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What dose of clomid is recommended if someone has been on trt 8-12 monhs. Is clomid only even possible for a PCT or will it be hell? WIll it end up doing more harm than good?
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
What dose of clomid is recommended if someone has been on trt 8-12 monhs. Is clomid only even possible for a PCT or will it be hell? WIll it end up doing more harm than good?
You are abandoning TRT? What are the details of your protocol? You hope your use of Clomid will restore you to pre-TRT levels?

With some context text we can offer more thoughtful responses.
50mg 2x week with 250-300iu hcg 2x week.. trt hasnt done muh want to try to go back, pre t levels were 400 range. Yes just want clomid to take me back

will clomid be enough or wil i need clomid and nolva
Adding in nolva wouldnt be an issue but id perfer to go with less and what will work, retart and prevent things like gyno
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