Pros/Cons of Dose Changes for Older User?

Been on 100 mg test cyp, dosed once per week for the past 9 months with great results. At age 63, I am on TRT for life. I have a few questions that I hope I can get feedback on:

What's the benefit of dividing injections into every 3.5 days as opposed to once per week? Would this benefit estrogen levels, sex drive,or anything else? These seem good now, but I want to stay that way.

Is it a good idea to dose lower than 100 mg, say between 90-100? Will this prevent the benefits from reversing, which I've heard guys complain about on other forums? Will this keep sex drive and estrogen in check over time?

I'm looking to maintain what I have now as long as possible. Maybe I'm overthinking it, as feeling this good at 63 seems way different from what the average 63 year old feels, especially with physique and sex life. I want to do what I can to maintain this for as long as possible.

I'd especially appreciate hearing from the "older" members hear who have more experience.

ThanKs guys.
I think if you feel that good and injecting once a week is working, there's no reason to change. Injecting daily or very 3 1/2 days, helps to keep your testosterone levels nice and even. You could post your labs, it would be interesting to see your results.
I've been on TRT for over two years, my results have been great, right from the beginning. But still, I'm always trying to tweak things. I guess that's just the way I am. Now I'm trying daily injections.
Mountain Man - I agree with your may be over thinking it. I'm a believer that how you feel is more important than your numbers. The guys here can't feel how you feel, so we can only comment on your numbers. If you're feeling great on once weekly injections of 100mg, don't change that. Posting your numbers will give you many different opinions, largely based on how different guys believe they would feel if they had your numbers. You've got something that works, don't mess with it.
One of the greatest temptations is trying to tweak things when you're doing well...first thing one normally asks is "how do you feel?"...that's your answer right there. Try and resist changing things if you're doing well. YOu can certainly do less frequent blood work if you're reasonably doing pretty well. Some guys kind of hit on it right away and do well and others don't or never seem to get better and takes longer to get to a good spot.

Dose frequency on Cyp is usually driven by SHBG....if your SHBG is normal, per se, you'll be fine on weekly's. Its when SHBG starts to go lower that you need smaller and more frequent shots in order to avoid the roller-coaster of hormones.
All of the advice above, from Vince, Vince Carter, and James, is on the mark. I'm 59 years old, have been injecting for over two years and, for most of that time, have been on daily injections of 16mg of enanthate. I went from weekly, to twice weekly, to daily injections because of issues that didn't totally resolve until I started the daily protocol. I would have been more than happy had I found satisfaction with a schedule requiring less frequent shots, but my subjective response to TRT, supported by intensive bloodwork, mandated ongoing modifications.

My doctor told me from the start of therapy that she knows which protocols won't work for anyone, but finding the protocol that will work for an individual is a step-by-step process. When success is reached, monitor and enjoy it. If there's one thing everyone here agrees on, it's the notion that each of us is different.
I was on weekly injections like you and recently switched to twice per week. Didn't notice any difference in how I felt. We'll see what labs say but if you're feeling great on weekly injections and your labs look good then stick with what works!

Many men fiddle for months or years to find a protocol which works well for them. If you've already found it you're one of the lucky ones!
Excellent thread so nice to see so many guys in there 60's here caring about their health and offering assistance.
I think we men are born tinkerers its in our DNA and very hard to stop even when everything is running smooth.
Been on 100 mg test cyp, dosed once per week for the past 9 months with great results. At age 63, I am on TRT for life. I have a few questions that I hope I can get feedback on:

What's the benefit of dividing injections into every 3.5 days as opposed to once per week? Would this benefit estrogen levels, sex drive,or anything else? These seem good now, but I want to stay that way.

Is it a good idea to dose lower than 100 mg, say between 90-100? Will this prevent the benefits from reversing, which I've heard guys complain about on other forums? Will this keep sex drive and estrogen in check over time?

I'm looking to maintain what I have now as long as possible. Maybe I'm overthinking it, as feeling this good at 63 seems way different from what the average 63 year old feels, especially with physique and sex life. I want to do what I can to maintain this for as long as possible.

I'd especially appreciate hearing from the "older" members hear who have more experience.

ThanKs guys.

"On paper" slightly steadier blood levels, but if it aint broke don't fox it is my motto to such things. The half life and pharmacokinetics of the common esters used (at least in the US) suggests little difference between 1x or 2x per week dosing, but subjective symptoms, some feel better on 2x.

- Will @
"On paper" slightly steadier blood levels, but if it aint broke don't fox it is my motto to such things. The half life and pharmacokinetics of the common esters used (at least in the US) suggests little difference between 1x or 2x per week dosing, but subjective symptoms, some feel better on 2x.

- Will @

Over a two week period, testing every other day, my levels clearly were abysmal just prior to administration of my injection when I followed a weekly protocol. SHBG was the culprit. I transitioned to multiple weekly shots and not only demonstrated superior levels over another two week testing window, but felt far better.
Agree with all of the above. A lot of guys, myself included, never really find a protocol that makes them feel good - so if you feel good now, my best advice is - do not mess with it!
Thanks for the thoughtful replies. I just wonder if the concerns about TRT are different for those of us who are older.

What do others think? Since our workout concerns are different, it implies that we respond differently to a lot of things- exercise, diet, TRT etc., at least that's what I think.

Protocols for TRT is different for everyone, it can't be a cookie-cutter approach. TRT shows how different we all are and age is just another part.
Thanks for the thoughtful replies. I just wonder if the concerns about TRT are different for those of us who are older.

What do others think? Since our workout concerns are different, it implies that we respond differently to a lot of things- exercise, diet, TRT etc., at least that's what I think.


Not only the concerns but the goals as well.
The more I research TRT the more different reasons I find men trying it.
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I got on it because I was tired of working hard, exercising, and getting nothing from it. I was actually relieved when my total levels were just barely in range. That meant I could get a prescription. I didn't expect the boost in sex drive, mental clarity, and overall quality of life. Sex drive and sexual satisfaction has been the biggest bonus.

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