Please take a peek at my latest bloodwork and offer some advice/opinions. I am 70 years old. I self-inject 120mg every 10 days. This latest blood draw was on day 4 after injection. Been doing TRT for about 9 years now, as my testicles can testify by their teeny size.
Went to my doc today (urologist) and he suggested reducing my dosage, as my Hematocrit and Hemoglobin are getting out of range. Honestly, I've been thinking of reducing the dosage anyway, my hands seem colder than usual and I'm getting small headaches, almost suspecting that thicker blood may have something to do with it. But with my T level at 814, it seems like a no-brainer to maybe just cut the dose in half. However, I am no expert on this stuff. I am seeing the doc again next week for cystoscopy (and possible TURP, ugh) and we will discuss T dosage further. I would like to be more educated on subject prior to next appt.
Thanks for any help. Dave F.
Went to my doc today (urologist) and he suggested reducing my dosage, as my Hematocrit and Hemoglobin are getting out of range. Honestly, I've been thinking of reducing the dosage anyway, my hands seem colder than usual and I'm getting small headaches, almost suspecting that thicker blood may have something to do with it. But with my T level at 814, it seems like a no-brainer to maybe just cut the dose in half. However, I am no expert on this stuff. I am seeing the doc again next week for cystoscopy (and possible TURP, ugh) and we will discuss T dosage further. I would like to be more educated on subject prior to next appt.
Thanks for any help. Dave F.