daily injections

  1. S

    Difference between daily IM vs daily SubQ?

    Been on for about 10 months and have tried multiple frequencies, administration sites, and dosages. All of these trials were based on the need to control elevated H&H. The one that did the trick in mitigating it was daily subcutaneous injections totaling 70mg/week. Labs for this protocol were...
  2. 5

    Finally some success - but how to change regimen to keep it?? Daily injections?

    Hey all - long story short, I've been on TRT about 5 years. At age 38, total T was 230 and my symptoms were zero energy and terrible ED. I've been trying different regimens ever since and making slow progress. Finally got a great doctor and slowly improving. Erections have been about a 6 out of...
  3. G

    Water Retention With Fine E2 Labs

    My most recent labs on 8mg daily test cyp. Total Testosterone 675 ng/dL 250-1100 Free Testosterone 162 pg/mL 35-155 Ultrasensitive Estradiol 32 pg/mL <29 Everything looks like exactly where we'd want it, except maybe the free T is a little high. But, compared to when my free T levels were at...
  4. G

    New Test/E2/DHT Labs on 8mg Daily

    These results are from labs drawn 16 hours after injection and 8 hours before the next, so not quite true trough, but since I inject at 9pm, I don't know what any other option is. 8mg daily, test cyp shallow IM. Anyone have any suggestions or good to go? I was using 7mg daily for many months...
  5. G

    New Daily Test Cyp Results

    Here's the timeline of daily test cyp results, all are Dialysis MS, LC/MS, giving each protocol at least 12 weeks, but much more than that mostly... 10mg daily Total T 558 (250-1100) ng/dL Free T 147 (35-155) pg/mL Estradiol, Ultrasensitive 18 (<30) pg/mL 5mg daily (lots of missed doses)...
  6. G

    8 Weeks In 7mg Daily

    I'm 8 weeks in to 7mg test cyp, after being on 5mg daily for months (thinking Testosterone was my insomnia and other symptoms cause). I'm pleased with these free test levels. Getting stronger in the gym too. When should I retest to ensure my hgb and hct doesn't keep climbing up...
  7. G

    Optimal Blood Test Timing

    Gentz, I've been on 7mg test cyp daily since January 23rd or so bumping up from 5mg daily. 6 weeks on that is pretty soon, but the question is since I'm doing my shots before bed, does it matter when I get the blood drawn? Should i skip the nightly dose the day before and get it drawn that...
  8. G

    Disappointing Results

    Got my testosterone and CBC results from 5mg daily, sub-q/shallow IM. Testosterone Total 260 (250-1100) MS ng/dL Free Testosterone 45 (35-155) Dialysis pg/mL RBC 5.6 (4.6-5.8) HGB 16.7 (13.2-17.1) HCT 48.5 (38.5-50) This test was in trough. Perhaps this is why my sleep is suffering so bad. So...
  9. G

    Switching From Daily To EOD or Anything Else

    I'm kind of in a predicament. I've been attempting daily injections for about 6 months now, and before that, I was doing EOD for 8 months. Before that, I was doing 50mg twice per week. All of these protocols have driven RBC/HGB/HCT to uncomfortable or borderline levels, but I think EOD was...
  10. T

    Daily injections-what is the average dose of people that inject daily?

    Daily injections-what is the average dose of people that inject daily?
  11. G

    Daily Shot Rotation Schedule

    With a daily shot rotation, how often can the same muscle be hit? Is every 4th day too often? What's the risk of hitting the same area too often? Just scar tissue, or infection also? Thanks in advance.
  12. G

    Feeling Better Off TRT?

    I'm wondering if there's anyone here that just never felt right on TRT whether due to anxiety or anything, and felt better off of it. I'm 8 days since my last daily injection, and it's been a Rollercoaster the entire time I've been on TRT for these past 7-8 or whatever years, on twice per...
  13. J

    Daily injections of Sustanon IM

    Any opinion/has anyone tried doing daily injections of Sustanon IM? Some say ED or EOD injections of Sustanon leads to more stable levels (instead of every 5 days for example) as it contains Propionate which is a short ester.
  14. G

    Increased Dose / Switched to Daily Injections

    Hi there. Looking for some feedback here on my dosing. I was previously doing about 60/65 mg per week of cyp M/W/F (3 times per week) — no Ai (rarely I’ll take a small sliver) and no HCG. I had some blood work done and numbers were ok. This was through my PCP, he didn’t test for Estradiol...
  15. S

    Daily subq test before and after test cream

    I thought I would post these for guys who are curious about test cream. These labs are two weeks apart at same time of day. I am on 18mg a day of subq test cyp. Defy recommended I add two clicks of test cream to the scrotum daily for DHT affects. Apologies for not testing DHT. This is the...
  16. L

    Guys on daily SubQ

    So after talking at length with my doctor yesterday, I will be doing daily sub q injections, starting on Monday. For those of you who do daily subQ and testosterone only (no hcg or AI etc), what daily dose do you use, what daily dose do you feel best at and where does that put your numbers? He...
  17. S

    Weird response on labs after switching to daily injections

    After conferring with my doc I got him to switch me to daily injections after dealing with a decrease in SHBG and huge increase in E2. Was injecting 70 mg test and HCG 500 IU twice a week now 20 mg test a day and no change in HCG. Baseline labs were 1060 TT, 18.5 FT and 41.8 sensitive E2...
  18. V

    Issues regarding Sustanon

    Hello. I started TRT 3 weeks ago with sustanon, however it seems it has been a mistake starting with this ester. The issue with cypionate and enanthate is I need to take them from a neighbouring country or UGL. So my protocol is 20mg daily. However I learned that in every 20mg sustanon from the...
  19. S

    Daily Sustanon - The Best Results Yet

    I have tested every protocol and every ester during the last 5 years. I get the best results with daily Sustanon hands down (10mg/day). Libido, energy, drive.... How often have we read of people here on the forum feeling great when switching from long to short ester and vice versa. Just for...
  20. E

    Daily Injections Increased Total and Free T

    Hello, I recently switched my regimen up to daily injections and noticed the following in my blood work. May 2019- 20 mg EOD Total T- 1039 Free T- 266.8 Oct 2019- 10 mg ED Total T- 1332 Free T- 294.6 My doctor said that these numbers were too high and lowered the dosage down to 8mg ED. I am...
  21. Bentiger07

    To Daily Injectors of testosterone and HCG, what's your HCG dose?

    Hi Guys, Long story short, I have ED and low T since 20s. As docs can't clearly pinpoint root cause, my theory is that it's due to slightly elevated cholesterol (genetic) since I was young. Tadalafil, bimix, and correcting low T has been most effective out of all things I've tried. I was on TRT...
  22. Q

    Switching from weekly, to daily - bad sides gone?

    Hey all .. long time trolling, first time posting. I am curious about something and hoping many can chime in with their individual experience.... Wondering about those of you who went from weekly injections (1 shot every 7 days) to more frequent, smaller doses (daily or eod) and if you...
  23. W

    Timing of labs based on different TRT protocols

    From my reading here it sounds on most protocols you draw labs right before your next shot, to get your lowest reading. In my case I inject daily (have low SHBG) with Test C in the morning around 7am. If I usually get labs done around 9-10am in the morning will it show elevated levels if I took...
  24. J

    How to adjust dose for daily injections?

    I'm currently taking 60mg e3d Cyp which is equivalent to 20mg/day for a total of 140/wk. This puts me around 850-900 on my trough. I want to switch to daily injections to drop my e2 a bit since I have some nipple sensitivity, soft erections, and a little water retention. I read that Dr Saya said...
  25. K

    EOD injections - Morning or evening?

    Hi guys, search didn't come up with anything, maybe you can give me your opinion. I've switched my protocol to EOD injections - after experiencing the trough of my doctor-prescribed E2W (!) protocol twice, I've had it. Plus, weird thing, I actually like injecting daily, as it gives me an easier...
  26. P

    Going to Daily Injection

    After my consult with Defy, we decided going the daily injection route is best for me at this point. I want to try and drop the AI and reduce my phlebotomy frequency. The major question for me is, I have read that daily injections typically require less total testosterone injected weekly. I...
  27. B

    How to do Daily T injections

    My current protocol is 75 mg of T every 3.5 days. it brings my Total T up to about 1000 ng/dl, but also my E2 to about 60, and feeling pretty bad. Libido is non-existent, no morning wood etc. Im reluctant to use an AI, at least for now, so i am going to try to move a daily T injection of 20mg...
  28. D

    Benefits and drawbacks of daily testosterone dosing protocol, and what's your sweet spot?

    I wish there was a sticky! I am trying to search on this topic and finding a few things, but no comprehensive discussion of trade offs between Daily vs less frequent dosing protocols, and some conflicting info. I am potentially interested based on my own needs. A brief summary of the basics...
  29. Vince

    A question about daily injections of testosterone.

    Members who are doing daily injections. Do you notice a lost in weight or body fat?
  30. Vince

    Daily Injections of Testosterone

    It sounds like more members are injecting testosterone daily. It seems like it would be a tough protocol to follow. I was wondering, do the benefits of injecting daily really outweigh the disadvantages?
  31. C

    Lab Results - 24 Months on TRT/15 Months on Daily Injections

    At the two year mark of TRT, 15 months on a daily injection protocol, I posted the following lab values. Total Testosterone 1048 ng/dL (348 - 1197) Free Testosterone 22.8 pg/mL (7.2 - 24.0) SHBG 33.6 nmol/L (19.3 - 76.4) Estradiol/Sensitive 30.4 of/mL (8.0 - 35.0) These results were...