I started a protocol simply with testosterone cypionate. I have a pituitary tumor, but my endo refused to prescribe injections, despite multiple low testosterone labs. I found a local bio-identical doctor, and he ran my labs again, and prescribed testosterone. Save me a bunch of money, cause I cant afford a mens clinic, while paying high bills for my other treatments. I felt good the very first month. I mean really strong, felt like I could chew nails! Now, I feel down, and just out of sorts. Ran labs a few weeks ago, and estrogen was under 20. I understand it wasnt the correct E2 lab, but my doctor says it wouldnt be too much of a difference. Total test was 1100, but was done two days after injections. I honestly think I dont have much estrogen anyway, due to the pituitary tumor. Anyhow, I read injections stop LH production, which helps produce pregnenlone and progesterone, which could impact my moods. I've read HCG stops this from happening. My question is couldnt I just take pregnenoline? My insurance wont cover HCG.