I believe diabetes medicine increased testosterone (!), the return to symptoms like when on TRT.

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On April 29th I quit TRT because of the symptoms I was encountering, strong pulsation in abdomen and swelling in the abdomen, BP 162/110 and multiple mineral and vitamin deficiencies. On June 5th exactly four and a half weeks after stopping TRT and fatigue from hell, I woke up and noticed I was feeling unusually well, by 10 a.m I noticed my muscle seemed firmer, energy was sky high and I felt like I was 21 again, but sadly the next morning I woke up with the same bloating and abdominal swelling as I had on TRT which continued off TRT however to a lesser extent until now.

My doctor prescribed diabetes medicine on Wednesday, Thursday I woke up and it was repeated of June 5th, I woke up and had incredible energy all day long, my muscle even firmed up, (co-workers commented about the new found energy) and now it right back to the symptoms I had while on TRT except now I'm on diabetes medicine.

There's only one explanation, I think this diabetes medicine lowered my glucose levels and increased my testosterone because my testicles dropped (!) like I haven't seen in a long time. My original symptoms of low testosterone, I was a human popsicle and was extremely cold intolerance. My legs were freezing and body cold, it's a symptoms of diabetes which more than likely dropped my testosterone.

We all know it's more than likely the diabetes came first, then the low testosterone suppressed LH therefore lowering testosterone. Originally my glucose levels were in the 250-280's and TRT brought it down to 140's morning and 110's at night. I have non-alcoholic fatty liver, the area of the pulsation.

My question is I can't lose weight with a testosterone of 97 ng/dL and I can't allow my testosterone to increase because these debilitating symptoms reemerge and this raunchy taste in my mouth has got to go! I feel like I'm drowning and am unable to come up for air.

If I stop the diabetes medicine inducing higher glucose levels I'll never get my testosterone to increase so I can lose weight and improve my fatty liver condition.

What do I do?
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Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
On April 29th I quit TRT because of the symptoms I was encountering, strong pulsation in abdomen and swelling in the abdomen, BP 162/110 and multiple mineral and vitamin deficiencies. On June 5th exactly four and a half weeks after stopping TRT and fatigue from hell, I woke up and noticed I was feeling unusually well, by 10 a.m I noticed my muscle seemed firmer, energy was sky high and I felt like I was 21 again, but sadly the next morning I woke up with the same bloating and abdominal swelling as I had on TRT which continued off TRT however to a lesser extent until now.

My doctor prescribed diabetes medicine on Wednesday, Thursday I woke up and it was repeated of June 5th, I woke up and had incredible energy all day long, my muscle even firmed up, (co-workers commented about the new found energy) and now it right back to the symptoms I had while on TRT except now I'm on diabetes medicine.

There's only one explanation, I think this diabetes medicine lowered my glucose levels and increased my testosterone because my testicles dropped (!) like I haven't seen in a long time. My original symptoms of low testosterone, I was a human popsicle and was extremely cold intolerance. My legs were freezing and body cold, it's a symptoms of diabetes which more than likely dropped my testosterone.

We all know it's more than likely the diabetes came first, then the low testosterone suppressed LH therefore lowering testosterone. Originally my glucose levels were in the 250-280's and TRT brought it down to 140's morning and 110's at night. I have non-alcoholic fatty liver, the area of the pulsation.

My question is I can't lose weight with a testosterone of 97 ng/dL and I can't allow my testosterone to increase because these debilitating symptoms reemerge and this raunchy taste in my mouth has got to go! I feel like I'm drowning and am unable to come up for air.

If I stop the diabetes medicine inducing higher glucose levels I'll never get my testosterone to increase so I can lose weight and improve my fatty liver condition.

What do I do?

If you haven't already, you might want to look into booking a consultation with Dr. Thomas O'Connor (https://www.testosteronology.com). He has a lot of experience dealing with complicated cases like yours. For instance, this case report makes me think of your complicated situation.
Also in other posts I thought you said your trt failed because of vit and mineral deficiency’s. Now your saying trt caused it?
Women have levels less than 97 and can lose weight. Why do you think you need the trt crutch to lose weight? Free your mind.
Women have levels less than 97 and can lose weight. Why do you think you need the trt crutch to lose weight? Free your mind.

While women have much lower levels of testosteone, they also have estrogen and progesterone which I'm sure help them in other ways..
What was your trt dose ?

Last Thursday I injected 6mg, then Friday 6mg and vitamin C was crushed four days later and stopped TRT at that point, then Wednesday I started diabetes medicine which did the exact same thing, crush vitamin C, only I was able to act quickly and within 30 minutes the horrible cramping in my GI tract and legs was gone, but the muscles are still pretty sore.

I believe the TRT or diabetes medication both increased my metabolism making my vitamin C intake insufficient causing vitamin C deficiency. I also believe the reason for low testosterone is metabolism related not necessarily testosterone, there must be a mechanism which caused low testosterone.

My mood, thought process, energy is very good right now after getting enough vitamin C intake earlier today. If I ever restart TRT I will need to get my vitamin C dose right pretty quickly.

My muscles are still firm from those two injections last week.

I over respond to EVERYTHING!
What diabetes medicine is it?

Glucotrol XL which last 24 hours. I have no side effects, the vitamin C issue is unique to me.
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Women have levels less than 97 and can lose weight. Why do you think you need the trt crutch to lose weight? Free your mind.
Sorry fif but you’re reaching on that one lol. Women are designed to have much less testosterone. If you read my posts you guys know i have a hard time with trt myself. But I can say this. For me it’s easiest to lose weight by lifting how ever with low t and low normal cortisol lifting brings on all my awful symptoms. The best thing I’ve done for feeling better in my 11+ year low hormone journey is stop lifting. That being said. I’m over weight now. I usually walked around at 185lbs. At 6ft tall I’m now 225. Yes I’m older now that’s a factor. But trt allows me to lift without feeling terrible. Then I can indirectly lose weight. That’s how trt helps me lose weight. The problem with trt and me is I have low shbg and finding a protocol that works has been a nightmare. I’m currently on my last try with trt on androgel. Fingers crossed.
Seems to me that you don't tolerate TRT very well. Your only choice seems to be to get your diabetes under control with a low carb diet and/or the diabetes meds. High blood sugar will absolutely fry your bodily tissues and shorten your life span and health span. You simply must get that handled one way or another
Seems to me that you don't tolerate TRT very well. Your only choice seems to be to get your diabetes under control with a low carb diet and/or the diabetes meds. High blood sugar will absolutely fry your bodily tissues and shorten your life span and health span.

My blood pressure has always been out of control on TRT, except when I first attempted a daily protocol, but then I had multiple deficiencies and didn't know it. Back in late June, early July I had my blood pressure perfect and it took me longer to correct my mineral and vitamin deficiencies, it took me forever to dial in my vitamin C dosing which is unusually low dose.

By the time I got mineral and vitamin deficiencies right, my blood pressure was already getting out of hand from being off TRT for 5 months, I thought for sure the daily protocol would correct the BP issues, I was wrong, it got worse.

The blood pressure issues caused other problems, apparently high blood pressure affects kidney function from removing wastes and extra fluid from the body which can lead to cramping and bloating. I had been dealing with bloating for the last couple of weeks, then when I restarted TRT, the BP issues worsened and I started experiencing decrease urination (as in April) and then muscle cramps in entire body.

This all happened last April, I realize the BP problems caused the bloating, cramping including the GI tract which I've been having problems with inconsistent stools, half is normal and the other half not looking right. The last couple of nights I have been going to bed with cramping, then waking up 2-3 a.m with diarrhea and as I in the restroom, my stomach and intestines are cramping badly.

I need to get control of my blood pressure and blood glucose before attempting TRT again. I have been going to the gym and spending an hour on the treadmill and 45 minutes lifting weights every other day.

I have been eating a more balance meal and cut out ALL sugar!
My blood pressure has always been out of control on TRT, except when I first attempted a daily protocol, but then I had multiple deficiencies and didn't know it. Back in late June, early July I had my blood pressure perfect and it took me longer to correct my mineral and vitamin deficiencies, it took me forever to dial in my vitamin C dosing which is unusually low dose.

By the time I got mineral and vitamin deficiencies right, my blood pressure was already getting out of hand from being off TRT for 5 months, I thought for sure the daily protocol would correct the BP issues, I was wrong, it got worse.

The blood pressure issues caused other problems, apparently high blood pressure affects kidney function from removing wastes and extra fluid from the body. I had been dealing with bloating for the last couple of weeks, then when I restarted TRT, the BP issues worsened and I started experiencing decrease urination (as in April) and then muscle cramps in entire body.

This all happened last April, I realize the BP problems caused the bloating, cramping including the GI tract which I've been having problems with inconsistent stools, half is normal and the other half not looking right. The last couple of nights I have been going to bed with cramping, then waking up 2-3 a.m with diarrhea and as I in the restroom, my stomach and intestines are cramping badly.

I need to get control of my blood pressure and blood glucose before attempting TRT again. I have been going to the gym and spending an hour on the treadmill and 45 minutes lifting weights every other day.

I have been eating a more balance meal and cut out ALL sugar!
I have followed your story. Your body certainly wants to throw some challenges your way. I wish you the best of luck. Losing weight can be very difficult. IF you run into problems losing it on the balanced diet, I would try a very low carb, even ketogenic diet. Lots of people are having success on keto including myself. I find it effortless to maintain weight using a high fat, low carb keto diet. It took a few months for my body to get used to it, but now after 9 months on it, I am in a groove.
Systemlord you will get it figured out I’m sure.

I would bet that optimizing your vitamins/minerals/etc alone will raise your test levels some.

It has been my experience personally and with people i know that trt either is a homerun solution from day 1 or it’s trash. Gotta know when to cut bait.
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Systemlord you will get it figured out I’m sure.

Of course I will, I have full confidence that eventually things will work out.

I have been experiencing cramping in legs and gut in the evenings last three nights, now I have confirmation it's crushed potassium because teeth are yellow, which only happens when potassium is below range.

This all started after I began taking the diabetes medication, not even the TRT decrease my potassium after those two 6mg injections more than a week ago, I have notice more energy since I started taking the diabetes medicine which was Wednesday, I started encountering the cramping Friday.

I have noticed since I started taking the ACE inhibitor today I have been urinating more, but have been having these cramping symptoms for days. I'm assuming the diabetes medication is lowering potassium, strange considering it's supposed to block potassium channels.

A1C is 6.6%, morning glucose is in the 140's. When I re-started TRT I went from needing 400mg->1400mg to achieve the same levels, as these labs clearly show potassium took a nosedive and I don't understand why. The same thing happens with vitamin C!

I don't know if I'll ever be able to do a daily protocol again, this happened to a lesser degree on an EOD protocol and even less on twice weekly. I didn't start having problems until I started an EOD protocol. It seems having my levels stable causes minerals and vitamins to be drained quickly!

These potassium labs were done after only two 6mg injections which boosted my energy for many days, I haven't really experienced a major decline. My HCT is 41%, lowest I've ever seen it even when scoring a 97 ng/dL. I'm shutdown after two 6mg injections, whoa!

I never did experience a honeymoon phase.

Potassium labs:
10/13 = 4.5
10/16 = 4.1
10/19 = 3.6!
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It seems the use of Protonix lowers potassium in those who have impaired K(+)-recycling system, apparently Protonix can cause low potassium. I've been dealing with this for over a week and my doctors have said nothing about any of this!

I just re-started taking Protonix about a week ago at the same time as re-starting TRT and have been dealing with low potassium ever since and was told to start taking it twice daily and started doing so on Saturday.

I'm certain I have a impaired K(+)-recycling disorder because of the fact I can't handle a normal vitamin C intake without it building up in my system, supplementing a normal 65-90mg dose will see liver enzymes mildly elevated and stabbing pain in the abdomen.

-->Having trouble with vitamin C dosing do to a deficiency via orange juice, need advice.

I'm starting to wonder if last April's week of chronically low potassium has anything to do with taking Protonix, I kept coming in the ER with chronically low potassium back in April. All my problems in the last 6 months could be doctor negligence for failing to make the connection!

Proton pump inhibitors and risk of vitamin and mineral deficiency: evidence and clinical implications

I'm furious!

Does a proton pump inhibitor cause hypokalemia?

Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) act only in the stomach, although the proton pump, H(+),K(+)-ATPase exists and contributes to H(+) and K(+) homeostasis in the kidney. We encountered two hypokalemic cases receiving omeprazole. These cases were women ages 69 and 80 years old. Their serum potassium levels decreased with accelerated urinary potassium excretion with the use of omeprazole, and recovered by potassium-supplement and the discontinuation of omeprazole. Because inhibitory effects of PPIs on H(+),K(+)-ATPase are exerted only in acidic condition, hypokalemia is not generally introduced by PPIs alone. However, in extreme alkalosis or impaired K(+)-recycling system, PPIs may cause hypokalemia unrelated to hypomagnesemia.

Proton pump inhibitors and risk of vitamin and mineral deficiency: evidence and clinical implications

Vitamin C
A recent review by McColl highlights a detailed understanding of the effect of PPIs on vitamin C absorption [McColl, 2009]. Humans are unable to synthesize vitamin C and thus must rely upon obtaining adequate concentrations of the water-soluble vitamin from dietary intake. PPIs affect its bioavailability via lowering its concentration in gastric juices as well as the proportion of vitamin C in its active antioxidant form, ascorbic acid. The ascorbic acid that is in turn secreted by the gastric mucosa directly affects the concentration of nitrite and "iron" in gastric juices.

Mowat and colleagues investigated the effects of omeprazole 40 mg for 4 weeks on vitamin C concentrations in gastric juice in healthy individuals [Mowat et al. 1999]. Median intragastric pH increased from 1.4 prior to omeprazole therapy to 7.2 (range 3.5–8.5) while subjects were taking omeprazole, and vitamin C concentrations decreased from 5 μm/l pretreatment with omeprazole to 3 μm/l while subjects were taking omeprazole, reflecting a notable decrease in the biologically active form of ascorbic acid. The clinical significance relative to the decreases in vitamin C is derived from a theory that it may protect against conversion of nitrite to N-nitroso compounds by bacteria which could potentially colonize the achlorhydric stomach environment.

There is additional evidence that PPIs lower serum vitamin C concentrations.

It's more than likely my multiple mineral deficiencies back in April is related to the use of Protonix and it's happening all over again and my doctors wants me to double up on the dosage.

I almost died and my doctors never made the connection, this is BS!
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@Systemlord The protonix problem is another great reason to go ultra low carb. Without the carbs most, if not all, of your GERD will go away. AS well, on low carb, your blood sugar will normalize quite quickly without needing to take the diabetes meds.

Those proton pump inhibitors are nasty nasty drugs. Besides all of what you listed out above, they are associated with cardiovascular disease. IIRC it is because they lower nitric oxide production.
@Systemlord The protonix problem is another great reason to go ultra low carb. Without the carbs most, if not all, of your GERD will go away. AS well, on low carb, your blood sugar will normalize quite quickly without needing to take the diabetes meds.

Those proton pump inhibitors are nasty nasty drugs. Besides all of what you listed out above, they are associated with cardiovascular disease. IIRC it is because they lower nitric oxide production.

Thanks for the info, definitely a nasty drug which I have plenty of in my medicine cabinet most of which either do nothing or worsen my condition.

Low carb here I come. Been eating a lot of spinach and asparagus with my meals. I didn't mean to imply the medicine is solely to blame for my mineral deficiencies, I'm partly to blame.
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