Been a while since posting. I have just about given up on trt. I could drink it and it would not work. Numbers increase but no benefits at all. I think my last endo appt I figured out something. Along with studying. But please correct me if I am off. I am no text book case. I have no pituitary and a recent scan showed no adrenals . I replace cortisol with prednisone. I ask the endo who knows sqaut. If no adrenals at all could be why trt won't work? I began to read as I have read before that dht converted from t is what gives you the benefits. I read a study on conversion and it said a lot of conversion is done by the adrenal glands. Make sense? Endo is clueless, I have no gh and high igf levels but have several factors that cause high igf. But no symptoms of high levels. But lots of low gh symptoms. He would not give me hgh. With no way to make it, it should read 0 and does.