I have been on TRT since 2011. I was fine for the first 2 years and then one day it just went south for me. I was having ED problems and lots of trouble reaching orgasm. My E2 had shot up to 42 I believe so I had to take AI 1mg every other day to drop it back down. We tried taking it a couple of times a week but that wasn't enough to knock it back down. Once it got knocked all the way down to 7 I on took 1mg Arimidex once a week and now it's at a 27. It seems to be climbing back up again so we upped the dosage to 1 mg twice a week. Everyone is different so always do blood work. I still have a hard time reaching climax. (orgasm).
Has anyone else had this problem and figured it out? My TRT doctor can't figure it out. We've done tons of blood work and all seems well.
Has anyone else had this problem and figured it out? My TRT doctor can't figure it out. We've done tons of blood work and all seems well.