I had all my blood work anticipating starting TRT through the Body Logic chain. My results came back with elevated PSA (3.1 on the 0-4 range). While not over 4, my doc (actually the Body Logic doc, not my Primary Care doc) wants me to see a specialist to screen for prostate irregularities before starting. Haven't done anything yet. This barrier is bumming me out. What are the real issues with TRT and the prostate? Has anyone encountered this roadblock before? I haven't found too many hits when searching. My age is 55, so I imagine my PSA should probably be btw 2 and 3 for my age? Also, my research did reveal that sex (i.e. ejaculation) and use of ED drugs or herbs can raise the PSA level. No one told me this. It seems like the instructions for blood work should include this information.