Older Guys?

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Been on trt for for 5 months. Muscle is starting back and leaner than in the past 25 years. For years workouts yielded no positive results, just kept things from deteriorating too fast. I'm 62 and have been working out regularly my whole life.

I'm wondering if any other older guys have started later in life. What can I expect in terms of turning the clock? What are the experiences other older guys have had?
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
I'll be 59 in January and have been onTRT for 25 months, dialed in for 17. It's been a very successful journey, Imcouldnt b more pleased. Significant improvement sexually, and far greater endurance both for cardio, which I tend to do more of, and in terms of weight work. Not where I was I was 25 years ago, but very happy to be where I find myself.
I turned 51 last month, I have just recently started TRT about 7 weeks ago, its really early but so far its been great, I have had an improvement in energy and mood, libido has increased, the biggest difference at this point has been in the gym, I responded very quickly, I was like you, even tho I train consistently and maintain a good diet I just did not have much drive and motivation to train anymore, and I have been training for 25 years. If I may ask with your handle being mountain man where do you live?
I turned 51 last month, I have just recently started TRT about 7 weeks ago, its really early but so far its been great, I have had an improvement in energy and mood, libido has increased, the biggest difference at this point has been in the gym, I responded very quickly, I was like you, even tho I train consistently and maintain a good diet I just did not have much drive and motivation to train anymore, and I have been training for 25 years. If I may ask with your handle being mountain man where do you live?

New Hampshire
Mountain Man, Aminos, supplements, antioxidants and metabolic aids are especially important for us older guys.

You are lucky to be so close to the Canadian border. Tonight's hard swing to the right almost certainly means more restrictions on t-cyp. A "warning" from the FDA just a few days ago implies that an upper allowable serum limit of T is soon to be enforced the same way alcohol is.

As registered marijuana users are finding out registration comes with a heavy price such as loss of gun ownership and other rights. Consider going over the border and paying cash for treatment and supplies.
Mountain Man, Aminos, supplements, antioxidants and metabolic aids are especially important for us older guys.

You are lucky to be so close to the Canadian border. Tonight's hard swing to the right almost certainly means more restrictions on t-cyp. A "warning" from the FDA just a few days ago implies that an upper allowable serum limit of T is soon to be enforced the same way alcohol is.

As registered marijuana users are finding out registration comes with a heavy price such as loss of gun ownership and other rights. Consider going over the border and paying cash for treatment and supplies.

Not a pessimistic as you, lol!

What kind of workouts you guys do? I've used resistance bands and bodyweight exclusively for the past 2 years after lifting weights since 1967. My body is clearly responding differently since on test. At first I thought it was a placebo, but clearly it is not. Waist is shrinking without any changes to my ab routine.My wife, who is a tough critic, has noticed a big change in my physique and is pissed that there isn't something similar she can do.Fortunately for me, she is a great woman and is ok with my increased sex drive. That would be a big problem if she weren't as test levels of 800-1000 aren't suitable for the lifestyle of the average senior citizen. My goal is to not be average and make age just a number.

Test cip is very cheap and I don't think it will be hard to obtain.I have a legitimate rx and am prescribed more than I actually need. I refill every 30 days so as to have a stockpile. If needed, I'd order online. Way cheaper to go legal route though.

Just curious as to how far I can improve at my age.I'd hope that since I'm not even 6 months in I have a lot of room to improve. Size gains are minimal, biggest change is in body composition.
Mountain, welcome. I also will be 62 in a few weeks, TRT definitely has helped. Strong libido, clear mind and nice gains in the gym. Nitric oxide stack and whey has also been a big help for muscle gains.
Haven't really done much supplementation since I took this. My diet is very clean, lots of vegetables, fish chicken, very little sugar. Only supplements I take our vitamin D and fish oil. I do notice that there is response, less joint pain. But I don't want to go back to weightlifting as I have had a lot, and I mean a lot, orthopedic problems knee surgery, hip replacement, and I am currently holding out on getting my other hip replaced which I know will need to be done at some point in the next two years. The battle goes on!
Vance, I'm curious as to how long you've been on TRT, and what you do for work outs. For me, I work out very very hard with bands for approximately a half an hour every other day. I can't do any resistance work with my lower body because of injuries, but every other day I do sprints on my air dine bike. Usually Tabata style workouts, I go as hard as I can for about 15 minutes or so. I'm not sure what role that plays in stripping off the body fat. I also do a lot of yard work, I have a lot of land and do a lot of logging, chainsaw, wood splitting etc.
Sounds like you're in great shape. TRT or not I'd take a look at studies for COQ10 and supps that protect the heart and brain. The way to approach supps is to understand that only a few have solid evidence behind them. Even though we can get most of what we need from food, especially as we age the machinery looses efficiency. Group them and identify goals like you just have with fat metabolism. Understanding anti-catobolic techniques helps you keep what you gain and fight sarcopenia.

You've got a lifestyle and likely good genes on your side. Prevention can be your friend. ALA, NAC,ALC,L-Glut, Magnesium in various forms. Anti-aging research might persuade you to try things like PQQ.
Age 73 (74 next month). TRT for 3+ years.

Love it. Bulging muscles and better definition than I have ever had even in my youth. I love biking and am much stronger than I was before TRT.

I like to run roughly 1200 ng/dL. No ill effects that I can see. HCT good, lipids good, blood pressure good, heart rate good.
Vance, I'm curious as to how long you've been on TRT, and what you do for work outs. For me, I work out very very hard with bands for approximately a half an hour every other day. I can't do any resistance work with my lower body because of injuries, but every other day I do sprints on my air dine bike. Usually Tabata style workouts, I go as hard as I can for about 15 minutes or so. I'm not sure what role that plays in stripping off the body fat. I also do a lot of yard work, I have a lot of land and do a lot of logging, chainsaw, wood splitting etc.
The three main exercises that I build my workouts around are squats, overhead presses and pull-ups. I build the rest of my workout around them. I go low in my squats, so I use my knees fully and bring my hamstrings in play. I try to use a full range of motion in all my exercise.
Here's a copy of my latest labs.
MM: Like you, I use resistance bands and do body weight stuff, 1/2 hr every other day, for my workouts. Mind sharing the specifics of what your routine consists of? I just put mine together so I'm still in the process of putting everything together, so maybe i can learn something from your process. thanks!
My routine is almost completely instinctive.Lateral raises with 2 bands, lots of pull a parts, and front raises.Crossovers from all angles for chest with regular pushups, Pull downs, rows and deadlifts for back. I also do reverse hyperextensions for the lower back. Curls and pushdowns of all types for arms. I focus more on pulling stuff since rotator cuff surgery last year. I work out for 30-45 minutes in circuit fashion and try to rest no more than 15-30 seconds at anytime. I also do ab work with them as well.

My bands are from resistancetraining.com. They are great, versatile. I was going to return to lifting, but why risk injury if these are working for me? I think they are great for working around old injuries as well as avoiding new ones.

I also notice that Virginian and Vince are running at over 1000. Is this at the peak or trough of your week? Any benefits of running over 1000?
At our age, you haven't had much of a life if you don't have rotator cuff problems.

I need to figure out if I would be ork going over 1000 again.
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mm: thanks for your thoughts on resistance bands. you go at it a lot harder than i'm able to at this point. maybe some day.

vince: your shoulder-hanging suggestions and links have been super helpful. my right rotator cuff hasn't felt better in years. now if i can just keep myself from over doing it ...

also, vince, regarding the NO stack. for some reason, what with all the talk about 'pump', i thought there was mostly some kind of visual / psychological benefit to it. but you're saying it also helps build muscle?
could you tell me a little bit more about that aspect of the stack? i started to do it, then slacked off, when i gathered it had no benefits of the kind i'm interested in. maybe i was wrong about that. and, when do you take the stack? only pre-workout on workout days? i'm hoping that's the case, 'cause i just couldn't see doing it every day.
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