Injecting Test Cypionate 2X Weekly

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I am currently injecting 130mg once weekly. I use a 1.5" syringe. I am having some anxiety/blood pressure issues every time I increase my levels. When I was injecting every 5 days (100mg)...I seemed to do very well, but was running out of test.

Questions are - what dosage should I begin with, where should I inject and can I draw with same syringe? I do not want to inject sub-q. See recent labs below. Thanks.

TSH - 1.2
SHBG - 17
Test FREE - 667
Free Test - 199 (47-244)
Estradiol - 34 (0-39.8)
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
There is a major lack of info here and it's hard to really answer. First off, post FULL labs in the form of pictures or screenshots. This is exactly the reason I ask people to do that, you listed "test FREE" and then "Free Test".

I use a 1.5" syringe. I am having some anxiety/blood pressure issues every time I increase my levels.

Might be due to that giant needle. I assume at least 23g because AFAIK there aren't 1.5inch 25g or 27g.

Get yourself some insulin syringes like most guys here use. 27g 1/2inch.

When I was injecting every 5 days (100mg)...I seemed to do very well, but was running out of test.

Insulin syringes will help with that. 2 needles and a 3mL syringe will waste a decent amount of oil and it's really important you don't when on twice weekly injections.

Questions are - what dosage should I begin with, where should I inject and can I draw with same syringe? I do not want to inject sub-q. See recent labs below. Thanks.

TSH - 1.2
SHBG - 17
Test FREE - 667
Free Test - 199 (47-244)
Estradiol - 34 (0-39.8)

When was this taken relative to injection?

How did you feel?
The labs were taken on the trough day. I am currently injecting 130mg of test and not taking HCG. What dose should I begin with for twice weekly? Monday/Thursday? Thanks.



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You're planning to inject 65mg every 3.5 days, is that right? For future reference, there's no need to run "Total Estrogens." It provides no information your doctor can act on; it costs you something and offers nothing. I am presuming that your estradiol test was the sensitive one (based on the reference range).
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Ok thanks I will not have that test ran. I plan to start at 60mg 2X weekly. What should my peak level be? When should I have blood drawn?
Ok thanks I will not have that test ran. I plan to start at 60mg 2X weekly. What should my peak level be? When should I have blood drawn?

Don't worry about what your peak is.

You test at about 6 weeks in, on the day of injection but before injection.

60mg 2x weekly is an excellent starting protocol btw! Not too high, not too low, and not too far apart! Wish you the best of luck and hopefully hear some good things in a few months.
Ok thanks I will not have that test ran. I plan to start at 60mg 2X weekly. What should my peak level be? When should I have blood drawn?

Don't chase numbers. Having been a participant in three studies, one of which was designed to track just how quickly low SHBG guys metabolized testosterone, I can tell you that peak values are, at best, nice to know. It was interesting seeing when my peak actually occurred, but trough value was more actionable. Good luck.
Don't chase numbers. Having been a participant in three studies, one of which was designed to track just how quickly low SHBG guys metabolized testosterone, I can tell you that peak values are, at best, nice to know. It was interesting seeing when my peak actually occurred, but trough value was more actionable. Good luck.

Hey man, not sure if this is the place for it, but I'd be VERY interested in hearing your experience with those studies.

Let me know if this is okay here or not, and if not, where.
Thanks CoastWatcher. Then what should I be looking at? I know that when I take arimidex and higher weekly doses of test, I get lots of anxiety because over time my free and total test gets way too high. Any suggestion would be appreciated.

Don't chase numbers. Having been a participant in three studies, one of which was designed to track just how quickly low SHBG guys metabolized testosterone, I can tell you that peak values are, at best, nice to know. It was interesting seeing when my peak actually occurred, but trough value was more actionable. Good luck.
Thanks CoastWatcher. Then what should I be looking at? I know that when I take arimidex and higher weekly doses of test, I get lots of anxiety because over time my free and total test gets way too high. Any suggestion would be appreciated.

Measure at trough. That way you and your doctor will have a window into how stable your serum levels are on your new protocol. Measuring at or near your peak may be of interest, but how quickly that peak level drops, your SHBG is slightly low, is going to be a critical element in managing things. With twice weekly shots the goal is stability. There will be some variation between peak and trough, but it should be minimized.

Try and step back and give this a good-faith four to six weeks. Don't worry about peaks or troughs for a period of time, listen to your body and realize levels are in flux. Draw no conclusion about how you're feeling based on one day's experiences.
Ok. I did my first injection with the 27 guage 1/2" syringe. The Easy Touch is a 1cc syringe measured in units. I want to inject on monday AM and thursday pm to equal .6cc or 120mg. I injected 30 units of the 1cc syringe in the shoulder this AM. This is the correct dosage I think? 30 units on the syringe should equal .3cc or 60mg? Please advise...
Does the 1/2" needle go deep enough into the muscle?

Ok. I did my first injection with the 27 guage 1/2" syringe. The Easy Touch is a 1cc syringe measured in units. I want to inject on monday AM and thursday pm to equal .6cc or 120mg. I injected 30 units of the 1cc syringe in the shoulder this AM. This is the correct dosage I think? 30 units on the syringe should equal .3cc or 60mg? Please advise...
Ok. I did my first injection with the 27 guage 1/2" syringe. The Easy Touch is a 1cc syringe measured in units. I want to inject on monday AM and thursday pm to equal .6cc or 120mg. I injected 30 units of the 1cc syringe in the shoulder this AM. This is the correct dosage I think? 30 units on the syringe should equal .3cc or 60mg? Please advise...

If you're using 200mg/ml testosterone, yes, that's the correct amount .3ml is 30 units is 60mg.

I like the .5cc syringes to more accurately measure the small dosage.

If you're not high body fat and you're relatively lean 1/2inch should be going shallow IM.
Thanks! My shoulder is bothering me a lot more than my other injections. Should I use a 1" needle for delts? I want it to go into my muscle...I do not want sub q.
Thanks! My shoulder is bothering me a lot more than my other injections. Should I use a 1" needle for delts? I want it to go into my muscle...I do not want sub q.

Sometimes muscles you haven't injected into have what's called "virgin PIP" or virgin post injection pain. If that's what it is, it will feel like the soreness from working out, get worse day 2, and go away in a few days. A larger needle won't really make a difference if that's what it is.

Are you lean or fat?
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No clinical trials I can find and I have allergies. Subq injections can tend to cause local reactions that can vary from mild to severe. I have had these many times at the allergist when I received shots.
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