So, funny story. (For those that aren’t me lol)
I keep my Arimidex on the left, viagra on the right.
Evidently during cleaning my wife swapped them not knowing.
I took 3 and thought man, I’m getting low. (I wasn’t but hindsight - wrong bottle)
so I’m aware the dosage for full blown cancer patients is only 1mg a day, I’m in a bit of a panic wondering if I should be jamming my fingers down my throat.
what say you gentlemen? How is this gonna go? Not going to die or go into any kinda frothing? I imagine my estrogen is going to go straight to 0, do not pass go?
is a quick drop to zero going to have ramifications as far as well being? Should I cease all Arimidex for like a month? Should I take another shot of testosterone tomorrow in an attempt to convert more? Am I safe to train tomorrow? Should I begin drinking a ton more water to offset what I understand to be a difficulty holding water with low e2?
I keep my Arimidex on the left, viagra on the right.
Evidently during cleaning my wife swapped them not knowing.
I took 3 and thought man, I’m getting low. (I wasn’t but hindsight - wrong bottle)
so I’m aware the dosage for full blown cancer patients is only 1mg a day, I’m in a bit of a panic wondering if I should be jamming my fingers down my throat.
what say you gentlemen? How is this gonna go? Not going to die or go into any kinda frothing? I imagine my estrogen is going to go straight to 0, do not pass go?
is a quick drop to zero going to have ramifications as far as well being? Should I cease all Arimidex for like a month? Should I take another shot of testosterone tomorrow in an attempt to convert more? Am I safe to train tomorrow? Should I begin drinking a ton more water to offset what I understand to be a difficulty holding water with low e2?