008 11:54 AM
I have used testosterone for quite a long time. 1cc every week. I also try to combine a shot of B12. Both I administer by injection myself. I notice that testosterone keeps me from getting depressed. Although I take an antidepressant, I
know by my mood whether I need to give myself an injection. I use to use a 1cc shot of nandralone as well, but since it is no longer being made I have not used any other anabolic steroids. The testosterone does mess with my testicles a bit, making them tight. I am now 52 years old and I think men over 40 years old should take replacement therapy. I am very happy with the vigar it has given me. The one thing I learned is don't let these doctors tell you what a normal testosterone level is; I don't think that from what I have read, that they have been able to establish it.
1/11/2008 5:03 PM
Had shots, now Androgel. Helps with fatigue and since I work out, must help maintain muscle
1/11/2008 2:36 PM
I would not be alive today if something like testosterone injections did not exist to pull me out of the HIV freefall into which I was falling. Life is a lot better with energy, strength, and concentration!
1/11/2008 1:30 PM
Hi and Happy New Year for starters, Well, my experience with Testosterone Shots has been like a roller coaster of different types of side effects, to include "Testicular Atrophy", enlarge prostate, and the developement of various tiny lumps within my right testicle(Thank God, they are not malignant), although when I masturbate, my right testicle hurts for days.....My Doctor is aware and ordered some test, which are pending. My testosterone shot were prescribed as;
200mgs IM every week....I'm concern that this dosage is too much/high for me, and will express my concern to my Doctor on my next appointment. What do you think about this dosage, Nelson? Almost forgot to mention that I have the "Novel Shape" lipodistrophy on my upper torso, with a huge "Buffalo Hump", this emerged 2 months after I began
using Testosterone shots,...before then, I was on my ****tails and everything was within normal limits w/o any lipodistrophy and or side effects.....can the testosterone shots have something to do with my lipodistrophy? Thank You for your concern and for your contributions towards HIV/Aids and for helping so many people, May God Bless You Always, Nelson...GRACIAS!
1/11/2008 12:27 PM
i'm currently on 200mg/wk of testosterone cypionate and 200mg week nandrolone decanoate. i have used testim and androgel in the past, androgel was too sticky all day and testim wqas INSANELY sticky all day and smelled like real cheap cologne. i would prefer less frequent shots if they came up with a longer half-life testosterone, but i aint doing pellets. the shots are vastly more convenient, ive gotten better results, and they're a time saver. my quality of life, energy level and mood have improved greatly since replacement therapy.
1/11/2008 11:08 AM
i discovered my testosterone had collapsed about a year ago when i started losing muscle, gaining even more fat around my middle fast, my hair was thinning (noticed by my barber), terrible dandruff, my skin was dry, toes and fingers cracked, mood low, no libido, dreadful diarrhea every other day and i could barely make it through the week at
work i had so little energy. (if i don't work i don't get paid, so taking time off is not an option. i work through the flu while my neg colleagues are off for a week) because i have a fatty liver my doc refused to give me testosterone as he said it would only make the liver worse. i fought with him for months as i was near suicidal, i knew i couldn't carry on like this. because of my lack of lebido my partner started ****ing around and we have since split up. total nightmare really. my doc eventually agreed to let me have a low dose of testim, understanding a balance had to be made. it immediately lifted my spirits and gave me energy and a sex drive, (not that i could use it looking the way i did). i have since added
50mg of deca once a week, behind my docs back, bringing me up to 75mg a week, as i take half a tube a day of gel now. (most guys take at least 100mg or more). it feels right for me. my liver hasn't overreacted, my skin hasn't broken out. i'm working out 4-5 times a week, muscle is coming back and just everything is worth living for again. i get good comments from other guys again now though i'm still battling against my belly fat which i absolutley hate. i've learned over the yrs (diagnosed in '91) that you have to take your own decisions over your health. if my doc doesn't like the fact i'm taking deca, tough!
1/11/2008 9:13 AM
I only get 1 cc a month, so by the second week it's already worn off. I would like something more constant
1/10/2008 11:09 PM
Use the weekly shot. Makes all the difference in the world. I was using 2 packets of Androgel a day, and my tesotsterone levels went up from 200 to 400. Not much. The shots, 200mg of Enenthate (sp), help tremendously. More energy, more muscle mass (I work out 5 days a week), more stamina, better mood, better temper, much less depression.
1/10/2008 6:53 PM
depo-testosterone, 100 mg once a week IM - has worked wonders in increasing and maintaining lean muscle mass. Added benefit of feeling hornier and able to do something about it.
1/10/2008 12:51 AM
214AndroGel 1%, 1 packet 5GM daily. Easy to use by spreading gel on the stomach every morning. No side effects whatsoever. Normal testosterone level checked periodically. Regular gym workouts increase natural testosterone level. Sexual function satisfactory. Normal prostate condition. I see my doctor every three months for tests. I'm in excellent health in all aspects of physical and mental conditions. Spirituality in check for a real great pleasure with simple and joyful living. Nutritional values to keep the engine working well. No complaints of any kind.1/9/2008 9:54 PM
215I started with shots every two weeks, but the ups and downs were too dramatic. I was worried I would really hurt someone or myself with the rages I felt. The patches were much better for consistent dosage, but I developed a rash that got worse. I used the gel for two years, but moved to a warm climate and the sweat seemed to interfere with absorption. Now I give myself a shot once a week, about .6 ml. It works pretty well, but I sometimes hit a nerve or get bruises. I don't get the extreme adrenaline surges I got the first year. I have been using testosterone supplements for about six years now.1/9/2008 11:46 AM
216androgel seems to work just fine easy to use much better than the patch which cause very bad skin irritation1/9/2008 9:35 AM
217Exogenous testosterone saved my life. I was so depressed and having constant panic attacks. Then I found out my testosterone level was 10 (Normal >300) With my first injection, these symptoms abated and never returned. My energy level returned to normal as did my libido. My lipid profile actually improved and my PSA has remained normal on testosterone.1/9/2008 8:19 AM
218I love Androgel, it is the best so far1/8/2008 10:25 PM
219i used to do shots once a week or 10 days. at worst it was once every 2 weeks. I have been on testosterone therapy for about 7 -8 yrs. I stopped doing shots about a year and 1/2 ago and went to the gel so i would get a steady daily dose and not get hormone "rushes" that sometimes influenced my behavior in a negative way. Anger, aggression, moodiness. Testim gel has been a little difficulct to get used to for me. Now I just put in on anytime before i go to bed. It's the only medicine I'm not concerned about missing a day once in a while. You only need to leave it on for 2 hrs to take effect, so you can put in on as soon as you wake up and shower it off if you enjoy a leisurely morning routine. I love the idea of sublingual (under the tongue) if that product is available, please let me know.1/8/2008 9:56 PM
220I used to get testosterone injections once a week, but my estrodiol levels were too high, so now I get pellets implanted by Dr. Paul Savage, Chicago, Ill. This has seemed to work much better for me and I feel great. The downside of this is this method is not covered by insurance,(medicare), and with all the blood work, urine testing, and cost to implant the pellets, its very expensive, averaging $1000. every 4 months or so. My body tends to use lots of testosterone as well, so I have found I have to have this done slightly more often. Also, as someone with very little subcutaneous fat, its
very dificult for my doctor to find a place with a little bit of fat to insert the pellets. The upside of this though is that for that reason, it forces me to increase my calorie intake and pay more attention to my weight and try to increase my body fat/muscle ratio.
1/8/2008 7:32 PM
221Have used testosterone injections for about 10 years. Began at age 47. Current age 57. Initially began 1ml weekly.Positive results in mood,energy, appetite & muscle gain were incredible. Testosterone serum increased steadily over the years to about 880 2 years or so ago. At that time reduced to 1ml every other week. At some point in past tried Androgel. This method was very ineffective for me. In a few weeks experienced decrease energy, stamina, appetite. Became weepy/tearful at times. Current testosterone serum upper side of acceptable range.1/8/2008 6:50 PM
222Have used injections and Striant. So far, Striant is working very well.1/8/2008 6:06 PM
223I am pleased with the results; however, not real happy with two of the side effects: 1. Mild head and body hair loss, and 2. Ball shrinkage.1/8/2008 4:27 PM
224I had used injectable for many years, then Testim and now Androgel (change due to my local ADAP no longer carrying Testim). I far prefer Androgel to Testim as it is easier to apply and much less sticky on the skin: very important in Florida's humidity. I wish I would have known years ago and switched then. These were always provided by either my private insurer (Medicare Advantage plan) or ADAP, although ADAP requires testosterone level lab results every 8 weeks and regular visits with a nutritionist. For me the difference is night and day, with testosterone my sex drive returned, my mood and energy levels improved and I feel like a normal human being again. I have never had problems with PSA levels or prostate enlargement or a too high HGB or HCT. I do have a 13 year history of anal cancer and recently, squamous cell ca of the gums/jaw, but these are believed to be HPV related. I had used Deca-Durabolin for a few years but developed pulmonary hypertension and an enlarged left ventricle which were believed to be caused by that particular steroid. I stopped the Deca immediately and the cardiovascular problems resolved over 2-3 years and I now have a normal EKG again on testosterone replacement therapy only.1/8/2008 4:24 PM
225I use androgel. I've been on it for several years now and it seems to be working. I noticed a big difference when I started using it with increased energy levels but then it sort of leveled off. I believe my consistent use has helped me maintain my body weight and muscles, but it doesn't really make me "feel" any different anymore.1/8/2008 3:28 PM

226I started with Androgel and noticed a definite improvement in getting abck energy I had lost. Unfortunately I was getting sever break outs of ance so stopped that and went to Testim. The Testim was not as good at energy replacement but the side effects were also not as severe. My doctor felt I no longer needer the supplements so I am off them now.1/8/2008 3:02 PM
227I have been using Androgel for the past couple years. Prior to that, I was on Androderm. Slathering the gel on every day (or every other day) isn't that difficult. The strong alcohol smell however is a bit much.1/8/2008 1:15 PM
228I have had an good increase in my energy level, but I'm not sure that the side-effects of fat gain in my pectoral region is worth it.1/8/2008 12:53 PM
229I liked the boost in energy and muscle mass, but side effects became a problem, especially acne and moodiness.1/8/2008 12:46 PM
230Testim. More sexual urges but that had not really been a problem. More musculature, but that had not really been a problem. Better outlook, which had been a problem, but also quicker to anger under treatment. Wanted to loose visceral, truncal fat. Had some effect but also lost limb fat, which is why I discontinued. Thanks for all you do, Nelson. More benefit is gained from this group than you can imagine. We don't all "respond," as you might like, but that anonymity is what is appealing to many.1/8/2008 12:32 PM
231For a long time I got injections every two weeks. Depending on the skill of the nurse they ranged from extremely painful to painful. And as much as the high points following the injections were pleasurable, the lows around the time of the next injection were not. I use Androgel now and much prefer it for the ease of use, no pain involved in its administration, and it provides a much more stable level of testosterone supplementation. I would never go back to injections by choice.1/8/2008 12:25 PM
232Shots added bulk and weight with intense weight training. Made me extremely horny and productive with repest to ejaculate material all the while shrinking my testicles. It also increased visceral fat with weight gain and emotionally "charged". I'm now off the injections and of the Androgel patch. Have returned to nomal libido and not crazy.1/8/2008 12:17 PM
233Although I have had good experiences with gels, I am for various reasons (mostly financial) using T cypionate 2x/week subq. Subq injection is not such a new idea as some people think, and maintains more stable T levels than 1x/week intramuscular injection. Also, because a smaller amount is injected at a time, there is less tendency for aromatization
to E2. Dr. Eugene Shippen, with whom I still consult, recommends this method above all others and in fact uses it himself.
1/8/2008 12:08 PM
234They don't subscribe testostrone to black men...prostate problem???????1/8/2008 11:42 AM
235Testim. I think I am using this as a consequence of taking the anabolic steroid, Nandralone.1/8/2008 10:55 AM
236I have used several forms of testosterone with good results. I had to stop when my ALT/AST got very high, probably from an oral form of testosterone that I bought in Thailand.1/8/2008 10:21 AM
237I have used testosterone replacement for years. First injections and later gel - which I currently use. I was underperscribed for many years and continued to suffer with chronic depression and no labido. A couple of years ago, a dr. finally adjusted my dose (doubled it) and now I have much more motivation and the depression is better for the first time in 10 years. The only side effect I have suffered is atrophy of the testes. However, I use a vacuum pump on them once a week and they are now bigger than ever.1/8/2008 10:14 AM
238Gels get sticky at times, injections hurt and can bruise, and then there is the dreaded testicle shrinkage. So I drudgingly continue with the shots and hope my body doesn't someday forget how to make some testosterone on its own.1/8/2008 9:39 AM
239I use Testagel and its wonderful.....easy to apply, dries on quickly and the effect....I feel like a man again...1/8/2008 9:17 AM
240I feel less tired....it also seems good for my head.1/8/2008 8:56 AM
241adherence is my main problem1/8/2008 8:14 AM
242I like having to only do the shot once per week. The gel is hard to remember to use every day. Especially when out of town.1/8/2008 8:09 AM
243Weekly injections of 1/2 to 3/4 cc's. I prefer some other method, but I've gotten used to giving myself shots. I definitely notice more energy, more vitality, increased sexual desires and muscle maintenance, if not increase, from weight lifting. Never had mood swings that I've noticed. I wish it were covered by insurance; don't understand that.1/8/2008 7:30 AM
244I administer the shots myself. My state's adap does not cover androgel so I pay for the injections myself through my insurance. Because of the "donut hole in medicare" I cannot afford the androgel myself...thanks to congress. I inject
1/2 cc each week; the usual dosage is 1cc every two weeks. I have found there is too much up and downs with the usual regime. My doctors concurr. I have no prostrate problems...psa or digital and its rather small according to my doctor. I work out a a gym 5 days a week and am in terrific shape. If I didn't have this supplement, I would loose weight and have no energy.
1/8/2008 7:20 AM

245I stopped using it for two reasons. 1) I didn´t notice any really noticeable benefits for me, 2) I know that adding external
Testosterone signals yous testicles to produce less of the natural one, so I have always been concerned about this fact. This second reason has been the main one for me to stop using it.
1/8/2008 5:22 AM
246I use testim 50 mg daily and i'm super happy with it. Adrogel seemes to peak out and cease to be effective, plus my insurance has Testim on their formulary so it's a lower co-pay. I've had no negative side effects so far.1/8/2008 5:07 AM
248#4 Did not include "My levels returned to normal"1/8/2008 3:25 AM
249it worries me that it may contribute to lipo1/8/2008 2:31 AM
250Against medical advice I have tried testosterone injections and have noticed an increase in my energy, sexual libido, and appetite. I exercise a lot and combined with the injections gave a subtle enhancement when I was seeing very little. This could be from increased diet, or more energy to workout more, or perhaps from the hormonal change. It's not something that I will continue on a regular basis because of the lack of medical advisement, but here and there it works great.1/8/2008 1:40 AM
251it increased my energy level.1/8/2008 1:22 AM
252I have a fast metabolism I see effects within 20 minutes after injection. I can keep getting erections up to 3 weeks but seem to lose interest if I do not get a shot every 2 weeks. It would be nice to have something more longterm like pellets. But I am ok with shots they work good for me. Testicle shrinkage is pretty severe though due to use of the shots1/8/2008 1:17 AM
253It seems to help in terms of getting erections and experiencing orgasm in the face of diabetic ED.1/8/2008 12:32 AM
254I would do sublingual products over shots, but I always assumed they don't work. I prefer the shots because the gels are too messy and the patches are unsightly and break me out. Unlike many people, I do not experience mood swings or intense hornyness after the shot.1/8/2008 12:21 AM
255I started testosterone by using the patch on both arms then switched to the gel when ADAP would help in paying for gel version. It helped with my energy level but did not decrease my Lypodystrophy alot. I did get some muscle mass but couldn't keep, even with exercise. It caused an increase in my H&H and I decreased dosage to one pack a day. I have stopped using it over the past month. It also makes me feel bad now.1/8/2008 12:09 AM
256I have tried both injection and gel. I perferred injections. Gels are too messy and did not rasie my testosterone level to normal levels. My health insurance will not pay for injections, so I pay for injectable testosterone out of pocket, but its worth every penny to me.1/7/2008 11:30 PM
257I use Androgel. It's very convenient, dries quickly, and has no fragrance. It's done a good job of keeping my testosterone at a normal level. I used to get a shot every two weeks, but I found it very inconvenient, since I got it my doctor's office (which also involved a co-pay for the treatment).1/7/2008 11:19 PM
258keeping my T level fairly even works the best for me, so the shots every 2 weeks had too many peaks and valleys. The gel is super easy, and I haven't tried the sublingual form but would like to. I've worked in the field of HIV for over 20
yrs - prevention, education, testing, drug treatment, mental health, and services for poz folks; and I believe that keeping T levels up is very important to our overall health. I always inform my clients about it's importance and encourage them to have a talk with their Dr about it.
1/7/2008 11:08 PM
259I didn't enjoy the mood swings from peak-to-trough when getting twice monthly injections, and had a $14 copay for each injection. About a year ago the Testim gel became available free-of-charge through my state's drug assistance program. I didn't notice any improvement in my energy level until about two months later, and even then it was slight. Over a year later I can certainly say it has increased my libido from non-existent to normal. I still struggle with weight- loss issues. Recent bloodwork shows normal PSA levels (50 year old). I very much wished that testosterone supplimentation was the "magic bullet" for my struggles with weight-loss, fatigue and libido, but for now I'm glad it resolved the libido-deficit and has helped the fatigue somewhat.1/7/2008 11:05 PM
260I used injected testosterone, but because I was not keeping to a good workout regime, I stopped using it. My testo level's have returned to the low side of normal.....I feel OK1/7/2008 10:59 PM
261Androgel 1%. Used it every day initially, and it changed a lot of things. Met my last lover shortly after I started using it about 6 years ago. I have increased alertness, energy, libido, and get lasting results from weight training and
swimming at age 54. I did have some problems with thinning hair on my head, increased hair on my body, and acne on my back (some hot flashes too) - no shrinking of testicles. Spread use out to once every other day or so, and haven't had recurrence of side effects. My testosterone is holding in high-normal range for several years now. I've hoarded a bit, since I'm afraid insurance will stop paying for it any minute with the bad name testosterone is getting in the press.
1/7/2008 10:54 PM

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