New Member
I'm having a difficult time understanding dosage with half life, maybe someone here can clear something up. If I wanted to dose 180mg of t-cyp per week how would the dosage be split up per say on an E3.5D vs EOD or a MWF rotation? I assume 90 mg would be correct for every 3.5 days but what happens when you try to go to a MWF? Is a full week of 180mg/week considered 60mg MWF or is 180mg/week considered 45mg MWFM?
If you see what I'm sayin here, I don't understand if you count Monday to the following Monday as one week (4 injections) or if MWF (3 injections) is the full dosage for the week.
I see my doctor next week and I'm looking to propose a couple protocols that would work for me. I'm thinking something like 90mg every 3.5 days or a MWF rotation of either 60 or 45mg depending on which gets me to 180/week with 29G 1/2" quads and delts.
If you see what I'm sayin here, I don't understand if you count Monday to the following Monday as one week (4 injections) or if MWF (3 injections) is the full dosage for the week.
I see my doctor next week and I'm looking to propose a couple protocols that would work for me. I'm thinking something like 90mg every 3.5 days or a MWF rotation of either 60 or 45mg depending on which gets me to 180/week with 29G 1/2" quads and delts.