Around the beginning of October I had a protocol change, I went to EOD T injections, with HCG also going EOD, injected on none T days. After a week or so I felt pretty darn good, libido was solid for the first time. I tend to aromatase so I kept my AI of 0.22mg on Mon Wed Fri. About a month into the new protocol I got Low E2 symptoms (including libido loss), backed off my AI for a week and returned to taking it every 4th day. Within a week I felt a bit better, libido came back and I was good again. 2 weeks go by and libido drops again, and I go do my labs during this time. I was shocked to see such a low E2 number.
TT 1131
FT 27.2
E2 sensitive 19.7
DHT 118 (range 30-85)
SHBG 28 (risen from the change to EOD injections?)
I know I need to speak to Melissa at my consult, just wondering what are your guys thoughts if the lower e2 and the high DHT. also wondering if my T dose will be lowered, this is my trough, but injecting EOD I don't really have much of a trough. 38mg Test CYP EOD and 250 to 300ui of HCG EOD as well (days with no Test C injection). I have had e2 at 30 and now at 19.7 I am thinking 25 will be my magical number.
TT 1131
FT 27.2
E2 sensitive 19.7
DHT 118 (range 30-85)
SHBG 28 (risen from the change to EOD injections?)
I know I need to speak to Melissa at my consult, just wondering what are your guys thoughts if the lower e2 and the high DHT. also wondering if my T dose will be lowered, this is my trough, but injecting EOD I don't really have much of a trough. 38mg Test CYP EOD and 250 to 300ui of HCG EOD as well (days with no Test C injection). I have had e2 at 30 and now at 19.7 I am thinking 25 will be my magical number.
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