Scott- Typically it takes 3-6 months to achieve elevated IGF-1 levels with Semorelin. Since you were previously taking synthetic HGH, which is suppressive to the pituitary, it may actually take longer than 3 months to reverse the negative feedback depending on how long you were using the HGH.
In addition, IGF-1 is not the best "single" measurement of how the Sermorelin is working as levels tend to fluctuate throughout the day. Dr Rich Walker conducted a small observational study years ago which showed the upon taking Sermorelin, endogenous HGH levels increased significantly sometimes without a significant increase in IGF-1. He reported a decrease of body fat and increase of lean muscle in these patients which shows that IGF-1 is not solely responsible for the physical and intrinsic benefits usually attributed to IGF-1. HGH must be tested with multiple blood draws over a period of time, usually 20 minutes, in order to assess accurately. I will try to locate that information for this site.
Lastly, it has been observed that a dosage of 500mcg-1000mcg daily is the best starting dosage. It can be titrated down from there once levels are stable. For example, I took Sermorelin 1000mcg daily for 10 months and ended up with an IGF-1 level of 315ng. I then decreased the dosage to 500mcg three times per week which I have been doing since (I miss weeks here and there) and my levels are maintained above 225ng. My baseline was 160ng. When I worked with Dr Walker at APS pharmacy we observed this same efficacy in many other patients. We also see similar results in patients at our clinic. Of course, pituitary health and lifestyle also play a role in the efficacy of peptides like Sermorelin.
Here is a great article written by Dr Walker: