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  1. K

    Is there any possible scenario where exogenous test LOWERS e?

    Hi all, my endo recently made a statement that I believe to be completely untrue, but I need some "proof". What he said was - "your low E" (pre-TRT and with my initial protocol I had levels that were BELOW what the lab can even measure) "is because you're getting too much test, and that's why...
  2. K

    How long before side effects usually show?

    Hi guys, I've started my TRT about 2 months back, with a hard restart about 3 weeks ago. So far, I'm doing good - no sides, feeling well. I was just wondering - am I too happy too early? At what point do sides (e.g. gyno issues / E2 related issues) usually show in the treatment process? Or...
  3. K

    First time shallow IM. More painful than deep IM?

    Hi guys, I usually do "deep" IM (with a roughly 20mm / 6/8" needle in 25G) into my quads. I do this ED, alternating between 16 sites (2 "lines" of 4 spots in the "available middle outer third" of each quad). Never any issues, little bit of a sting when entering (I do it slowly) but apart from a...
  4. K

    Sensitive Estradiol tests not available where I live. What should I do?

    Hi guys, I live in Europe / Switzerland and the docs I've asked have never heard of a "sensitive" Estradiol test. I've read on the forums that over here in Europe, the test doesn't seem to be very common. What should I do in order to manage my Estradiol properly? Are there any rule of thumbs...
  5. K

    Receptor desensitization?

    Hi all, just wanted to check on another statement of my (pretty useless) endo - he said, a big risk of taking testosterone is receptor desensitization, and as with any other drug "you'll need to increase doses the longer you take it". Never heard of it and don't believe it - but just to...
  6. K

    draw needles necessary?

    whats the reasoning behind draw needles? is it a hygienic factor if you have rubber cap viles, does the needle get blunt when touching glass, or...? (speed aside) I only get ampoules where I live that I have to draw up completely, so I‘m thinking about skipping my 18G draw needles once I run...
  7. K

    FURIOUS about my doc. Refusing to continue to treat me...

    So I went to my endo again, 6 weeks after we started TRT (IM injections E2W), to discuss blood work. (Been diagnosed with primary) He started me on a horrible protocol (125mg E2W), so after 4 weeks I told him via email I want to switch to weekly injections, to which he agreed. The labs drawn...
  8. K

    Is it true that low-dose TRT does NOT suppress own production?

    I‘m currently FURIOUS about my doc. Grrrrrr.... Backstory here. Anyway - is it true that you can give low-dose TRT as an „add-on“ in a low-enough dose that does not suppress your own production? My impression was that ANY exogenous test will suppress your own function. Any studies / medical...
  9. K

    EOD injections - Morning or evening?

    Hi guys, search didn't come up with anything, maybe you can give me your opinion. I've switched my protocol to EOD injections - after experiencing the trough of my doctor-prescribed E2W (!) protocol twice, I've had it. Plus, weird thing, I actually like injecting daily, as it gives me an easier...
  10. K

    Dialing in dosing: "Bottom-up" vs. "Top-down"?

    Hi guys, so after a few REALLY miserable days I got my blood drawn today for the doctors 6-week follow up. He is absolutely inexperienced and put me on a really shitty protocol (discussed in other threads) of 125mg/E2W. I've managed to convince him via email to at least agree to weekly...
  11. K

    What does the "trough" feel like?

    Hey guys, so my endo wanted to do some follow-up bloodwork on my starting protocol (125mg E2W) after 6 weeks, which is going to be next week. It's now been 12 days since the last injection - with 6 more days to go, as he is on holidays and only draws blood on Wednesday (it's Thursday now). I...
  12. K

    Craving carbs since starting TRT?

    Hey guys, started TRT 6 weeks ago. Before that, I was on a strict ketogenic diet, <20-30g carbs / day, often less. Lost 18kg / 40pounds and went down from 98kg to 80kg - relatively easily, since I'm usually more a "salty" than a "sweet" guy. Now ever since I've started TRT, I'm fighting daily...
  13. K

    Recommended followup bloodwork

    On TRT for 6 weeks now and my next bloodwork/followup with the endo is due in a few days. Calling my endo "inexperienced" when it comes to TRT would be a massive compliment, so I just wanted to check in with you guys ahead of time so that I'm getting the right labs. What should I get tested...
  14. K

    Why less frequent injection intervalls with high SHBG?

    Hi all, it seems common that with high SHGB, less frequent injection intervals - once per week - are recommended. I couldn't find anything on the reasoning behind this; why does a higher dose of injected test apparently lower shgb levels to a certain extent, and why wouldn't a "steady state"...
  15. K

    TestoGel / Creams etc: how long can you keep a stable serum level?

    I was wondering - Gels etc. have very short half-lives, usually a few hours from what I've read in studies like this one. Would that mean - if I go on a business trip abroad for a few days and happen to forget my gel, I'm in for a miserable experience because after 24-48 hours, stuff has...
  16. K

    The reality of living in a country with inexperienced TRT docs...

    After endless tests, I was finally diagnosed with primary and put on TRT by my endo. Without me pushing for certain tests, probably I'd still run around with my symptoms put off as "stress". I'm quite happy, but due to my education in this forum I was able to spot quite quickly that he's...
  17. K

    Do estradiol levels "move" in parallel to test levels?

    Just curious - do estradiol levels "follow" test levels? With test, you have the half life of your supplement of choice, so you can almost draw a curve how your levels will look like. Does E "follow" this curve in a timely manner? So, as an example, let's say I'm on gel (short-acting) and I...
  18. K

    Might be a stupid question, but...

    So something went through my mind and I don't think it's a good enough question to ask in the "proper" forums ;-). Here's the thing. T seems to be something somewhat of a "magic drug" for men. Take it, and in large enough doses it's pretty much sure to increase your mood, amount of muscle, sex...
  19. K

    Calculate free estradiol?

    Hi guys it seems to be common to calculate free T from total T, Albumin, SHBG. Is there a similar formula for free E? Couldn't find much about that on google...
  20. K

    How long before T, LH and FSH endogenous production shut down after starting testosterone?

    Hi guys just curious: How long will it take until your endogenous production is down to "0" after you start TRT?
  21. K

    Upper range SHBG - IM injection frequency?

    Hi guys my SHBG is consistently in the upper part of the range (e.g. last test: 45.8 nmol/l with a range of 14.5-48.4). What would be a recommended injection frequency? Thx
  22. K

    Just started TRT. Sceptical about protocol; help me optimize please :)

    Hi guys alright... after months of going back and forth, I was finally put on TRT. (This was quite a bit of "work" despite my labs showing that there's something off.). I'm highly skeptical about my doc's protocol, so any advice would be highly appreciated so I can be more educated next time I...
  23. K

    Will TRT effectiveness decrease over the years?

    Hi guys sorry if this has been answered before, search didn't bring up anything meaningful. As I'm about to start TRT hopefully soon, and as I'm only 35 years old, what I'm a bit worried about is that TRT might help my symptoms now - but if there would be some sort of decreasing effectiveness...
  24. K

    Androgel / Testogel / Tostran etc - how can they even work?

    Hi guys without wanting to get into the gels vs. injectables discussion - plenty of threads on that here - there's one thing I don't understand. A typical injection protocol seems to be around 100mg / week. (I assume people mean "effective dose" when they talk about it?) For gels, it seems...
  25. K

    Has anyone ever regretted TRT?

    Hi guys I'm almost at the point where my endo, after long discussions, is at least open to trying TRT. He gave a long talk though that he has a lot of patients in his practice that were prescribed TRT by doctors who were not really looking into other causes, and now they are stuck with a...
  26. K

    No ED = no low test?

    Hi guys what do you think about my endocrinologist's statement: "If you don't have erectile dysfunction or other sex-related issues, your test level is high enough. All other symptoms (fatigue, lack of focus etc...) are secondary" Is there some truth to this blanket statement? Thanks
  27. K

    Estradiol just came in sub-range; previous bottom-Range TT/FT. Interpretation?

    Hi guys After some initial bloodwork that showed bottom-range T levels I've asked my doc to check estradiol. I just got the results back, my estradiol ("normal" test, we don't seem to have the sensitive array here in Switzerland) is 31 pmol/l, of a range of 41.4 - 159 pmol/l, so I'm clearly...
  28. K

    Recommendation in Switzerland?

    Hi there Anyone from Switzerland in here who can recommend a doctor experienced (and open for) TRT? My current GP and endo seem to consider this witchcraft that shall be forbidden... Thanks a lot! Cheers R
  29. K

    Help needed - Desperate - Energy Close to Zero. Low Test, Low Cortisol - what next?

    Alright, so first of all – thank you all for the great forum. I’ve learned a LOT in the past few weeks reading here and it has been immensely helpful. That being said, here’s my story / staus – things are a bit strange and I’m not quite sure I’ve found the right doctor yet, so I would be very...
  30. K

    Link in Sticky dead

    new user here :) first of all, thanks for this forum. It's been invaluable in my recent quest to find a "cure" for my issues... Why I'm writing: Here: You mention in bullet 2) to search...
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