Hello everyone!
I have been reading these forums quite a bit lately, amazing content with lots of useful information, but now I hope to also get some individual help/answers.
I'm 33 and I have been on TRT (35mg EOD SubQ, equaling 122.5mg per week) for 3 months, and on hCG (200 IU EOD, 700 IU per week) for 2 months. Recently I got my blood-work done and here are the results (including reference ranges):
Total T: 6.38 ng/ml (2.41 - 8.27)
SHBG: 51.53 nmol/l (14.7 - 44.9)
Free T: 44.40 pg/ml (3.84 - 34.2)
I find it extremely strange how Free T is so high even though Total T is rather average considering my dosage. Even more strange considering how SHBG is high as well.
Note that I'm barely noticing any real improvements of my low T symptoms, most things remained the same (low energy, low libido, irritability, lack of focus ...), just performance in the gym is up slightly, but even that's barely noticeable.
Also note that before I started TRT, my blood work was similarly strange (Free T much higher in relation to low Total T, even though SHBG was high):
Total T: 3.34 (2.41 - 8.27)
SHBG: 42.03 (14.7 - 44.9)
Free T: 12.1 (3.84 - 34.2)
Does anyone have any idea what might be going on? How I should interpret these results? Sadly I don't have any truly knowledgeable doctors available, so I don't get much help there.
Should I ask for a higher dosage? But shouldn't my very high Free T be enough?
Oh, some other results:
DHT: 616 pg/ml (300 - 850)
TSH: 1.28 mIU/L (0.35 - 4.94)
T4: 16.46 pmol/L (9.01 - 19.05)
T3: 4.23 pmol/L (2.63 - 5.70)
TPSA: 1.168 μg/L (< 4.0)
Estradiol: 43 ng/L (11-44)
DHEA-S: 12.6 μmol/L (4.6 - 16.1)
I have been reading these forums quite a bit lately, amazing content with lots of useful information, but now I hope to also get some individual help/answers.
I'm 33 and I have been on TRT (35mg EOD SubQ, equaling 122.5mg per week) for 3 months, and on hCG (200 IU EOD, 700 IU per week) for 2 months. Recently I got my blood-work done and here are the results (including reference ranges):
Total T: 6.38 ng/ml (2.41 - 8.27)
SHBG: 51.53 nmol/l (14.7 - 44.9)
Free T: 44.40 pg/ml (3.84 - 34.2)
I find it extremely strange how Free T is so high even though Total T is rather average considering my dosage. Even more strange considering how SHBG is high as well.
Note that I'm barely noticing any real improvements of my low T symptoms, most things remained the same (low energy, low libido, irritability, lack of focus ...), just performance in the gym is up slightly, but even that's barely noticeable.
Also note that before I started TRT, my blood work was similarly strange (Free T much higher in relation to low Total T, even though SHBG was high):
Total T: 3.34 (2.41 - 8.27)
SHBG: 42.03 (14.7 - 44.9)
Free T: 12.1 (3.84 - 34.2)
Does anyone have any idea what might be going on? How I should interpret these results? Sadly I don't have any truly knowledgeable doctors available, so I don't get much help there.
Should I ask for a higher dosage? But shouldn't my very high Free T be enough?
Oh, some other results:
DHT: 616 pg/ml (300 - 850)
TSH: 1.28 mIU/L (0.35 - 4.94)
T4: 16.46 pmol/L (9.01 - 19.05)
T3: 4.23 pmol/L (2.63 - 5.70)
TPSA: 1.168 μg/L (< 4.0)
Estradiol: 43 ng/L (11-44)
DHEA-S: 12.6 μmol/L (4.6 - 16.1)