Testicular Ache but Do Not Want to Use HCG


New Member
Anyone experience rather intense testicular aches? Trying to not use HCG as this causes it's own set of problems (Acne, loss of libido, erectile issues). Feel pretty good on straight test other than the pain in the nuts.
I agree I believe your symptoms are coming from your testicles shrinking, I would assume after they're done getting down to their new size, the pain should stop.
Anyone experience rather intense testicular aches? Trying to not use HCG as this causes it's own set of problems (Acne, loss of libido, erectile issues). Feel pretty good on straight test other than the pain in the nuts.

Definitely an individual thing as some tend to experience aches/pains.

Testicular shrinkage is common in men on trt and I would say more extreme in cases when one uses/abuses testosterone/AAS in high doses as severe testicular shrinkage can happen.

Also how noticable the shrinkage is depends on the size of ones testes pre-trt as one with larger/descent sized testes would have less noticable shrinkage as oppose to one with smaller testes.

My testes were a descent size pre-trt and although they may have shrunk a little it is hardly noticable and I have never once experienced tesicular aches/pain!

I use testosterone only and have never used HCG in roughly 2 years on trt.
Agree completely with Madman. I'm the opposite. I've always had small(ish) balls and even though I'm on 900IU of HCG per week they're still small. If I omit HCG from my TRT regime they basically disappear.
Anyone experience rather intense testicular aches? Trying to not use HCG as this causes it's own set of problems (Acne, loss of libido, erectile issues). Feel pretty good on straight test other than the pain in the nuts.
Interesting. I'm just the opposite. My libido & sensitivity is much better when I'm on HCG as long as I'm controlling my estrogen levels. Without HCG I have almost no sexual sensitivity.

Also, without HCG, my testicles shrink so much that it becomes very physically uncomfortable for me. Like being cold 100% of the time.
Testicular pain can result from hCG activating or causing growth in testicular tissue. I experienced occasional pains, some sharp, during the first year or so of hCG use which was hCG monotherapy. Dr Allan Pont, Sutter Health Endocrinology Dept chair, strongly opposes hCG. His trt approach is to surgically excise all testicular tissue implant plastic prosthesis and go with twice monthly t-cyp protocol. Problems you guys complain about will resolve after a year or so if you stay away from doctors and inject consistently. Psychoanalysis may be required which can also be self administered. ref Dr Liz Greene, Alois Treindl.
Well...when I was using HCG it DID cause those issue. Bad acne on back and chest...and I am 50.

But...I believe the HCG itself did NOT cause the issues directly, but from it causing my E to raise to high levels...read 75 on my last labs before stopping it.

So, like most things with TRT....it will some down to how YOU react to it.

As Nelson said...give it a try and see what happens. You can always stop it.
High E2 does not worsen acne, DHT does. hCG, just like TRT, can increase E2 and DHT (that is part of the reason that it enhances libido). In some men, HCG can cause more androgenic issues (acne, edema, etc)
HCG is lower doses more frequently will eliminate many of those neg sides. You're HPTA suppressed and your testicular issues will not subside without the use of HCG.
Many experience painful testes shrinkage when supplementing testosterone. As far as I know HCG is the only answer to combat it.
As a physician, I can tell you that is a good sign the HCG is working. You may laugh but the treatment for this is to get some puntang!

I have found that HCG may increase libido. One thing is important and that is to keep estradiol between 30 and 40. It is a very narrow window. Sexual dysfunction may occur when one is not within this range.

Too low, HCG and DHEA may help...Too high, an aromatase inhibitor.

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