Hi everyone Im hoping to get some help here. Im 34 years old and have been on testosterone replacement
for a year now. My pre trt bloods showed a level of 10 nmol total testosterone or 288 ng/dl and estradiol of
46 pmol or 13 pg/dl. Ive been working with a clinic and my protocol right now is 55mg test cyp IM twice a
week and 12.5 mg aromasin split twice a week. My mood is pretty low with no libido and just don t feel
too good. Im really thinking about doing a restart as my doctor has done many blood tests and everything
looks good so Im really at a roadblock. I recently only started the aromasin a month ago hoping that
maybe it was high estradiol causing my issues. The only test offered in Ottawa Ontario (Canada) is the
immunoassay test which since reading your boards is not very accurate for males. Im a pretty lean guy
and although I don t lift weights I try to jog every second day and eat pretty clean. Im 5'9 180
(fairly lean) its discouraging when every test I get comes back high estradiol. Any how heres my latest
blood work and anyone got any opinions on which direction I should go. This test was drawn mid week
between injections.
Total testosterone 31 nmol (7.6-31.4)
Estradiol 179 pmol (<156.99) H
free t4 16 (12-22)
free t3 4.7 (2.6-5)
Dheas 8.2 (4-12)
shbg 30 (12-60)
Psa .27 (>6.50)
ferritin 26 ( 24-453)
Prolactin 24 (<17.99) H
Hct .48 (.38-.49)
Hb 164 (135-170)
b12 613 ( >221)
Chol 4.21 (>=5.19)
ldl 2.3
hdl 2.6
Urate 308 (200-440)
vitamin d 124 (76-250)
for a year now. My pre trt bloods showed a level of 10 nmol total testosterone or 288 ng/dl and estradiol of
46 pmol or 13 pg/dl. Ive been working with a clinic and my protocol right now is 55mg test cyp IM twice a
week and 12.5 mg aromasin split twice a week. My mood is pretty low with no libido and just don t feel
too good. Im really thinking about doing a restart as my doctor has done many blood tests and everything
looks good so Im really at a roadblock. I recently only started the aromasin a month ago hoping that
maybe it was high estradiol causing my issues. The only test offered in Ottawa Ontario (Canada) is the
immunoassay test which since reading your boards is not very accurate for males. Im a pretty lean guy
and although I don t lift weights I try to jog every second day and eat pretty clean. Im 5'9 180
(fairly lean) its discouraging when every test I get comes back high estradiol. Any how heres my latest
blood work and anyone got any opinions on which direction I should go. This test was drawn mid week
between injections.
Total testosterone 31 nmol (7.6-31.4)
Estradiol 179 pmol (<156.99) H
free t4 16 (12-22)
free t3 4.7 (2.6-5)
Dheas 8.2 (4-12)
shbg 30 (12-60)
Psa .27 (>6.50)
ferritin 26 ( 24-453)
Prolactin 24 (<17.99) H
Hct .48 (.38-.49)
Hb 164 (135-170)
b12 613 ( >221)
Chol 4.21 (>=5.19)
ldl 2.3
hdl 2.6
Urate 308 (200-440)
vitamin d 124 (76-250)