MCBeastX , thanks for sharing! of course you will be better at any treatment than without it. It would be nice if you can elaborate on how did you feel and managed while at high and at the time of low just before next injection. How were you monitored during that period by your doctor for the parameters of T , SHBG estrogen etc and what were your results. I managed just 3 shots of Nebido , the priming shots after the gel stopped working . so I cant say I had the treatment as should be in order to evaluate it real benefit.
I have attached a small spreadsheet I was doing recently to track the levels , unfortunately I no longer have medical coverage here and really don't feel like paying the high costs of the full blood tests. I am in a bit of a pickle here at the moment as I recently finished a contract at my last job and my medical coverage was from them.
I had a severe accident a couple of years back that shattered both my elbows and left me semi handicapped with regards to full use of my arms.
Due to this I am having alot of trouble getting proper coverage here as the nature of the accident was an explosion of a large water vessel that put me in the hospital for a couple of weeks. So, you can imagine the exclusions on any coverage ....they basically exclude anything to do with my arms ,back, neck , head...etc!
Anyway, back to the real question!
When I get the injection for a couple of days after it is a mix of feelings, sometimes good sometimes bad. I assume this is my body dealing with a spike in T and the conversion that may be happening at the same time. After a couple of days everything seems to stabilize and I feel strong and balanced. this usually lasts for about 2 months after the injection and then I can start to feel the decline. I know when I am due for another injection when i start feeling overly emotional. I have gone through bouts of depression before where I have not even considered that the hormones could be the cause because of the timing only to go and get a blood test and realize that I am in fact very low on T or very high in E2 as you can see by the attached.
As i said , I was very low when i initially discovered the cause of all my depression and mood swings. Initially I went to hospital with depression and was put on anti depressants which only made things worse. I was doing my own research at this time and came across Andropause and thought maybe this was the cause so I went and asked for bloodless for T...I still remember the look on the nurses face! want what? Well, 2 hours later it was confirmed....I was at 1.54 ng/ml on a range of 2.8 - 8.0!
I got on TRT and my life was back! started working out and bulked up, felt much better!
I actually thank my lucky stars that I was in much better shape when I had my accident in May of 2012 because if not I may be dead, the nature of the accident was so extreme that I am extremely lucky to have escaped with only the injuries I had and what I have now.
I truly believe that being on this therapy may have saved my life and enabled me to recover as I have. My surgeon initially told me that I probably would not get the use of my right arm back but I have managed to get my elbow to bend to at least 90 deg. His prognoses was max 30 deg!
If I was still feeling the way I felt before TRT I dont think I could have managed as well.
Again, I believe it could be better with proper management and knowledgeable doctor looking at all aspects. The endos here just don't know enough about this yet... and most I have seen tell me I know more than they do about this subject.
I am really looking forward to getting back to the US and getting some real answers instead of doing this all on my own so to speak!