Hello, need a little help! My protocol was 80mg of test twice a week and 500ius of hcg twice a week with no ai. My labs were test level at 978, estradiol sensitive 36.9, prolactin 16.7, dhea 193. The issue I was having was the day after injections I wouldn't get morning wood.....even through the week it would be ok one day and not so good others. I do daily cialis and some of genes no stack. Erections are usually pretty decent with girlfriend......sometimes not as hard as others?. So I switched my protocol to 80mg of test twice a week still, 300ius of hcg m/w/f and added dhea 15mg at night (doc said I can supplement with 25mg am just doing 15 for now). I have done this protocol for the last two weeks and this past week no morning wood what so ever? Had it this morning but like half hard? Not sure what's going on. I changed my protocol thinking the reason was a big spike in estradiol when I was doing my hcg and test injections on same day and 500ius of hcg is a big dose at one time. My estradiol isn't that high for my test levels but maybe too high for me! I am trying to get back to good erections and morning wood. Thanks