Is it 100% that dhea increases estrogen? is there any possibility that it might lower it and crash it? I am 100% dhea cream from life flo brand crashed my estrogen and i have bloodwokr that showed over the course of few months using it my estrogen levels were dropping.. i called the company to ask if there are any addition ingredients that were not listed on label that might lower estrogen the anwer was no.. I know what it feels when you take too much arimidex (AI) and one day when I used that cream I got absolutely identical side effects and felt same way when I took too much AI..
its been 9 months since I used it and during these 9 months I felt like I was dying every day and my brain was totally off.
I used dhea because its suppose to be good for bones, raise estrogen and low levels are linked to many diseases but it caused everything opposite
its been 9 months since I used it and during these 9 months I felt like I was dying every day and my brain was totally off.
I used dhea because its suppose to be good for bones, raise estrogen and low levels are linked to many diseases but it caused everything opposite