Good Evening & Happy Thanksgiving! I've been with Defy now since June or so with this protocol: Mon/Wed 500IU HCG, Tues/Fri 80mg Test Cyp, Tues/Fri 0.5mg Anastrozole / 200 DIM; then was added 5/2.5mg hydrocortisone in August because of Cortisol results. Last month the nurse reduced me to 60mg test cyp and left everything else the same due to my total getting up to 1358 (Free was 19.1) which was causing me some acne/oil issues and I was simply starting to feel bad again (not as bad as before getting on the protocol, but maybe about 50% there); she did recommend semorlien for weight gain, but my IGF-1 is already 179 and I can't justify the high cost (over 300 a month). I'm feeling ALOT better on the 60mg protocol, however, one of my initial complaints (and a big one) was my continued weight gain (I've gone from 240 to 290 in around 11 months now without changes in diet or exercise). I talked to an internist at work (I work at a hospital) about everything I'm on and the weight issue and she highly recommended I go see an endocrinologist as nobody (including my PCP) had ever tried to figure out WHY my numbers were low in the first place + only a saliva test was done for the cortisol (no ACTH response test). Today was that endo appointment, and he wants me to stop everything cold turkey so that he can re-test and evaluate me in 3 months because he believe the decision to go on T and HC were both rushed - he mentioned that the original decision (by PCP and then urologist before I started Defy) to start T wasn't valid as I only had 1 test and I was at 498 total and 3.1 free, saying that the free number isn't valid in someone that is overweight.
I'm not sure what to do - I'm very happy I feel better (less fatigue, better libido), but one of my major concerns is indeed still not addressed (the weight gain) and nothing my PCP has tried has worked (calorie counting, Belviq, Topamax, Wellbutrin) and she is basically saying I'm just obese and nothing is wrong with me (I'm 290 / 6'5").
It concerns me stopping cold turkey in order to be re-evaluated after reading other posts on here - so I'm asking all of you for some advice on what to do?
Thank you!
I'm not sure what to do - I'm very happy I feel better (less fatigue, better libido), but one of my major concerns is indeed still not addressed (the weight gain) and nothing my PCP has tried has worked (calorie counting, Belviq, Topamax, Wellbutrin) and she is basically saying I'm just obese and nothing is wrong with me (I'm 290 / 6'5").
It concerns me stopping cold turkey in order to be re-evaluated after reading other posts on here - so I'm asking all of you for some advice on what to do?
Thank you!