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54 yr old starting Trt. After screening panel seen in pics below Doc put me on 200mg test cyp once weekly. I’ll be back for bloods again day before my 7th injection. Does this protocol look good for my initial panel


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Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
54 yr old starting Trt. After screening panel seen in pics below Doc put me on 200mg test cyp once weekly. I’ll be back for bloods again day before my 7th injection. Does this protocol look good for my initial panelView attachment 10164

Your TT/FT levels are horribly low.

Hematocrit and hemoglobin sit near the high-end range.

200mg once weekly is a whopping dose to start on, way too high as it will most likely have your TT/FT/e2 levels very high let alone when injecting a large dose of T once weekly will have a big impact on your peak--->trough levels and blood levels will not be as stable throughout the week.

Such a dose of T will also skyrocket your RBCs/hemoglobin/hematocrit.

Top it off that your SHBG is only 20 nmol/L.
Much appreciated! I thought it seemed kinda high to start. I’m on my second week as of Thursday. Should I start 50 mg on Monday and again on Thursday? Haven’t noticed any improvements yet although I know it will be probably 3-4 weeks for that.
Much appreciated! I thought it seemed kinda high to start. I’m on my second week as of Thursday. Should I start 50 mg on Monday and again on Thursday? Haven’t noticed any improvements yet although I know it will be probably 3-4 weeks for that.

Start low and go slow is the best piece of advice.

More sensible to see how your body reacts to a lower dose of T when starting and what
TT/FT/e2 levels you will achieve let alone what impact such dose will have on your overall blood markers especially RBCs/hemoglobin/hematocrit.

When starting trt hormones will be in FLUX leading up until blood levels stabilize (4-6 weeks) and keep in mind that it can take 2-6 weeks for the hpta to shutdown.

You will most likely experience ups/downs during this transition and once blood levels stabilize it can take 2-3 months for the body to adapt to those new levels and during this time is when you should truly gauge how you feel overall regarding (mood/energy/libido/erectile function/body composition/recovery).

Get blood work done at 6 weeks and if you are still experiencing low-t symptoms than you may very well need a slight dose increase.

The main goal of trt is to replace physiological levels of testosterone through the use of exogenous T which will result in relief/improvement of low-t symptoms while at the same time minimizing/avoiding any potential side-effects and keeping blood markers in a healthy range.

On average most men on trt are injecting 100-150mg/week of T which would result in achieving healthy FT levels.

Some even do well injecting <100mg/week whereas others may need 150-200mg/week but even then 200mg/week is rarely needed by most to achieve a healthy FT level.

Although TT is important FT is what truly matters as it is the active unbound fraction of testosterone responsible for the beneficial effects.

Patience is key when first starting trt!

Screenshot (1673).png
Onset of effects of testosterone treatment and time span until maximum effects are achieved

Screenshot (1679).png

Time course on body composition and strength.

Screenshot (1675).png

Time-course on lipids.

Screenshot (1676).png

Time-course on glucose and insulin.

Screenshot (1677).png

Time-course on sexual parameters.

Screenshot (1678).png

Time-course on hematocrit and prostate.
Thanks Madman and Vince. So I should reduce now before the next bloods. Where I started on a Thursday @ 200mg weekly should I start Monday with 50 mg or wait til Thursday then every Mon/Thur?
Thanks Madman and Vince. So I should reduce now before the next bloods. Where I started on a Thursday @ 200mg weekly should I start Monday with 50 mg or wait til Thursday then every Mon/Thur?

If you just did your most recent injection (200mg) this past Thursday than if you are going to switch over to a lower weekly dose 100mg/week (50 mg every 3.5 days) than you should wait until the following Thursday to inject 50mg.

Stay on the newer protocol for 6 weeks than have bloodwork done.

Unless you want to stay on your current high dosed protocol but again it will most likely have your levels too high let alone doubt you will feel great injecting such a large dose once weekly.

Do what you feel is best for you!
Thanks for your time and advice !! I will reduce next injection day and try the lower dose till my bloods are due. I guess I’ll have to wait till then to reevaluate what the doc says and make a determination if they are to be used or find another Doc.
Thanks for your time and advice !! I will reduce next injection day and try the lower dose till my bloods are due. I guess I’ll have to wait till then to reevaluate what the doc says and make a determination if they are to be used or find another Doc.

Smarter move to start lower as you can easily increase your dose if need be.

I honestly think most should start on a lower dose to see how they react to testosterone.

You would be surprised at what TT/FT levels one can achieve when on a good protocol (lower dose T/more frequent injections).

Do not get caught up in the more is better mentality or high dosed T is optimal!
What my friend madman is saying is, it would be better to start with 50mg of testosterone twice a week :)
Or even 60mg/week split into at least 2 pins... just to start... you can always increase. 200mg once weekly will likely make you feel really crappy, let alone mess your numbers up like Madman said...
JMHO, but I'd change Docs, fast. Yours obviously is not up to speed on TRT.
54 yr old starting Trt. After screening panel seen in pics below Doc put me on 200mg test cyp once weekly. I’ll be back for bloods again day before my 7th injection. Does this protocol look good for my initial panelView attachment 10164
That Free T IS really low... do you have bad symptoms? I have had Free T of 5.2ng (or 52pg) for years... I am nearly 64... have had some issues with anxiety and depression, hair loss, low libido and motivation... went on TRT 100mg/wk but having side effects, so I will discuss with new Endriconologist soon...
Some guys find success raising testosterone with Pregnenalone, boron, Tonkat Ali... maybe short term Clomid... but with YOUR low Free T... TRT probably is the answer...
54 yr old starting Trt. After screening panel seen in pics below Doc put me on 200mg test cyp once weekly. I’ll be back for bloods again day before my 7th injection. Does this protocol look good for my initial panelView attachment 10164
I’d start much lower than 200mg a week and since your SHBG is 21 now expect that to decrease. 100mg a week is a good start to see where it puts you. You may need to go twice a week eventually
Sorry for time lapsed since last post!
My doc wasn’t keen on dropping right down to 100 mg per week. I got them to go with 150mg weekly and broken into eod injections after running 200mg once weekly for 2 weeks. My
blood work isn’t good as I expected. Going to donate blood tomorrow and take dose down myself to 100mg weekly on my own. Should I try eod still or every 3.5 days?


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That Free T IS really low... do you have bad symptoms? I have had Free T of 5.2ng (or 52pg) for years... I am nearly 64... have had some issues with anxiety and depression, hair loss, low libido and motivation... went on TRT 100mg/wk but having side effects, so I will discuss with new Endriconologist soon...
Some guys find success raising testosterone with Pregnenalone, boron, Tonkat Ali... maybe short term Clomid... but with YOUR low Free T... TRT probably is the answer...
Sorry late for replying!! I had low libido and energy as well as cracking joints.
Sorry for time lapsed since last post!
My doc wasn’t keen on dropping right down to 100 mg per week. I got them to go with 150mg weekly and broken into eod injections after running 200mg once weekly for 2 weeks. My
blood work isn’t good as I expected. Going to donate blood tomorrow and take dose down myself to 100mg weekly on my own. Should I try eod still or every 3.5 days?

What month/day was your last 200 mg/week injection and what day did you start 150 mg/week (split EOD protocol)?
Sorry late for replying!! I had low libido and energy as well as cracking joints.

You need to give it 6 weeks on new protocol 150 mg/week (split EOD) before getting blood work done otherwise your results will be skewed let alone you need to have your FT tested using the most accurate assay such as the gold standard Equilibrium Dialysis or Ultrafiltration (next best) to know where your FT truly sits on such protocol (dose/injection frequency).

On July 25 you were still injecting 200 mg/week and I have no idea what day you started the newer lower dosed protocol 150 mg/week (split EOD).

Was it the first week of August and if so then you had blood work done too soon
as it would have only been just over 3 weeks.
Sorry for time lapsed since last post!
My doc wasn’t keen on dropping right down to 100 mg per week. I got them to go with 150mg weekly and broken into eod injections after running 200mg once weekly for 2 weeks. My
blood work isn’t good as I expected. Going to donate blood tomorrow and take dose down myself to 100mg weekly on my own. Should I try eod still or every 3.5 days?
Your Hematocrit is right on the borderline of you not being able to donate blood... some of the guys here may know of ways to get it down a little to be sure... maybe hydrating big time? I think 55 is the cut off, at least for the Red Cross...
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