Hello all,
I have been at this TRT thing for about 2 yrs now. My protocol is to inject 100 mg of testosterone cypionate twice per week. That is a little over 100 injections per year!
I have been using my quads, delts and glutes. I have enough scare tissue on my glutes where it is becoming painful to push the needle in. My delts and quads appear to be ok but I was thinking if I plan to be at this for years (or life) I need to work in more sites. I use very small needles too, 25 gage.
What are some sites that you guys use? Any resources to show how to inject in them?
I have been at this TRT thing for about 2 yrs now. My protocol is to inject 100 mg of testosterone cypionate twice per week. That is a little over 100 injections per year!
I have been using my quads, delts and glutes. I have enough scare tissue on my glutes where it is becoming painful to push the needle in. My delts and quads appear to be ok but I was thinking if I plan to be at this for years (or life) I need to work in more sites. I use very small needles too, 25 gage.
What are some sites that you guys use? Any resources to show how to inject in them?