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If your doctor would prescribe Adderall...or refer you to a neurologist or psychiatrist. The psychiatrist I saw screened me for ADHD/ADD and my score was low, but his backround was in research, so he asked if I wanted to try it but ultimately I didn't. My two major concerns was that it would make me manic and worsen my Tourette Syndrome. I already tic a lot; noises and movements. I've had TS since I was three. 68 years.
Wow . Right I see ... I saw a psychiatrist and he diagnose me with the personality disorder within an hour. As I said if I go through the list of symptoms of ADD I've got 99% of them... everybody who I speak to say I do not have a personality disorder I think he has it wrong.. maybe it's worth getting seen again. It's been over two years and I could say it's no better .
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Wow . Right I see ... I saw a psychiatrist and he diagnose me with the personality disorder within an hour. As I said if I go through the list of symptoms of ADD I've got 99% of them... everybody who I speak to say I do not have a personality disorder I think he has it wrong.. maybe it's worth getting seen again. It's been over two years and I could say it's no better .
There's a basic set of questions used to screen for ADD/ADHD which you can find on the Web. It was the same screening used by the psychiatrist. A personality disorder would be different than ADD/ADHD. There's Asperger's Syndrome, Borderline Personality Disorder and of course, mood disorders. You could have multiple neuropsych issues, but if you score high on the ADD/ADHD questionaire, that could be at the root of what is going on. Worth checking back in with your psychiatrist.
There's a basic set of questions used to screen for ADD/ADHD which you can find on the Web. It was the same screening used by the psychiatrist. A personality disorder would be different than ADD/ADHD. There's Asperger's Syndrome, Borderline Personality Disorder and of course, mood disorders. You could have multiple neuropsych issues, but if you score high on the ADD/ADHD questionaire, that could be at the root of what is going on. Worth checking back in with your psychiatrist.
Definitely. I've just taken in A DD online test and it came back with 15 out 16.. everything from not being able to switch my brain off to impulse buying ... not wanting to stand in a queue .. finding tasks very boring ..finding complex tasks very boring...... Wanting to move and not sit still..... . Also I'm hiv poz and was really poorly with it .. my cd4 count was 110 . .I've now researched that this low level of cd4 and obviously the high level of virus can affect your dopamine levels and damage your dopamine receptors... Does has to be the cause has my sex drive dropped when I was really poorly HIV and never got it back... This is when I started having mental issues . Losing things all the time can organise things can't do time management can't do one task at a time... I need to see the shrink again... The thing is if I tell them what I have read they just go no no no no
Definitely. I've just taken in A DD online test and it came back with 15 out 16.. everything from not being able to switch my brain off to impulse buying ... not wanting to stand in a queue .. finding tasks very boring ..finding complex tasks very boring...... Wanting to move and not sit still..... . Also I'm hiv poz and was really poorly with it .. my cd4 count was 110 . .I've now researched that this low level of cd4 and obviously the high level of virus can affect your dopamine levels and damage your dopamine receptors... Does has to be the cause has my sex drive dropped when I was really poorly HIV and never got it back... This is when I started having mental issues . Losing things all the time can organise things can't do time management can't do one task at a time... I need to see the shrink again... The thing is if I tell them what I have read they just go no no no no
Any chronic viral infection, including HIV, will impact the endocrine system, too. And I've read that low T is prevalent among men with HIV. It would seem you need several doctors to work with to sort out the multiple issues/problems. Is this through the NHS or private doctors? My understanding, from talking with many people in the UK on different forums, is that for critical care medicine, the NHS is excellent, but primary care and specialists don't stray from the guidelines of the General Medical Council. I'm sure paying out of pocket for private medical consults/treatment is just as expensive in the UK as it is in the US.
Amphetamine based stimulants (Ritalin, Adderall, dextroamphetamine, ephedrine, pseudoephedrine) do make you more interested in life and may increase interest in sex, but they will most likely impair erection at effective doses by constricting blood vessels.

They also constrict some muscles in the bladder/urethra, so they may lead to semen emission without strong ejaculation contractions or orgasm, or premature ejaculation, or burning while peeing (at high doses), or not being able to pee for some time if you overdose.
Any chronic viral infection, including HIV, will impact the endocrine system, too. And I've read that low T is prevalent among men with HIV. It would seem you need several doctors to work with to sort out the multiple issues/problems. Is this through the NHS or private doctors? My understanding, from talking with many people in the UK on different forums, is that for critical care medicine, the NHS is excellent, but primary care and specialists don't stray from the guidelines of the General Medical Council. I'm sure paying out of pocket for private medical consults/treatment is just as expensive in the UK as it is in the US.
I have a private doc for testosterone . My testosterone isn't low... Sadly I was put on it at the same time as taking antidepressants... So they assumed the injection of T would boost Libido. When in fact it wouldn't as the side effects of the antidepressants stopped all desire... So it seems that my dopamine levels may have been damaged in the early infection of hiv . It was left to consume my body for 8 years which it seems isn't good for the brain function and dopamine levels. I have started to drink coffee . I'm.sleeping better with coffee I feel better with coffee... All this points to a lack of dopa in the body ... Adderall is needed I'm sure of it
I have a private doc for testosterone . My testosterone isn't low... Sadly I was put on it at the same time as taking antidepressants... So they assumed the injection of T would boost Libido. When in fact it wouldn't as the side effects of the antidepressants stopped all desire... So it seems that my dopamine levels may have been damaged in the early infection of hiv . It was left to consume my body for 8 years which it seems isn't good for the brain function and dopamine levels. I have started to drink coffee . I'm.sleeping better with coffee I feel better with coffee... All this points to a lack of dopa in the body ... Adderall is needed I'm sure of it
Don't recall if you've ever read Ray Peat Forum. By training, he's an endocrine physiologist(PhD) and spent his early years trying to heal or overcome many of his own significant health problems. He believes strongly in the health benefits of coffee, including the beneficial aspects of its caffeine component. I have to agree that if you respond favorably to coffee, there could be a dopamine issue. Have you discussed the ADHD/ADD matter with the doctor who prescribes your testosterone? Maybe that doctor can recommend someone who would prescribe Adderall.

Just an aside, when I was living in Maryland, I saw a psychiatrist who is also a world class researcher with the National Institutes of Health. She wanted to prescribe an opioid since there is some evidence that pain meds can help some people with bipolar. I don't respond well to pain meds, so I had to pass on it. She's the only psychiatrist who ever offered to prescribe that class of medication. I'm guessing a private UK doctor might be more willing to prescribe a trial of Adderall unless you can beg and plead with an NHS psychiatrist or neurologist.
Don't recall if you've ever read Ray Peat Forum. By training, he's an endocrine physiologist(PhD) and spent his early years trying to heal or overcome many of his own significant health problems. He believes strongly in the health benefits of coffee, including the beneficial aspects of its caffeine component. I have to agree that if you respond favorably to coffee, there could be a dopamine issue. Have you discussed the ADHD/ADD matter with the doctor who prescribes your testosterone? Maybe that doctor can recommend someone who would prescribe Adderall.

Just an aside, when I was living in Maryland, I saw a psychiatrist who is also a world class researcher with the National Institutes of Health. She wanted to prescribe an opioid since there is some evidence that pain meds can help some people with bipolar. I don't respond well to pain meds, so I had to pass on it. She's the only psychiatrist who ever offered to prescribe that class of medication. I'm guessing a private UK doctor might be more willing to prescribe a trial of Adderall unless you can beg and plead with an NHS psychiatrist or neurologist.
Thanks for the reply. I'm going to speak to the GP and ask to be referred again... They will ask why.... I'll just have to say what I've found .. the low dopermine symptoms the coffee .. that hiv can reduce dopamine... That my symptoms are worse..that I don't think it's a personality disorder. It's has all the signs of ADD. I was diagnosed 10 years ago with HIV I remember before I was diagnosed my mental state did get less I definitely had loss of libido. Doctors put it down to low testosterone which now I'm no I don't have. My private testosterone doctor won't speak to me about any of the issue but testosterone so I will have to bring it up the NHS doctor and fight for it..
Thanks for the reply. I'm going to speak to the GP and ask to be referred again... They will ask why.... I'll just have to say what I've found .. the low dopermine symptoms the coffee .. that hiv can reduce dopamine... That my symptoms are worse..that I don't think it's a personality disorder. It's has all the signs of ADD. I was diagnosed 10 years ago with HIV I remember before I was diagnosed my mental state did get less I definitely had loss of libido. Doctors put it down to low testosterone which now I'm no I don't have. My private testosterone doctor won't speak to me about any of the issue but testosterone so I will have to bring it up the NHS doctor and fight for it..
Perhaps the testosterone doc doesn't want to get involved and he is outside of the NHS so maybe there are regulatory issues. You'll have to deal with the NHS and be persistent as a bulldog, LOL.
Perhaps the testosterone doc doesn't want to get involved and he is outside of the NHS so maybe there are regulatory issues. You'll have to deal with the NHS and be persistent as a bulldog, LOL.
I have an appointment in a week. So I'll see what he thinks when I tell him about the dopermine issue . Lol
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one man's meat is another's poison, but I tried some wellbutrin as well as separately Citalopram. Nothing interesting other than not letting me orgasm. Maybe I just didn't have any deficit there to fix...
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