40, used gear years ago and have been experiencing low energy, lack of motivation, easily irritated, sore more, fat gain (diet isn’t the best but I’ve been having more trouble keeping fat off) Erections are great and libido is pretty good.
labs as of 5/6
total test- 334ng/dL 348 (same blood draw same time just for different drs which I found interesting
free test- 97.3 pg/ml Or I think 9.7 ng/dL
shgb- 15.8 nmo/l
prolactin-6 ng/ml
E2 21.6 pg/ml
fsh 4.7 ml/ml
LH 4.5 mlu/ml
My package comes Tuesday and I’m not sure whether to start trt or hold off so any help is appreciated
thanks for the help guys
labs as of 5/6
total test- 334ng/dL 348 (same blood draw same time just for different drs which I found interesting
free test- 97.3 pg/ml Or I think 9.7 ng/dL
shgb- 15.8 nmo/l
prolactin-6 ng/ml
E2 21.6 pg/ml
fsh 4.7 ml/ml
LH 4.5 mlu/ml
My package comes Tuesday and I’m not sure whether to start trt or hold off so any help is appreciated
thanks for the help guys