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I take an extract of Turmeric three times daily, before bed, morning and afternoon to help with muscle repair as I lift aggressively four times a week at 2 hour sessions and really believe it helps as the studies here clearly indicate:


And if you lift and take my stack than read this as well:


Gene, I read somewhere (I"ll see if I can dig it up) that curcumin can raise E2. Have you heard of this?
I was thinking of taking some turmeric , i bought a combo with bromelien as well. to see if it would help with healing from the rota tor cuff surgery except i think i read somewhere that it is best to wait 3 or 4 weeks after surgery as it can effect clotting- not sure if this is true or not.. i think it would definitely help the slight swelling i have.
Curcumin has soooo many positive effects. From cancer fighting to improved glucose control. It should be a part of everyone's daily diet/supplement regimen. I could site a thousand different articles but here's one http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23116309 . Great article Gene, many thanks for all the information you give us!

Excellent find Rob!

I found this in a summary as well.

Ergo log has a lot on it as well.

Examine has a lot as well: http://examine.com/supplements/Curcumin/
Curcumin has soooo many positive effects. From cancer fighting to improved glucose control. It should be a part of everyone's daily diet/supplement regimen. I could site a thousand different articles but here's one http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23116309 . Great article Gene, many thanks for all the information you give us!

It's like owning your own TARDIS. All cells cease to age. Any disease is reversed. Toadal rejuvenation ensues which is great with the exception of a side effect which manifests as your appearing to become a completely different person who also tends to act like a ditz. No need to purchase expensive curcumin supplements either. One tenth of a pound of processed turmeric spice powder contains a daily allotment of 1-3 grams of curcumin. Highly economical when purchased by the 55 gallon drum. Just make sure to swallow a dozen black peppercorns and a quarter pound of butter to make it bio-available.

Citations from The Journal of Medical Chemistry, The Institute for Therapudics Discovery and Development at U of MN brought to you from TIME magazine
I have tried many forms and I found BCM 95 to be the best. It seems to work as well as OTC painkillers. I find that it does cause irritation to the stomach lining. I am messed up from years of NSAID use so that don't help. It takes about a month for the bloating and feelings of ulcer symptoms to start. It takes as long or longer for the symptoms to go away after stopping its use. Curcumin is a Cox-2 inhibitor. If your wanting to build muscle I don't think blocking inflammation will help as inflammation is a healing response.
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[ "The likely false activity of curcumin in vitro and in vivo has resulted in >120 clinical trials of curcuminoids against several diseases. No double-blinded, placebo controlled clinical trial of curcumin has been successful. This manuscript reviews the essential medicinal chemistry of curcumin and provides evidence that curcumin is an unstable, reactive, nonbioavailable compound and, therefore, a highly improbable lead. "]


The authors claim their review of the available studies demonstrate that the science behind curcumin health claims is flawed.

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