craig weston
Advice please. se calculated free testosterone 0.33 nmol.L (0.17 - 0.67) serum testosterone 12 nmol/L (7.6 - 31.4) serum albumin 45 g/L (35-50) serum sex hormone binding glob 16 nmol/L (15-64) . Just received blood work after 7 weeks on therapy - Se calculated free teastosterone 0.75nmol/L Serum Testosterone 25.3 nmol/L serum albumim 45 g/L Serum sex hormone binding glob 16nmol/L . HbA1c 34 LFT total protein 74 ALT 38 Alk.phos 45 total Bilirubin 13 Globulin 29 Oestradiol 155 ?????? Doc said free T is high but evey other reading is fine but he says cant do my bloodwork now as he cant support my TRT. Can book appointment if I have any symptoms and will see how I am in 3 months. I feel Great. What is 0.75 nmol ??????