I have recently switched (about 3 wks ago) from Test Cyp 120mg MI wk (3 x 40mg) to Test Prop 20mg SI ed and HCG 150iu ed...
I am using a BD 1ml 27g tb syringe/needle for SI.. Recently I started to combine my HCG (150iu ed) with the test Prop in the same syringe (I load Prop first then HCG). Anyway, when I loaded my Test prop to the 2 IU mark and pulled back on the plunger to give to give a little space in the syringe to cleanly load the HCG I noticed that there is actually almost 3 IU of the test. I feel great on this combo/method but I realize that I am actually seemingly injecting 200mg test prop/wk and not 140mg... Now I just load the Prop to the 1.5 IU mark to get approximately 20..ish mg's...
Has anyone else noticed or realized that the cap/tip of the needle on the syringe actually holds quite a bit of test in addition to the marker readings on the syringe?
I am using a BD 1ml 27g tb syringe/needle for SI.. Recently I started to combine my HCG (150iu ed) with the test Prop in the same syringe (I load Prop first then HCG). Anyway, when I loaded my Test prop to the 2 IU mark and pulled back on the plunger to give to give a little space in the syringe to cleanly load the HCG I noticed that there is actually almost 3 IU of the test. I feel great on this combo/method but I realize that I am actually seemingly injecting 200mg test prop/wk and not 140mg... Now I just load the Prop to the 1.5 IU mark to get approximately 20..ish mg's...
Has anyone else noticed or realized that the cap/tip of the needle on the syringe actually holds quite a bit of test in addition to the marker readings on the syringe?