The first problem is finding a specialist who agrees with TRT In the NZ health system. You may very well find that you are referred to a specialist who will only consider TRT after you have been “clean” for a minimum of six months. Then they expect you to have a VERY low testosterone level before they will even consider TRT. If you start, they will only supplement you to the very conservative NZ maximum level for your age. If you go private then the cost issue is very considerable ($400+ per visit) and they will only sign prescriptions if you continue to visit them (prescriptions are an extra fee)! If you have worked out a treatment plan overseas, get your overseas Dr to write a letter explaining your background and treatment. Give it to your chosen NZ GP and ask that he signs the MedSafe form and you will import the medicine you need. Have it shipped to his surgery so that he will then dispense it to you (this makes him feel in control and helps with NZ customs). Tell him you will forward the results of any blood tests you commission, to him and your overseas specialist. Since you are on a stabilised treatment plan the blood test will confirm this and all you need is the permission of your NZ Dr to import the medicine in order to save you and the tax payer money. There are “many ways to skin a rat”, but this one works and will save money whilst allowing you to rely on a Dr with proven TRT knowledge.