Need to increase E2 (temporarily)

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My protocol is 200mg/week Test Cyp (100mg E3.5D) that is pre-mixed with 1mg of Arimidex (0.5mg E3.5D) and 500iu of HCG E3.5D.

My E2 before treatment was 55 (non sensitive). That's why the Dr added the AI from the beginning.

After a couple of weeks I was feeling like my E2 was low, so I did my own tests:
5/1 PEAK 14 pg/mL
5/18 TROUGH 15.8 pg/mL

My Dr is going to lower the Arimidex by half, but I cannot get the refill for another few weeks, and I don't want to continue feeling this way until then.

So what can I take (supplement) to increase my E2 until then?

DHEA? (how much)
More HCG? (how much)
I've read about DIM and Calcium d-Glucarate, but I can't determine if they increase or decrease E2.

I would really appreciate any advice on how to increase E2!!!
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Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
Calcium d-GlucarateMy protocol is 200mg/week Test Cyp (100mg E3.5D) that is pre-mixed with 1mg of Arimidex (0.5mg E3.5D) and 500iu of HCG E3.5D.

My E2 before treatment was 55 (non sensitive). That's why the Dr added the AI from the beginning.

After a couple of weeks I was feeling like my E2 was low, so I did my own tests:
5/1 PEAK 14 pg/mL
5/18 TROUGH 15.8 pg/mL

My Dr is going to lower the Arimidex by half, but I cannot get the refill for another few weeks, and I don't want to continue feeling this way until then.

So what can I take (supplement) to increase my E2 until then?

DHEA? (how much)
More HCG? (how much)
I've read about DIM and Calcium d-Glucarate, but I can't determine if they increase or decrease E2.

I would really appreciate any advice on how to increase E2!!!

Don't inject anymore of that T. Wait for a new bottle. Why won't he give you clean T cyp and a seperate AI?

A reduction in your T lvl will be less painful than crashing your E2 IMO.

No Calcium d-Glucarate or DIM
50mg DHEA/day
1000IU HCG /wk divid it up how ever you like 2 500s, 4 250's
There in lies the problem with compounding like that you have no adjustment possibility.

If you need some E while you go thruough that the best thing I know of is to go to WalMart and buy the cheap DHEA tablets...should get some aromatase as it passes thru the liver, just go easy on it and stay under 25mg if not less.
There in lies the problem with compounding like that you have no adjustment possibility.

If you need some E while you go thruough that the best thing I know of is to go to WalMart and buy the cheap DHEA tablets...should get some aromatase as it passes thru the liver, just go easy on it and stay under 25mg if not less.
Thanks Vince...micronized or just the regular DHEA?
What about Soy? I've read that people with high E2 should stay away from that would indicate that the converse should apply (increase low E2). I've bumped up my daily HCG to 200iu.

Getting trough bloods tomorrow morning.
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