Nelson Vergel
That just tells me that NZ is where the US was 20 years ago. Things changed in the US because doctors and patients fought it. That is what true activism does. But in this field you have to be armed with data to make change happen. Write a good letter than we can help you edit here to send to all decision makers at Medsafe and the Ministry of Health.
Many men fear that if they take the lead in their countries, they or their doctors may become targets. I do not think that is an unfounded fear, but for the good of all men in New Zealand it has to be done.
The good thing is that you can quote guidelines from the US and the UK. May be the folks at can help since the UK is coming out of the dark ages on the subject of TRT management.

Ministry of Health NZ
The Government's principal advisor on health and disability: improving, promoting and protecting the health of all New Zealanders
Many men fear that if they take the lead in their countries, they or their doctors may become targets. I do not think that is an unfounded fear, but for the good of all men in New Zealand it has to be done.
The good thing is that you can quote guidelines from the US and the UK. May be the folks at can help since the UK is coming out of the dark ages on the subject of TRT management.