working over my biceps. Please, give me advice

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Hi people
I've still been trying to get some meat on my biceps. So will you answer please what approach is better for gaining mass.Taking standing barbell curl for instance. I can work with 32 kg (70 lbs) but it is almost the limit. I can hardly do it more than three reps at one set. Or should i take less iron and do 20-25 reps with 16 kg (35lbs) for example?
Sorry for my poor terminology. I think my problem is understandable. Thanks, guys!
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
I always aim for 5-7 reps per set. So if you can only get 3 reps then drop your weight a bit. IMHO if you are able to do 25 reps the weight is way too light for bulking.
The way I would go is:
16kg for 25 reps for warm up
20 kg for 10 reps
25 kg for 5 sets.
then as a kicker, 32 kg to failure
If you have dumbbells or kettlebells you can do a lot of isolation exercises.
Also growth occurs while resting, as a result of what was done in the gym, So don't hit Biceps every day thinking it will make you bigger faster. 1 to 2 times a week tops.....
I work each muscle group once per week but I make sure I separate my back and biceps (since when you work back you pre exhaust biceps).... I do 18-20 sets per muscle group. Pyramid my reps like 12, 10, 8, 6 increasing the weights as I lower reps.... I do a lot of dumb bell work as it seems to be easier on my wrist... For example for Biceps I will do - Standing hammer curls, Seated preacher curls with dumbbells (one arm at a time), Curls using the cables (set the cable on each side to it's highest point and curl in towards the ears), and then finish with a few sets of 21's (a super set of 7 lower half range, 7 reps upper half range, 7 reps full range of motion)....
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2/3 of your upper arm mass in the triceps, and there's no substitute for barbel curls. Heavy curls, vary your hand spacing a bit; wide and narrow. Do them with an olympic bar, do them with a straight bar on a low pulley/cable. Low reps for size, higher reps for definition.
2/3 of your upper arm mass in the triceps, and there's no substitute for barbel curls. Heavy curls, vary your hand spacing a bit; wide and narrow. Do them with an olympic bar, do them with a straight bar on a low pulley/cable. Low reps for size, higher reps for definition.

My arms have the biggest pump and measurement on chest day because of all the presses... 19.75 with a pump when Tricep is at it's largest... I seem to have more success with dumbbells when I am seated as I feel I am isolating the bicep more... Like Gene said earlier the seated concentration curl is another favorite of mine too...
I agree triceps are the biggest muscles in your arms, but does anything look better than a flexing bicep.
You can really blast your biceps without worrying about overtraining too much. I'm quoting here from a guy and thought it funny and true. "My advice to lifters is, if you're sufficiently vain, do not exclude bicep isolation. Just don't."
I try to mix it up with drop-sets, cables, 21's, and sometimes finish out with hold til failure sets. Agree with the comments above on triceps! Everyday is a good day for skull crushing!
Everyone else has given good advice. I'll add that you need to make sure you're eating enough, including plenty of protein. You can't add muscle mass without eating more calories than you burn. It's pretty hard to add mass to your arms while also keeping six pack abs.
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