Ok 2 Stop After 3 days or 3 weeks

W. Unseld

New Member
When is it too late to turn back? I didn't get sufficient info from my doc & thought I was supplementing not replacing testosterone. I also didn't know I would need hcg supplementation. I've only been on the gel for 3 days at this point and I'm hoping that it's either not too late to turn back or that I'm misunderstanding the part about your body not producing it anymore once your off of it. Also it could be my imagination but I feel a tad more testy or intense after only a few days. I haven't found any well rated doctors in the Richmond, Va area for this stuff and this website has made me realize that it's far more complex than I thought.

Any help or thoughts would be appreciated.
If you've been on a compounded gel for just 3 days your HPTA will return.

If you have been diagnosed with low Testosterone serum levels why would you want to come off?

Do you know the serious health risks associated with hypogonadism?

This site is full of information of you to learn why.
Gene is on the money - both in advising you that you should be able to reset your HPTA and in observing that TRT is a positive move for men with diagnosed hypogonadism. Should you wish to share your story, the factors that motivated you to seek medical attention, there is an entire community here that is open and supportive.
Thanks to everyone for responding. My T levels were 320 so I wanted to boost them. It sounds like It's far more complex than I anticipated and frankly I'm a tad edgy on the T. If HCG is the only addition I'd have to make then maybe it's worth it but it seems like there are several side effects you have to look out for.
1. How long could I give it to try to realize the benefits before it's too late to go back ie at what point would my body stop producing?
2. I heard there was a one time shot to the testes that will naturally produce testosterone--is this true?

thanks everyone I've ordered the book & I'm trying to read up before bothering everyone with questions but it's a lot to take in & this website is blocked at work.
Hello W. Ubseld, I returned to baseline in a few months after being on gel w/o hcg for decades. I did not have any help, therapy or otherwise. It was an unnecessary hell, the result of ignorance.

As a general rule men will be on "PCT" for as many months as they were on testosterone. Post up your history, stats and labs. You will get sound advice here including options other than TRT if appropriate.

edit: You posted while I was. Our baseline is similar although that doesn't mean much. Read the welcome/intro thread and answer as many questions as you are comfortable with. Everyone responds differently. No one can say for sure how long it will take to shut down your LH TSH. On the average three weeks is no big deal but it might be better to get fully informed before you go further. For instance you might well be able to get up to a satisfactory level w/o TRT. What is a "satisfactory level" ? Don't play the numbers game. Go with how you feel and what your doc sees in such things as bone density.

It takes time for your body to adjust to TRT. Don't worry about roid rage or even feeling "edgy" that will go away.

one time shot: hCG? That will boost your T but the benefit will be gone in less than a week. Sound advice might be to start with environmental diet and lifestyle changes. Then medically guided substances other than T. In rare cases regular hCG alone. I am not an expert.
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Thanks to everyone for responding. My T levels were 320 so I wanted to boost them. It sounds like It's far more complex than I anticipated and frankly I'm a tad edgy on the T. If HCG is the only addition I'd have to make then maybe it's worth it but it seems like there are several side effects you have to look out for.
1. How long could I give it to try to realize the benefits before it's too late to go back ie at what point would my body stop producing?
2. I heard there was a one time shot to the testes that will naturally produce testosterone--is this true?

thanks everyone I've ordered the book & I'm trying to read up before bothering everyone with questions but it's a lot to take in & this website is blocked at work.

Frankly, it sounds as if you are not in the care of a doctor who understands current TRT protocol (or certainly doesn't communicate the consequences well). Who in the world told you about a "one-time shot to the testes?" Your body has already begun shutting down its own production of testosterone; that began as soon as you introduced the topical, exogenous preparation. After a relatively short time, depending on the dose and how your body absorbs it, production will totally cease. Should you then stop TRT you will need to go through a restart protocol with a doctor who has experience with HPTA regeneration. TRT is not something one can start, enjoy the benefits of, and then just walk away - it is not a "booster" (no matter what anyone told you).
Agree 100% with CoastWatcher. You need a new doctor that understands TRT.

I have a co-worker with what seems like the same doctor. Gave him ONE 200mg shot of T and said that would "boost his levels" and he would be fine going forward....

Honestly, going on TRT with a doctor that doesn't understand it is worse than living with Low-T untreated, IMHO.

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