My current doctor has me on 250iu of HCG ONCE per week. Says every 8 days is the magic number but once per week will cut it. I don't understand if this is an old protocol or what but I'm switching clinics and my new doctor told me this is really low and they recommend their guys go 500iu 2X per week. Said it will stimulate ITT and raise my total test # (I'd rather just inject more test if I want a higher # - it's cheaper). I don't really know what the pros/cons are of either approach. Why was/is once weekly a thing if the half life of HCG is closer to 3 days? I don't have any testicular atrophy that I can notice after 1 year on TRT, I'd just maybe say I want a better sex drive. On my current protocol of 80mg E3.5D test cyp and 250iuHCG 1X per week I have days where my sex drive is really thru the roof and then other days I don't care. I don't take an AI and my TT is 900+ FT 30+ and E2 30. I'd really rather optimize my sex drive to be closer to the high end and I don't know if looking at my HCG protocol is the pathway. Any ideas? I read the entire thread from Dr. Sada.