What is really "one week"?


New Member
I'm having a difficult time understanding dosage with half life, maybe someone here can clear something up. If I wanted to dose 180mg of t-cyp per week how would the dosage be split up per say on an E3.5D vs EOD or a MWF rotation? I assume 90 mg would be correct for every 3.5 days but what happens when you try to go to a MWF? Is a full week of 180mg/week considered 60mg MWF or is 180mg/week considered 45mg MWFM?
If you see what I'm sayin here, I don't understand if you count Monday to the following Monday as one week (4 injections) or if MWF (3 injections) is the full dosage for the week.
I see my doctor next week and I'm looking to propose a couple protocols that would work for me. I'm thinking something like 90mg every 3.5 days or a MWF rotation of either 60 or 45mg depending on which gets me to 180/week with 29G 1/2" quads and delts.
I along with many do a Sunday am inject with a Wednesday pm inject.
Others will do once a week and some with do daily.
I haven't heard about am m w f schedule.
Anyway you look at it, just use Sunday to Saturday as a week and divide the dose how you like.
I'm having a difficult time understanding dosage with half life, maybe someone here can clear something up. If I wanted to dose 180mg of t-cyp per week how would the dosage be split up per say on an E3.5D vs EOD or a MWF rotation? I assume 90 mg would be correct for every 3.5 days but what happens when you try to go to a MWF? Is a full week of 180mg/week considered 60mg MWF or is 180mg/week considered 45mg MWFM?
If you see what I'm sayin here, I don't understand if you count Monday to the following Monday as one week (4 injections) or if MWF (3 injections) is the full dosage for the week.
I see my doctor next week and I'm looking to propose a couple protocols that would work for me. I'm thinking something like 90mg every 3.5 days or a MWF rotation of either 60 or 45mg depending on which gets me to 180/week with 29G 1/2" quads and delts.

Before you try MWF, I would do every 3.5 days for 4-6 weeks and see how that works. Unless you have low SHBG, every 3.5 days works great for most. So, say Monday, AM, Thursday PM 90mg of T as an example.
Thanks for the reply, I am currently 80mg every 3.5 days. I would like to get my T levels on the upper end of the range considering no sides and all other BW is optimal. Currently on 160mg/week I'm hoping to move that up to 180-200/week over the course of tweaking and more BW. I am leaning to more injections rather than fewer to keep Estradiol at a minimum preventing need for an AI. Its been a month since I started my TRT protocol and I'm feeling much better. Feeling improved mood, libido, energy. Monday will be my first one month follow up.
Minimum amount to get max benefit. That's always been my thing.
This will give you room to increase later if needed. The first few months is usually the best but then levels off.
At 120 a week, I'm in the upper 1/3.
simple math...180/7=25.71 then extrapolate it...50mg EOD. (I rounded down, 2mg means nothing and can't be accurately dosed anyway)

Or for MWF divide by three...60mg each

I'm math illiterate...it's not hard.
I along with many do a Sunday am inject with a Wednesday pm inject.
Others will do once a week and some with do daily.
I haven't heard about am m w f schedule.
Anyway you look at it, just use Sunday to Saturday as a week and divide the dose how you like.
I started with a M-AM TH-PM I just switched to doing M-morning W-afternoon F-night three weeks ago. One thing I will say is thanks for ExcelMale and learning about insulin syringes
I do a injection every three days of 80mg. 5 injections over a 2 week period. comes out to be 200mg per week. Very easy to remember and you don't have to worry about the am pm days.
Daves52380 - Why do you want to bump it up to 180mg - 200mg? From what you said, it sounds like you're symptoms have improved. Seems to be a growing feeling that less is more. I feel so much better on 100 - 120 mg per week than I ever did when I was injecting 160. Obvioulsy always consider your labs and how you feel before changing your protocol. Be careful not to chase numbers. Good luck.
I appreciate everyone's input. Vince, I like the routine you are on. I will see what my next appointment reveals and adjust from there. James, thanks for getting in. I hear what you are saying about less is more. I have done test cycles in the past and love the feeling of elevated test levels. I get great mental clarity, high confidence, and amazing libido, primal, like a friggin brahma bull. I'm sure I can feel great at average levels but I do not get those characteristics that i feel at elevated levels. I plan to get serious in my training after I get rid of this case of tennis elbow and the higher levels I think would make big differences in results. This is why I would like to be somewhere in the 1000-1200 range considering Estradiol, hematocrit and other bw remains in range. I'd assume and would think if you could check test levels of alpha males in humans and in the animal kingdom, my bet would be they carry the highest t-levels in the group, like a champion. All that said, of course I'm not looking for AAS levels for bodybuilding, I just want to be at the highest I can be with great labs and minimal sides.
I appreciate everyone's input. Vince, I like the routine you are on. I will see what my next appointment reveals and adjust from there. James, thanks for getting in. I hear what you are saying about less is more. I have done test cycles in the past and love the feeling of elevated test levels. I get great mental clarity, high confidence, and amazing libido, primal, like a friggin brahma bull. I'm sure I can feel great at average levels but I do not get those characteristics that i feel at elevated levels. I plan to get serious in my training after I get rid of this case of tennis elbow and the higher levels I think would make big differences in results. This is why I would like to be somewhere in the 1000-1200 range considering Estradiol, hematocrit and other bw remains in range. I'd assume and would think if you could check test levels of alpha males in humans and in the animal kingdom, my bet would be they carry the highest t-levels in the group, like a champion. All that said, of course I'm not looking for AAS levels for bodybuilding, I just want to be at the highest I can be with great labs and minimal sides.
I'm not trying to be an a$$ but IMHO your putting too much stock into high testosterone levels, there are some guys who hardly have any muscle and have high test levels. To me genetics make more of the difference and how your body reacts to things. That being said I do believe having optimal testosterone levels has many benefits.
Your not an A$$ brother, lets just say I'm familiar with how I react when I supplement my body. Perhaps these guys aren't taking proper training, nutrition and rest into account? Yes, genetics play a huge role. I myself has always been a hard gainer. Genetics for muscle gains but the feeling i get from it, I just cant buy into genetics. As far as knowing my stock in my T-levels. I've always felt great at elevated levels so I plan to stick with what works for ME that perhaps doesn't work for other guys. Until my BW shows anything but optimal, I'll shoot for the stars..

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